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Lucas's POV

The last bell rings and class is dismissed,I quickly pack my books, Giovanni came to London and I'm really excited to hang out with him and Enzo .

"Yo ,Lucas ! Are we going to race today?",my friend Ashton asks. I've been street racing but I'm not as good as my sister,my driving is average, sometimes I win some races and sometimes I don't.

Unlike back home in the United States I have so many friends here non of them know about my family's embarrassing past and I'm the most popular guy.

"No", I'll just head home today,I say and get my strap bag. 

"Should I come over", Tiffany my girl says rubbing on my chest,she is really sexy , here dad owns well known law firm. "Not today baby,my brothers are home" ,I say and kiss her. We walk to the schools car park and I get into the G-wagon Giovanni got me and drive to Tiffany's place.

"Are you sure eyou don't want to come in for a couple minutes,my parents are not home",she says and touches are chest,I can't help but look at her bulging chest. She saw how hesitant I was and grabbed my arm and pushed it under her skirt,my throat went dry as I realized she's not wearing any panties,it takes all the will power I can master to still say no.

She pouts and storms out of the car, banging the door closed,I really wanted to ,but Giovanni found out I haven't been attending classes and my grades have gone down he didn't say anything about it when that nosy principal told him,so in the time he is here I have to behave myself.

I drive to the building I live in ,I live in the penthouse on the top floor. I park in the underground carpark and use the price elevator that leads us straight to my penthouse.

"Sir Don Giovanni, wishes to speak to you in the study", Collin my housekeeper and butler says making me swallow hard this is it, I'm getting a lecture.

"Thanks Collin",I say and hand him my book bag.

I take my time walking to the study,I knock softy and the doors open and Enzo tells me to enter.

"Have a seat Lucas", Giovanni says sternly.

" You're in big trouble kid",Enzo says and takes a drag if his cigarette.

"What the hell is wrong with you skipping class?, your grades are so bad they want you to repeat the year if you don't improve",he says.

" We only want what's best for you,so you can have a foundation,this is your education Lucas,me I never went to school,so you must, remember your sister dropped out so you can finish your education, she'll be highly disappointed in you",Enzo says, that's the most he has ever spoken.

Yes Nithia did drop out in her sophomore year,so she could work and I could go to school.

"You're I your junior year,you must pay attention to your grades", Giovanni continues.

" But I don't want to go to school,I want to be like you,I know you're selling arms, everyone fears you in London,let me work with you,I don't want to waste my time in school",I say,I found out,wheni went to watch a fight at some underground brothel, that he may own some the the biggest construction companies in the US but he is also one of the biggest arm's dealer in America and Europe.

Suddenly he gets upset and he hits the table "never mention that again,I don't know where you heard it ,or who told you but forget about it you hear me and what's this about you visiting underground fighting rings and brothels from now on I'm restricting your movements and I'll take away your keys because clearly looking at how many times you've ran a traffic light and the times the police have stopped you ,you are not a responsible person",he coldy says.

" You can't, please Giovanni",I beg and turn to Enzo " fine I'll change, don't take away my car",

" I'll hire someone to drive you and watch you,prove to me that you'll be responsible and you'll have you privilege back and don't go and cause trouble for the principal he is just looking out for you",

Judging by the look in his eyes there's no convincing him "fine but if I graduate top of my class,I want in ,in your business",I say and walk out.

Giovanni is my role model and when I found out how feared and respected he is ,I want to be just like him.

I was thinking of going to beat up the principal but decided against it, Giovanni will kill me. So I just go and do my homework,I haven't sat on my dear in such a long time but I'll have to work hard and improve my grades so I can work for Giovanni.

After hours of trying to solve the math worksheet, Collin tells me that dinner is ready.

"Have you informed Giovanni and Enzo?",I ask 

" No they said not to disturb them",he says.

" It's okay I'll call them",I say and walk out, I'm looking forward to working out with them after dinner. All the kids that used to make fun of me would be surprised how much I've changed,I want to be ripped just like Enzo.

I walk to the study and here Giovanni having a conversation with Enzo.

"We'll go and supervise the exchange at the spot tonight", Giovanni says.

" I'm sure the Feds will send people to the other place we arranged",Enzo says. I knew it they were selling arms,I couldn't explain the happiness I felt,I want to work with them but I know I they won't allow me to go with them,so I'll follow them secretly.

When they finish,I knock and tell them that the food is ready. "Finally I've been starving,I heard that you have a  bella cagna ,how about you introduce me to some of her friends",Enzo says and puts his arm on my shoulder as we walk to the dinning table.

"You want to go to jail for something as embarrassing as having sex with minors", Giovanni says and rolls his eyes.

" Eh just because you have a beautiful young wife , don't look down on me",he says and smirks.

I can see the small smile on Giovanni's face at the mention of my sister. I miss her but I'm still upset that she still cares about our selfish parents,she is supposed to hate them like me, people that commit suicide go to hell I hope my dad is burning in the deepest part of it together with that woman.

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