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Book online «Lust And Revenge by Reginah Shadreck (book reader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Reginah Shadreck

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Twenty two

A knock at the door wakes me up and a maid walks in she looks like my age and is spoting a bruised eye that she did a terrible job of trying to hide.

"What happened to your eye"  I ask her as she bandages my hands now that I've showered and changed "hey",I say and hold her hand but she panicks and moves away from me wrapping her arms around herself.

I walk to the dresser and hand her the concealer I use whenever Giovanni hits me and give her sometime to calm down. What the hell is she going through Giovanni is horrible and so are the people here.

After giving her sometime she leads me down stairs,the ranch is big and has a victoria era deco to it,there are armed men everywhere and to be honest I feel a little bit of tension from the men we came with and the men that work here.

I'm so focused on looking around that I don't look where I'm going "hey there baby", a man says and wraps his hands around me "you must be Giovanni's woman",he says and licks his lips while grabbing my ass. 

"Let go of me asshole",I scream and struggle to push him away. And just then a gun was fired and the man fell to the ground. And warm hands held me and the scent of wood, whiskey and spice enveloped me .

"It's okay", Giovanni said and wiped the tears I didn't realize were falling."I'm the only one allowed to make this pretty face cry",he continues and the little sense of security I felt disappeared.

"It seems your father never taught you that you don't touch other men's women most especially my woman",he says while putting his gun away. " This is a score to settle another time",he says and kicks him out of the way.

We head down stairs with Giovanni's arm on the small of my back. "I like your dress but next time don't dress so temptingly",he whispers and kisses the corner of my mouth.

"Don Giovanni my friend, please forgive the idiot son of mine ",the fat man from yesterday says as soon as we get down the stairs.

"We'll see ",is all he says and helps me to my seat and the table. He puts food on my plate and Enzo and everyone else is as confused as I am . "Eat",he commands and I begin eating. When I have eaten half of the food ,he hands me some mango juice and says while wiping my mouth clean.

"I brought a gift for you,Kendra please bring the gift we brought",he says and Kendra freezes I can see the hands holding her fork tremble,now that I realize it she's been like that since she got here.

She slowly gets up and walks to who is holding a suck and a horrid smell fills the room I know that smell all too well,I look at Giovanni and he moves me from my seat and onto his lap,I place my head on his shoulder and and face away from everyone.

"My god who's head is this",asks.

"You must know,what did you think that I wouldn't find out",he says and rubs my back.

Just then someone bursts in " Sir the cops raided the warehouse they took all our merchandise",he says while trying to catch his breath.

"You son of a bitch the man says and pulls out his gun but Enzo shoots him on his leg making him scream in pain and fall to the ground. "Guards! guards!,Nico!" He yells

"I have no time for this,and where is that son of yours,Skull bring that bastard here",and just then the man from earlier is dragged in all beaten up "dad all our guards turned against us this bastard paid them all ",he says and crawls to his dad.

" I see you can't keep your hands to yourself,Enzo we better get rid of them for him",he says and Enzo takes out a matchet " you better look away from this dollface it will get bloody",he says and I look away.

I can hear the scream of pain as the matchet cuts through Bone and flesh and as begs for his son. Giovanni really is wicked,I close my eyes and think back to the time when I had everything,I wonder how Mason is, and does Lucas miss me at all, will I spend the rest of my life with Giovanni that takes everyone's lives lightly.

"Bring out the money and share it amongst yourselves",he says to the guards that worked for the now dead and his son.And he gets up with me in his arms I don't open my eyes all the way till we get into the car. I take in my surroundings and realize I'm in a G-wagon "here press here when me get out of here",he says and hands me a small remote.

As soon as we get outside I press the little red button and the ranch behind us blows up and goes up in flames. "Jesus Christ!",I scream and Giovanni just chuckles "you better get used to this dollface,now how about some sightseeing",he says and I can't believe this man ,he just ended the lives of all the people he left in the ranch and wants to go sightseeing,I wonder what happened to that girl I gave some concealer to.

"Are you going to kill me too someday",I ask and look at my hands,I pushed that button I killed all those people.

"Now why would I do that,you have become someone special to me and I'll keep you with me forever,have you forgotten we are a family now ",he says and gives me a warm smile but I don't feel warmth from it but a chill that runs down my spine. Those green eyes his a viper hiding in the shadows. 


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