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Book online «Beg Harder by Artemis Dianne (good books to read in english .TXT) 📖». Author Artemis Dianne

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has a loved one battling cancer and is fighting courageously!




"How are you planning to be an alcoholic when you don't even have a bottle opener?" Astor says, mocking me from the back, looking at all the wine bottles I just bought while rummaging through the random things I put in the cart.  

Astor notices how tense I've grown as I drive. He tried to lighten the mood by talking to me, mentioning all the favorite food I like buying.

I simply giggle at his pranks and recall how much easier things were when I was still under his supervision. I wish I could be that innocent young lady again. It fascinates me that he could well be the same guy despite such gruesome torture.

The drive had already been more than an hour, and I'm always on the lookout if there's any vehicle following us.  

I finally dared to ask about aunt Madonna's condition expecting a not-so-favorable response.  

Astor was suddenly silent. It took him a good minute to answer as if he was still trying to come up with an excuse, but instead, he answered me back with a question.

"Tell me, How did you get a hold of the Nanogex?" 

"I stole it." I say, I tighten my grip on the wheels as I couldn't talk about what I have gone through with Charles. The memories give me a knot in my stomach.  

There something about that question that triggered me and I try to focus on my driving as most of the stuff Astor says after the question, would pass my ears at this point. 

I'm in and out of the stuff he says but I caught on his remark about how he remembered not having any scar as well after getting severely burned by Chalres. I was right they used Nanogex on Astor to keep him alive and to use him to keep me in line. 

"So that's what it was, No wonder I didn't---." Astor blurted realizing what Nanogex is and he continues to mumble.

My heart starts raising again, knowing how cunning Charles is. He's got all of this figured out. Why is he doing all this? What does he really want from me? 

"Charles put a chip on me"  When I suddenly screamed at Astor, Cutting off Astor in the middle of  his stories. As I've put two on two together. There's no way he will let me slide that easy. That's why I didn't find any bug because the bug is inside me.

"Dont worry, calm down. I'll check you once we get to your aunt. We're almost there. I thought you might have it as well, but I'm putting all my faith in the bracelet to conceal everything for now."  Astor says, pointing where to drive next. 


We abandoned the car in the middle of the highway, but not before Astor made a few jokes about how disappointed people who would find a car full of wine were going to be without the opener. 

The weather is getting cold but my body feels hot perspiring so much making me tie my hair in high ponytail as we enter the woods. It took us another half hour to hitch hike all the way to Astor's family's little lodge in an isolated place. The landscape was once again densely covered in camouflage devices that might seem dangerously dark to casual hikers.

I see a white smoke flare but it's  coming from the back of the lodge.  I ran as I knew my aunt would be there, expecting me. 


I screamed at my Aunt Madonna, who was seated in front of a campfire, calling out her name repeatedly. I continued because I couldn't contain my excitement at the prospect of seeing her again.I went after her, completely unaware of how much agony my lower body was in. I held her close. As I placed my arms around her, I was struck by how thin she was. She wraps her arms around me and lifts my face up with both of her hands, cupping my cheeks to get a better look. I watched her tears streaming down her cheeks, and mine eventually came out as well. She kisses the top of my head while squeezing my head a bit closer into her arms. 



This was the one and only piece I need. My whole emotional condition was thrown off balance by the warmth of her attention. I cried uncontrollably; the tears I'd been keeping in had finally come out, and it felt so damn wonderful to let them out. This warmth lingered for a long time, and I had experienced a great deal of happiness since being taken by Charles. 

Despite the fact that my aunt Madonna attempted to coo at me, I couldn't say anything since my emotions had taken control. "Shhhhsss It's all right. "It's all right now. " "Everything is going to be just fine from here on out." As Astor covered us with a great, thick blanket, we were completely covered. When we returned to our seats, the soup was still hot, and I was able to collect my thoughts after a few minutes and take another drink of it. 


Astor delivers me the next tablet, urging me to swallow it as soon as possible before the effects of the first pill begin to wear away. It is said in his explanation, among other things, that this is the last one he has and that we only have a few hours before we may be traced, and moreover, that the system will suggest that I am still at the beach home as of now.

After having a small meal, My aunt urge us to head inside the cabin to get ready to leave. I've noticed how her leg is limping. I took out the IV bag of Nanogex right away, handing it to Astor to quickly insert it to My Aunt.

"This will tremendously help you in dealing with the discomfort." As Astor administers the Nanogex into my aunt's veins, I whisper to her, helping her settle comfortably on the sofa. I pulled up her trousers to give her a massage, and there were a lot of bruises. I was compelled to examine both of her arms, which were also covered with bruises. Her skin was also paler. I couldn't ask her what she had, but she noticed my frightened expression filled with questions as I look at her face.


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