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Book online «Ava by Sarah Armad (Devilsgoodgirl) (best books to read for success .txt) 📖». Author Sarah Armad (Devilsgoodgirl)

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Chapter 16


Ava wakes up to see Eduardo sheepishly smiling at her. Ava wanted to break his face right now. After what he did last night she really wanted to break something of him. Especially break his over worked dick.

"I love you" says Eduardo and Ava moans in pain. She sits up and screams seeing the whole bed covered in blood. 
"It's just blood Ava" says Eduardo and says "come. I have bath ready for you" and picks her up bridal style and carries her inside the bathroom. He lowers her in the bathtub and smiles.

Eduardo then hears another scream and looks at Ava. 
"How did you do that?" Asks Eduardo.
"It wasn't me" whispers Ava.
"You are so cute" says Eduardo forgetting about the scream and was about to kiss her lips when they hear another scream. 
"Who is screaming?" Asks Eduardo and leaves the bathroom and sees two maids screaming in his bedroom terrified seeing blood.

"What?" Asks Eduardo and both maids look at him and scream more. They cover their eyes and run out of the room. 
Eduardo looks down at himself and smiles. 
"They must not have seen this big glorious masterpiece" says Eduardo butt naked.

He was about to walk in the bathroom when Agnolo walks in and looks at the bed covered in blood. He looks at Eduardo and asks "is she dead?" 
"No" says Eduardo.
"Clean up and come down for breakfast. And wear pants in front of maids. They don't want to see your tiny weaner" says Agnolo and walks out of the room.

Eduardo slides down behind Ava in the the bathtub and moans feeling the hot water touch his skin. He kisses Ava's back and says "in America I want you naked all the time. No one will be there except you and I. When I come home from work. I want you naked and ready for me. When I leave to office. I want you suck my dick to bid me goodbye. And if I am horny and want you in the middle of day. I will come home to you naked and ready for me. We will have so much of fun in America" says Eduardo.

"America?" Asks Ava. 
"Yes, we both will go to America this time. You will be with me all the time. I am going to love you so much" says Eduardo and scrubs her back and washes the dried blood off her body.

After a hot bath, Eduardo dries Ava and gives her a cute cotton dress to wear. 
"I'll be busy today. So, you rest after breakfast. Take a day off today as you were exceptional yesterday. You milked me good love" says Eduardo and kisses her lips.

Eduardo walks out of the room and after he left Ava in his room. Two maids from before come in to clean the room. They look at the blood and then at Ava. Both approach her and hug her. Ava was shocked but welcomed the hug and busts out crying. 
"We thought you were lucky to be with him but he is a monster" says one maid looking at the cuts on Ava.
"We all are sorry" cries the other. 
Ava wipes her tears and smiles.

Ava has her breakfast and wanted to go back to sleep. The maids dress her cuts and Ava leaves to go to her room. She couldn't skip the birth control pills in any cost. She takes the pill and get into bed for the most anticipated rest.

During breakfast Agnolo asks "when are you going back to America?"
"This week or next" says Eduardo.
"Why isn't it confirmed when you are leaving?" Asks Agnolo knowing very well about the delay. 
"I have some work here which I need to take care. Once it's done, I'll leave" says Eduardo.
"Hmm.." is all Agnolo says as he knew there is no way Eduardo could get Ava's passport ready any time soon.

Eduardo spent the whole day trying to get the authorities to move the paper work forward for Ava's passport but he fails. 
End of the day he returns home to ask his father for help. 
"I would be the last person who would want the girl to go with you to distract you" says Agnolo refusing to help him.

Eduardo was irritated that even this time he couldn't take Ava with him. He walks into his room and screams in frustration to not find Ava.
"I'll lock you up in my room when we are together in America" says Eduardo to himself and leaves to the servant quaters to get her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and fuck her as much as he could with the limited time they had together.

Eduardo climbs in Ava's room from the window cause he liked to scare her. He watches down on her like a creep he was and smiles. He looks around the room looking at her things to find something he could take with him to America which would remind him of her. He looks around and spots pills on her dresser. He picks them up to inspect what they were and on the bottle it was written birth control pills.

Eduardo saw blood. He wanted to rip Ava apart for going to this extent of not getting pregnant. But then he thinks. His Ava was too innocent to think about this. He fists the pills in his hand and knew exactly who was behind this. He looks one last time at the peacefully sleeping Ava and smiles. No way he could be angry at her, she was too cute and innocent. But she had to be taught a lesson so that she wouldn't lie to him again.

Eduardo keeps the bottle with the pills in his pocket and climbs out of Ava's room. He returns after an hour with the bottle but the pills in them were gone. He had replaced them with similar looking sweet bits and hoped she couldn't tell the difference. She wouldn't cause she was too innocent.

Eduardo caresses Ava's cheek and smiles when she lazily opens her eyes.
"Wake up sleepy head" says Eduardo and Ava closes her eyes and turns her head away to go back to sleep. 
"You still sleepy?" Asks Eduardo and Ava nods and falls back deep in sleep. 
Eduardo climbs next to her and places his head on her chest and hugs her. 
"You have so much to learn Ava. First will be to not lie to me" says Eduardo and closes his eyes smelling her intoxicating smell.

Ava was cold. Very cold, why? 
Cause she was in the middle of the vineyard, naked covered in honey. 
She was screaming to let go as the bugs were biting her and bees stinging her.
"Please help me" begs Ava to Eduardo who was seated in front of him on a chair. He had a hard expression on his face and was watching her as she was struggling to let free.
She was standing, tied to a wooden cross in the middle of the field as sun was setting on the vast field ready to welcome the moon to shine it's light on them.

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