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Book online «Sugar baby by Mariam León (8 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Mariam León

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chapter 18


That night I went to bed thinking about the words of his mother


A fiancee? Perhaps that was still used, the face of few friends that he had was clear evidence that this was something he did not agree with, but if he did not tell me anything, he could not do anything.


I looked at the empty side on the sheets and sighed, he was still locked in his office doing God knows what but I didn't want to bother him either, I liked him too much and I knew that right now he wanted to be alone.


I looked at my mobile for a moment and then I dialed my mother's number.



The sweet voice of my mother makes me feel a little bad, if she knew what I was involved in, she would slap me until exhaustion.


"ma...", sigh "how's everything out there


“all the same my girl”smiles”last night Mr. Bolton caught his nephew stealing some dollars from the store but nothing more


I smiled at the anecdote and regretted having called her


"how is everything over there? Are you still at that job after school?


"no...", I close my eyes "I'm good with money right now


"I hope you're not doing anything wrong honey" her voice darkens "Thalía's mother called last week to tell me that she has a new boyfriend


After the first year of university, my mother and Thal met, so now they complained to each other.


“no mom” i lied “my scholarship is enough right now, if i need money i will get a job.


The sink in the room opened and I saw Samuel walk through the door


"I have to go mom, I'll call you later


"Okay honey, just don't take too long" he complains "we haven't talked for two weeks


"ok mom...


I say before hanging up, placing the cell phone next to the bedside table and I see Samuel sit on the bed


“Did you have dinner?


Asks me


"Yes... I made myself a plate of salad


“You wish you had eaten something else


He answers before removing his shirt and pulling his pants away, he gets under the covers and drags me until I'm glued to his side, I put my face on his chest waiting...


"Tomorrow I promise to explain everything Vanny" sighs "for now just have faith in me, Sofia is..." shut up for a moment "it's complicated...


Complicated? Was that possible?


Something turned in my stomach but I didn't say anything, I closed my eyes and tried to comfort myself with Samuel's words.


The morning came too fast, my mobile alarm woke me up, I was alone and with a breakfast tray next to the bed, I looked at the note that was on it and gasped


<<I went to talk to my mother and Sofia, don't wait for me I'm going to solve this matter once and for all


PS: you look beautiful asleep>>

I took the utmost contempt and my gaze went to the hanger that hung next to the bed, a skirt set was hanging there, it was cake color, the skirt was pencil while a blouse with low sleeves completes it, you can see the little game of lingerie on the chest of drawers accompanied by a watch and some small earrings.


Everything looked very expensive, so expensive that my stomach twisted with embarrassment, I took everything and went to the bathroom. This was part of the deal, he would choose my clothes if he had no objection


I arrived at the university after eight in the morning, the law class had started so the professor looked at me with a bad face, I settled into my usual position and taria looked at me strangely.


"because you're late?


His question took me by surprise but I wasn't going to lie to him about anything.


"lives by bus Samuel went to look for his mother" lower your eyes "and his fiancée...




My best friend yells and the teacher narrows his eyes


"Miss Smith is not only late, now she also starts whispering with the other students" look at Thalia "this is the third time this week that I catch you chatting in class I want them out at two o'clock


"but sir...


“Get out!” he crosses his arms “I want you in the principal's office right now” he points to the class “we're done for today.


I close my eyes frustrated while Talía rolls her eyes, we walk after the professor to the rector's offices and the secretary gives me a disapproving look




“Mr. Hills is busy” smiles at the teacher “would you like a coffee while you wait?


Ewwww they were flirting


"of course


He answers and Thalia hits my arm funny, the teacher turns around catching us


"You two sitting


Like we're fucking dogs, the law professor is too strict so we do nothing but obey


we are good puppies


I laugh at that thought and see the professor smile at the Secretary again.




The door to Samuel's office opens and a stunning blonde walks out the door, her bag in one hand, her unfriendly face telling me she just heard something she doesn't like. Her ball gets caught on the door handle and she curses when all the contents are spilled on the floor, I tried to help her but she won't let me

"don't touch my stupid fucking things


It will be motherfucker!


I look at her now annoyed and kick the lipstick that got under my chair


"But you will be...


“Sofia” I froze at Samuel's voice “leave my students alone and get the hell out of here


"fuck you Samuel


She growls finishing gathering her things and leaving the address completely. The secretary runs to the door


Hills, Professor Claus is here to see you.


"of course tell him what happens

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