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seen it as sensible for his profession. Molly always thought he was just crazy but they’d grown up understanding the world was a scary

place and their father had instilled the importance of anonymity and protecting their privacy.

The alarm system was installed the Monday after Katrina had moved

in and he’d had floodlights installed on all the exterior doors. He didn’t

care if it was overkill. There was nothing he wasn’t going to do to protect

his family.

He drove Katrina to school every morning and Molly took the boys

separately. He didn’t want the man seeing Kat and Seth together. Imogen

drove Katrina downtown every day after school to some predetermined

building and either he or Stephens would pick her up inside an attached

parking garage. They switched it up regularly so she couldn’t be easily followed. It was all a bit cat and mouse but until they could safely do anything different, they were going to be cautious, more than cautious.

Smith and Terrell were still at it with their leads and they’d also still

not managed to get their hands on the plumber they were interested in.

Dillon was attracting attention at the precinct too but he’d expected it.

Chief Greenwood had called him to his office only three days into the week following spring break. The conversation had been strained to say

the least.

“So do you have anything you need to tell me?” Greenwood was

eying him suspiciously.

Dillon shook his head slowly. Having made the decision to put

Katrina ahead of his job had liberated him to some degree. He couldn’t

even say he really feared what might happen to his career. He was willing to accept it and so the man in front of him really couldn’t do much to threaten Dillon. “I don’t. Do you have anything you need to tell


“Don’t be a smartass, Adler. You’re a good detective, but I don’t need

the attitude.” Then he studied him. “And how’s Ms. Page doing?”

“And why are you asking me?”

“Oh I don’t know. I suppose because you’re fucking her.”

He stared impassively at Greenwood. He said nothing. He didn’t

deny or confirm what the man was saying, and once Greenwood’s face started burning in anger, he pushed it just a bit further. “I’d say you’d

have to ask her how she’s doing.”

“And why’s that?”

He held his composure calmly. “Because I’m not her so I couldn’t

possibly answer that question. Perhaps check with Smith and Terrell.”

“Smith and Terrell don’t even know where she’s living. I don’t

suppose you know anything about that?”

“Well, I heard the poor woman’s house burned down. Might explain

why she’s homeless.”

“Oh, I don’t think she’s homeless at all.” Greenwood was glaring at him.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. I quite respect Ms. Page and I’d hate to

think of her without a roof over her head.”

“So you don’t know where she’s living then?”

“Again these are really questions for Ms. Page. Not the detective you

removed from her case. I surely can’t be expected to keep tabs on ex-witnesses now can I?”

Greenwood’s lips were pursed together in a tight line. His hands were

clasped on his desktop and he was leaning forward, studying Dillon with

an intense expression. “What would your father think, I wonder, about your recent behavior?”

“My father knows everything about my life and remarkably he’s still

quite fond of me. Chief, I really do have some work to do. Is there anything else you’d like to ask about?”

“I don’t like being lied to.”

“And yet you’ve not asked a single pointed question and you’re

allowing me to sidestep each and every one. Unless you really want me

to be honest, I’d be careful what you ask. I should tell you my life is exactly as I mean it to be. There’s nothing anyone can say to me that would sway my responsibilities and focus.”

“That sounded dangerously like a threat.”

“I can’t imagine. You’re the only one in this room with the capacity to

threaten anyone.”

“I’m only concerned.”

“I appreciate that.” Dillon stood and turned to the door.

“Is it worth it?”

Dillon paused without looking back. “I wouldn’t waste my time

doing anything that wasn’t.” And then he left.

He took his time walking back to his desk. He wasn’t lying when he

said Greenwood had been easy on him. He’d not asked a single question

Dillon couldn’t easily avoid answering. Dillon hadn’t even had to lie to

get out of his office and not once did Greenwood hold his feet to the fire.

He could have point-blank asked Dillon if he was sleeping with Katrina

and yet he didn’t. There was no mistaking the man was livid at the position Dillon was putting him in, but there was also no mistaking the

man was holding back.

In the nearly week and half since then though Greenwood had said

nothing further to him. Dillon and Stephens had other cases they were working and when they’d give Greenwood an update on one thing or

another the man studied Dillon curiously at best.

It had been a stagnant two weeks since Katrina moved in and Dillon

was restless. It was insane that her case was dragging on so long, but it

was what it was. The man was just patient—incredibly fucking patient.

When the phone rang as Katrina was standing at the stove, Dillon

answered. It was Stephens.

“Just got off the phone with Terrell. Her creepy-ass student checks out. He’s not been in class because he dropped out of her class. But he had an airtight alibi on the night her house was set on fire and the night

she was attacked in the parking garage. He was out of town visiting a grandparent the night she was attacked and he was working the night her home was set on fire. It’s not him. He’s a total fucking fruitcake but

he’s not a psychopath—at least he’s not our psychopath.”

“Good to know. I’ll make sure Kat knows.” Her eyes flashed to his and he walked up behind her, gripping her hip with his free hand.

“Crazy student checks out.” He murmured against her ear before

returning to Stephens.

“But we still have a missing plumber with a background that’s getting

more interesting by the day.”

“Oh yeah? Tell me.”

“His name is Clint Lathrop. He only worked for this particular

contractor for about six months. He quit with no notice the week after

Kat was first attacked in her home. Could be coincidence, but we don’t like coincidences, now do we? His address on file turned out to be false

and the people who do reside there have never seen the man before. A criminal background check showed up nothing for the state of

Washington but you’ll never guess what they hit on in the state of South



“Stalking charge. And the victim was a young teacher. Could be he’s

got a hot-for-teacher complex, could be some weird retaliation for Ms.

South Dakota—who by the way is alive and well. But here’s another thing. Ms. South Dakota had gone out with Mr. Stalker a few times before she decided she just wasn’t so into him and when I pulled her driver’s license pic, there’s a resemblance. It’s not striking but it was enough to give me the heebie-jeebies. Struck me because our perp made

a comment about Kat being a tease or you’re all teases, something along

those lines on one of his phone messages.”

“Hmm.” Dillon was far too focused on the story to say much else.

“Could be the man fled South Dakota after he was released, took a job

in Seattle, came across Kat by coincidence, saw the resemblance,

discovered she was a teacher—which may have increased his draw to her

—and she became a way for him to retaliate. And one other thing.

Dude’s got a vandalism charge on his record for setting a fire in a trash

can on Ms. South Dakota’s front lawn. Pyro-fruitloop perhaps?”

“He sounds promising. And Smith and Terrell are tracking with your

train of thought?”

“Yeah. They’re on this man like a stripper on a rich man’s lap.”

“Huh. Just made that up, didn’t ya?”

“Fuck off. I’m off. Think we just need to keep doing what we’re doing

until they can get their hands on this wackjob. I feel good about this lead.

Now they just need to find the douche fucker.”

“Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow.” When he hung up, Katrina was

watching him while she stirred something that smelled Asian in the pan.

He’d never eaten so well in his life. The girl could cook—she could also

fuck. Two of his favorite needs in the world were being satisfied constantly and the fact he was in love with her too made him feel like the

luckiest man on the planet.

When he hung up, she moved the pan off the heat and turned to face him. “I saw a picture of the plumber. Smith asked me if I recognized him,

remembered him.”

“And did you?”

She nodded. “Can’t say the man made much of an impression. I

mean, I remember him but that’s about the most I can say of him. I don’t

really remember talking to him or anything beyond just recognizing him

really.” She was biting the inside of her cheek as she stared at his chest

for a moment. “I remember him just being—I don’t know—normal.”

“Normal can be deceptive sometimes. We just have to be careful. A nondescript face won’t help us notice this guy if he gets close to us.”

It wasn’t two days later that the love of his life decided to challenge

that bit of advice.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Sorry, sweetie. Stephens is running down a lead on one of our cases

and I’m going to be stuck on a call with the DA for a while. I could have

Smith or Terrell meet you somewhere downtown and take you home?”

“No. It’s not a big deal. Imogen’s right here and she said she doesn’t

have anything going on. We’re going to hang out here for a while and work on the scenery for her spring play. The school stays pretty busy with after-school activities for a couple hours. The ball diamond and the

soccer field will be hopping and there will be people around. We’ll just

hang ‘til later. How about six o’clock? Will that give you enough time?”

“Yeah, babe. I’ll see you in a bit. Have fun with the scenery.”

“It’s Our Town. There’s not really that much to do. Also means there’s not much for us to screw up.”

“Love ya.”

“Love you too.”

“Aren’t you two just so adorable? You’re going to marry him aren’t you?” Imogen’s brow was up as she waited for Kat’s response.

“If he asks, absolutely.”

“I’m going to be your maid of honor.”

Katrina busted out laughing. Only Imogen could get away with

simply demanding the role. “Of course, Imogen. And what of your other


“Well I’d like to wear a wedding dress too.”


“Why not? I may never get married and if I’m going to take on the responsibility of planning your wedding I don’t think it’s too much to ask.”

“Planning! Who said anything about planning?”

“Oh, love, come on. Obviously out of the two of us I could definitely

plan a better wedding than you. Everyone knows that.”

“They do?”

“Sure. You’re, well, how do I put this delicately—you’re not very


“That’s not true!”

“I’m in the arts and you’re, well—you help kids read.”

“You’re a junior high art teacher and drama coach. You must be


“Honey, I can’t help that I’m more talented than you.”

They were sitting on the stage in the auditorium and she was ready to

roll off the stage as she laughed at Imogen. She ended up lying on her back as her stomach heaved and she fought to catch her breath. “Oh, Imogen.” She pushed herself back up to sit. “You’ve lost your mind.”

“I have. There’s no doubt about it.” When Imogen reached out and

clasped her wrist suddenly, Katrina jumped and yelped at the surprise.

“I have a crush on your cop.”

“You know it’s poor form to crush on my boyfriend, right? I mean, did you really miss that day of friendship school?”

“Not him! The other one. The one who doesn’t smile and who’s kind

of scary and who scowls at me when I talk and then tells me I need to speak English if I’m going to live here, as though my people didn’t invent the language.” She was watching Katrina with a wistful

expression on her face. Katrina wasn’t wistful in the least—she was shocked and when she burst out laughing Imogen threw a roll of tape at


“Oh shit.” She was trying to talk through her hysterical laughter. “I need a drink. That revulsion
” She erupted into laughter. “Divulsion!

It’s not a word but I don’t care. That deserves a drink.”

“Hell yes it does. It’s hard to secretly pine after someone who’s mean

to you and doesn’t seem to understand a word of what you say. I mean,

I’m from Kensington for God’s sake. It’s not as though I’ve got a bloody

Cockney accent.”

“Oh I’m sure you can hold your own. Really? Stephens?”

“He’s handsome in a roguish sort of way.”

He was in his own way. Katrina had always thought so and now that

she actually liked the man, she had no problem seeing the draw. But

Imogen? That was a hard one to wrap her head around. Imogen was something of a snob. Perhaps not with her poor best friend but when it

came to men
well, there were expectations to say the least. She’d once

ended a date because the man didn’t cover his nose with the crook of his

elbow when he sneezed. Apparently the poor man had allergies and after

three sneezes that he’d had the gall to stop with his hand, she’d made her

excuses and spent the next hour complaining to Katrina on the phone.

Hell, Stephens couldn’t even go one sentence without dropping the f-

bomb but, seeing as Imogen usually couldn’t either when they were out

of school, perhaps Katrina was judging too harshly.

“Well Godspeed and all that. Now I really do need a drink.” She

looked around the darkened auditorium for a moment. “We could. That

little Mexican place we tried a year ago is on the way and they make fab

fresh-made margaritas. We have to go that way anyway. It’s always


Katrina was rationalizing and Imogen was watching her expectantly,

waiting for her to completely talk them both into it. It really was as safe

as anywhere. Hell, they were more alone in the school than they would

be there and it was on the way. It had been entirely too many months since she and Imogen had gone on a margarita run. “Okay. One drink.

Two max and Dillon should be ready by the time we finish anyway. And

hell, I’m hungry. I want nachos. He wouldn’t want me to starve now would he?”

“If you get in trouble I’m telling him it was all your idea.”

“The very fact you just said ‘get in trouble’ makes me want a drink all

the more. Since when have I let other people make these decisions for me? I’m not being reckless. It’s totally safe there. Busy is better and this place is always packed. Right?”

Imogen nodded.

Katrina was trying very hard to talk herself into it and she recognized

it full well but, damn, she was convincing and she believed every word

margarita-Kat was telling her. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

They left as they always did at the end of the day to Imogen’s car parked in the parking lot. The lot butted up against the sports field and it was still busy with kids yelling and coaches doing the same. They pulled

out as they always did and they even took the very same streets headed

toward downtown they always did. It was easy for Katrina to convince herself and believe wholeheartedly this was any other day.

They pulled into the restaurant parking lot, seeing it full as they expected it to be. They parked close and waited five minutes for the staff

to clear a table by a window that would allow them to keep Imogen’s car

in sight. It was insane just how good she’d gotten at being conscious of

her surroundings at all times and she wasn’t letting her guard down.

They kept Imogen’s car in the periphery the hour they were there. She managed two margaritas and they might have just been the best

margaritas she’d even tasted.

When they stood to leave, she reached for her purse hanging on the

back of her chair and they walked from the restaurant no worse for wear.

They sat in Imogen’s car for a few minutes, laughing about some

random Imogen comment and when they pulled from the parking lot,

the clock said their timing was impeccable. Katrina popped a piece of gum in her mouth, pushing away the pang of guilt quickly and when Imogen pulled into the parking garage to drop Kat off on the fifth floor

as agreed upon, her nerves left her heart racing for a moment but she pushed them aside too.

He was standing by his Tahoe, looking beautiful and tall and an

incredible rush of warmth washed through her, pushing away her minor

indiscretion entirely never to be seen or heard from again. It was just a drink. A long-overdue drink with her best friend, all cautions heeded and her security and safety never far from her mind.

“Hi.” He smirked. She loved his smirk. It was a sexy thing seeing his

lip pull up in that way. She loved those lips and she especially loved watching them. She enjoyed what he did with them even more and his smirk was a reminder of just how good he was at doing things with that


“Hi.” She waved to Imogen as she pulled away from them and she

pounced. There was no denying even two margaritas had been enough

to light a fire in her already-healthy libido and now that he was within

her reach, she wasn’t going to be keeping her hands off him. She kissed,

she thrust her tongue between his lips as he gasped in surprise but he had quite a healthy libido too and her kiss turned to their kiss very fast.

His tongue ran over hers as he pushed her body back to the side of his


She could feel his arousal hard against her stomach through his pants

and her mind was trying to figure out how exactly she could convince him to screw her in a parking garage. When he pulled back from her, holding her at arm’s length, he chuckled. “What’s gotten into you

tonight?” That damn smirk again.

“Nothing at all but I’m hoping you can rectify that quickly.” It wasn’t

really Katrina’s style to be seductive but she was sure as hell trying her

hand at it tonight.

“Home.” She moaned at his word and he chuckled again.

“You’re no fun.”

He laughed. “I’m a cop. That does not mean I can’t get arrested for misbehaving in public. Now get in the car. You’re just slowing me down

and I apparently have to rectify your emptiness.”

They drove in silence. It was dark out and her body was relaxed and

content. It was the kind of peace she missed from her old life. She never

used to worry about her safety—not ever. Not that it wasn’t worth worrying about but there wasn’t a reason to and so she didn’t. The quiet

surrounding her now with him sitting strong and silent beside her

reminded her very much of the security she used to feel in her life. The

only difference was he shared it with her.

As he turned the car off once he’d pulled into the garage and closed

the garage door behind him, he turned to her. “So I noticed you wore a

skirt today.”

“I did. I wasn’t aware you had a thing for skirts.” She turned on the

seductive again and he smiled.

“I don’t have any particular preference one way or the other, but seeing as I can get my dick under your skirt, I do have an interest in it at the moment.”

” He leaned toward her, giving her no chance to fully respond

before his hand pushed up under the fabric, slipped past the leg of her underwear and started toying with her already-wet sex. She gasped and

groaned and the second he gave her even one moment to contemplate, she launched herself into his lap as he chuckled.

She undid the button and lowered the zipper of his pants and he

pushed the waist of his underwear down as his cock sprang free. He was as aroused as she was and when she gripped the shaft, he hissed and reached between her legs again, plunging his finger into her.

It didn’t take him long to abandon her body to lift her hips and force

her down over his erection. His lips met hers and he pulled her hips tight

to him, sealing their bodies together as she focused on relaxing around his deep penetration. Their movements were restricted and subtle but she squeezed hard around him as he started clenching his buttocks and

pushing himself deeper.

He nipped at her neck as he pushed into her and when she fell apart

he was right on her heels, groaning with his mouth to her ear. He stroked

her back and she snuggled into his neck as they relaxed into each other

and it wasn’t until his phone vibrated in his pocket that he finally lifted

his head from her neck and she sat up straight.

“Hey, Seth.” He sounded breathy as he answered. “Tomorrow? Yeah

that’s fine I guess. I have to go to the precinct for a while late morning so I can’t go but as long Molly is with you boys and you’re somewhere busy, I’m fine with it.” His brow was furrowed though and she could see

worry regardless. “Love you too, bud. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

He hung up. “Kite Festival tomorrow at Magnuson.”

“I could go too if you want me to.”

“I don’t. No offense.” He looked nervous about what he wanted to

say and she guessed what it was before he even opened his mouth.

“They’re safer without you. There’s no evidence suggesting our guy even

knows you live here, much less who Seth, Molly or Jake are. I’d like to keep it that way.” She nodded. Of course it made sense. It also made her

feel guilty. “Someday, baby. Someday we won’t have to worry about any

of it. I promise.”

She climbed from his lap as he slipped from her body and she held her hand out to him as she stood by the driver’s door. Someday. Someday she wouldn’t feel guilty anymore. Someday she could have a real life with this man.

He woke her that night as he kissed her naked shoulder. He nuzzled

into her neck, purring a warm seductive hum against her skin. “I want to

marry you.” He whispered it from behind her as his lips met her ear.

She stared straight ahead into the dark as her heart rate started to

soar. She was in heaven just listening to his words and a smile pulled her lips up despite everything wrong with what he was saying. Actually his

words and desire were perfect—it was her life that was so wrong.

“Someday.” She whispered and he pulled her close, tightening his

arms around her. He understood what she was saying. She didn’t

question that for a moment.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

He was willing to accept someday. Someday meant yes. It meant

when the crazy was behind them, yes. He liked yes.

When his cell phone rang as they were making a late breakfast the next morning, he had to peel his eyes from her body. He loved watching

her in the kitchen. There was something so sexy about seeing her cook.

She’d lick her fingers to taste—that was nice. She’d bite her lips as she measured something out in a measuring cup and she’d hum while she putzed about.

“What’s up, Seth?”

“We just got here.”


“Why didn’t Kat just call us for a ride? I mean she could have just rode with us. I didn’t know she wanted to go.”

“She didn’t want to go. Who said she wanted to go?”

“She did. She just texted me. She’s supposed to be here any second.

I’m meeting her at the Brig.”

“Wait, what?” He stood straight up from his place slouched against the counter and he turned to her. “Kat, where’s your phone?”

“In my purse.”

“Get it.” Then to Seth, he spoke. “Seth, are you at the Brig alone?

Where’s Molly?”

“Dad, what’s going on?”

“Seth, listen to me. You have to—”

“Dude! Watch out!” Seth hollered to someone in the background and

Dillon fought to swallow as his panic started to set in. “Some a-hole just

tried to plow me over, Dad.”


But before Dillon could say anything further, he heard another voice.

“Hey, kid. You okay? That jerk almost took you out!”

“I know, right?” Dillon could tell by the distant sound of Seth’s voice that his phone was no longer near his ear and Dillon was stuck unable to

do anything to get his attention.

Panic was no longer something he could control and near desperate to

get his attention, he yelled into his phone as Katrina’s eyes widened and

she clutched at her chest when she heard Dillon’s voice. “Seth!”

“Dillon, I can’t find my phone.” His eyes flashed to hers and she was

waiting expectantly for him to say something to her. Just then his landline rang. “I’ll get it.” She moved quickly to answer.

“Guy just plowed through the building on his bike. Seriously?” Dillon

heard his son speaking to the stranger and when he glanced up at Katrina, he saw her brow furrowing and a quizzical confused expression

on her face.

“Dillon, it sounds like Seth. I thought—”

“Seth!” Desperate didn’t even come close to the blind panic that was

taking over Dillon’s body. “Put it on speaker, Kat.”

She looked shocked. She couldn’t possibly even know why she was

shocked and she was trembling at nothing more than Dillon’s fear.

When she reached to the speaker button on the phone console, her

hand froze as she studied the console. “Dillon, it’s my phone number on

caller ID.” Her voice trailed off.

He hit the speaker button on his cell phone as Kat finally pressed the

same button on the console and he set his phone on the counter. “No doubt. I saw it, buddy. Some kids can be so rude.” The stranger’s voice

was echoing through both phones. The delay was off slightly and it was a

haunting sound that made the stranger’s voice sound as though it were

coming from every direction.

Dillon sank against the counter as the realization of exactly what was

happening hit him. His head hit his hands as he braced his elbows on either side of his cell phone and he just stared. “What’s your name, kid?”

“Seth!” He knew Seth couldn’t hear him but it still didn’t stop him from trying to get his attention.

I don’t give my name out to people I don’t know. Sorry, dude.”

“Nah, it’s cool. I get it. Too many psychos out there, huh, Seth?” The

stranger’s voice had turned taunting and Dillon’s blood ran cold. He was

gasping for air.

“Oh my God.” Katrina moaned.

“What did you say?” Seth’s voice was loaded with suspicion. He

didn’t sound frightened but it didn’t mean Dillon wasn’t terrified. “Who

the fuck are you?”

“Just a friend of Kat’s. You make sure to tell her I said hi, won’t you?”

And then there was dead silence for a moment. Seth was saying nothing

and when the stranger started to whistle Katrina whimpered. The

whistling grew more and more distant from Dillon’s cell phone while remaining strong from the console and Seth remained silent.

“Dad? Dad?” He snatched his cell up from the counter.

“Seth? Jesus, are you okay?”

“Dad, I think it was him.”

“You get away from him now. If you’re inside, you get out. You find

people. You get out in the open. Now! And you scream your ass off if you see him again.”

“Okay.” Seth’s voice was a whisper. They were silent, listening to the

quiet rustling and shuffling coming through the cell phone. “I see Molly.”

Dillon started breathing again. “Get to her. You tell her to call 911 and

you tell her what happened.”

“Okay, Dad.” They listened to Seth holler for Molly.

“Is that you, Katrina?” She yelped and jumped as the voice came

through the phone console on the wall. “Of course it is. Did you see how

easy that was?”

Katrina was trembling and tears were sitting on the lower rims of her


“What can I say? You just made it so easy. Too busy guzzling

margaritas last night with the British girl to even notice me picking your

cell up off the floor. Not my fault you let it fall out of your purse.”

Dillon’s face started to burn in a fast-building torrent of fury that he

aimed at Katrina. “You can tell a lot about a person from their text message history. Like for instance your infatuation with a certain man named Dillon. He’s the cop, isn’t he? Seth’s dad too apparently. Naughty

naughty what the two of you are doing.”

“What do you want?” Her voice was quiet but furious and intense.

“Why, I’m going to kill you.” He was silent for a moment as Katrina

stared at the counter. “Don’t get me wrong. I’ll have my fun with you first but ultimately
well, ultimately I’m going to kill you.” If Dillon’s blood had been cold before it froze in his veins at the casual and almost

conversational way the stranger threatened her.

The sound of sirens was coming distantly through both phones,

echoing from different directions. He could hear Molly talking to

someone but Dillon had been forgotten at that point.

“Are those sirens for me? Too bad. I’m long gone. But don’t worry. I’ll

see you soon, Kat.” There was a click as he disconnected the phone.

There was nothing but silence and quiet distant murmuring coming

through Dillon’s cell phone. Dillon’s terror had passed but his fury was

building as they stood still. He was near critical mass when she finally opened her mouth.


“Shut up.” He was seething.

“Dillon, please?”

“Shut up!” He yelled it at her as she grimaced and cowered.

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