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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 27

Nora pov:

3 days till the wedding 

              Today, all the guests are arriving. Luca and xavier are coming from New Jersey and some guests are arriving from russia. I don't know them but my granny told me all about my dad's bestfriend Elijah and his daughter Selena. Granny told that dad and Elijah spent all their childhood together. He was my dad's right hand man and crime partner. I am excited to meet him. 

             I have not seen my husbands for a week. Grandpa lucas sent them away. They are staying in a mansion, 10 blocks from here. I have also not talked with much on the calls as I am always surrounded with people. But they are also busy with the mafia work so they spend most of the time at the warehouse.I miss them so much but 3 more days then I am not gonna leave them alone for a second. Tomorrow is my bachelorette party and their bachelor party. Yeah, we are not bachelors or bachelorette but Xavier and Eva convinced us to have a party. Some of eva's friends organized it along with ada. Yeah, Xavier sent ada here, she is a event manager, yeah even I was surprised, so she is here to help us with everything. She has been of great help with the decorations. She is a very sweet woman and become a friend of mine in such a short period of time. 

            I was in the kitchen with my granny. She was cooking me some 'Pelmeni', a traditional russian dish and I was helping her. Eva came in the kitchen with noor, a friend of her. 

Eva: Hmmm,it smells good. Nonna,What's cooking?

Noralei: Pelmeni. It's almost ready. You should also try it.

Noor: Yeah,I would also like to have some. It looks so good. 

Noralei: So, how are the preparations for the bachelorette party going? And where are girls going?

Eva: All done. It's happening at one of dad's club.

Nora: Thank you for planning the bachelorette party,eva. 

Eva: I am the maid of honor, it's my duty to do it. 

Noralei:So, blake is allowing you to go to a bachelorette party?

Eva: I am 16, so I can go wherever I want. And also there won't be any strippers, as Ron and Daniel threatened ada if there are any strippers, they will not be alive to strip anymore. And dad said that if I don't consume alchohol I can go

Nora: Hahaha, sounds like something they would do. And even I didn't want any strippers, I just want to spend my night with my friends. 

Noralei: Yeah, when you have such hunks to strip for you anytime you want, why would you want strippers?

Eva: Damn nonna, you are good. 

Nora: Shut up, eva. 

          My cheeks tinted red and I hid my face with my hands. 

Eva: Don't be a prude, nora.

          We are the Pelmeni prepared by granny. It was so good, it was one of the best things I ever had. Maybe, it was so good because it was prepared with love. I ate most of it and went to my room to rest for sometime as I was feeling lightheaded. The guests were arriving in the evening and I wanted to be there to welcome them, so I had to get well fast. 


In the evening: 

         I wore a long floral gown and went down to receive the guests. The place was crowded. I thought it was going to be a small wedding but they were just the families of gang members. Well,if this is small,then I don't what will be big. I received everyone with a smile. Everyone was nice and sweet and I didn't feel unaccepted. Charles's family was also there. His wife was so sweet, he had a son almost my age and a seven year old daughter. She was so cute and very naughty. She was teasing eva the whole time. Luca, uncle and aunt also arrived. I hugged luca when I saw him. 

Nora: I am so sorry for what happened to you. 

Luca: Hey,sis it's not your fault, don't blame yourself. And I am perfectly fine. 

He whispered something in my ear.

Luca: And I am happy for what happened because I got hot and sexy nurses to take care of me. 

He pulled apart and winked at me with a smirk on his face. And I too laughed.

Nora: Well then, I am glad. 

Luca: It was all worth it in the end cause we caught john. There is no threat anymore.

Nora: What? Really...

Luca: Yeah, I informed Daniel. He didn't tell you. We caught him yesterday. He was trying to fly from New York in a helicopter but the person operating the helicopter was one of Xavier's man. John is truly dumb, if he wanted to leave the city, he should have gone by road but he wanted to fly, and Xavier's men were keeping tracks of everything. It was as if he wanted to be caught.

Nora: I am just glad that he was caught and now I can live freely. I don't know why Daniel didn't tell me.

Luca: Maybe, he wanted to tell you face to face. Now, you can sleep without any worries. And enjoy your wedding. 

Nora: Thank you so much, luca.  

Xavier also entered with a girl by his side. Wait, a date. 

Nora: Well, this is new, The Xavier romero with a girl by his side. 

Xavier: Nora, this is Christiana, my personal secretary. 

Nora: Nice to meet you, christiana. I am nora. 

Christiana: You too. And congratulations on your wedding.  

I gave xavier a hug and pulled him a little far from christiana and talked in a low voice. 

Nora: Thank you Xavier for all your help. I don't know how will I ever repay you. 

Xavier: I am glad that bastard is caught.  It will be so fun to torture him before killing him. He is in my clutches now and he will not have a easy death. 

             Xavier eyes were filled with bloodlust when he was talking about killing john. For the first time, I saw him as a mafia leader and not the playful xavier. I saw christiana's face turn pale, I guess she might have heard us. So,I decided to divert the topic.

Nora: So, who is she? Do you like her?

Xavier: She is a pain in the ass. And I don't do the like and love stuff. 

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