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Book online «Beg Harder by Artemis Dianne (good books to read in english .TXT) 📖». Author Artemis Dianne

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It's official, I have completely lost my mind along with my voice. I don't know how long I've been awake, but my throat is on fire. When I tried to say Charles's name, no sound ever came out. My hands are bound to a link that's attached to a collar on my neck that's also bound to the wall.

All of my movements are limited. The room in which I'm imprisoned is very small, with padded and blue-colored walls.  It has a high ceiling but it's very suffocating for my current state of mind.

My aunt was shot dead and there was no one to blame but me. I should have fought harder for her to come with us. My blood is full of hatred. I wanted to inflict so much harm on Charles. All I could think about was putting an end to this agony, and the only way to do so, is to avenge my aunt's untimely death. 


I plan to do my best to keep my emotions under control. This is the biggest mistake I've made time and again: acting on my emotions rather than using my brain. 
I laid flat on the ground and conserved my energy, and decided to wait for someone to come to me.




This is the scent you can smell around me, the scent of desire for retribution. I will make sure all his body parts will be slashed and only his eyeballs will be unblemished. I need to survive. I've been through so much just to succumb to his manipulation, to think that I was ready to pledge my whole life to him. I clenched my fist at this thought.


I heard a series of beeps coming from the door, indicating that it was being unlocked. A tall, large-built lady with blonde hair tied back firmly, who looked to be a physique builder, came in, and you'd think she was a guy if she hadn't been wearing a dress.


"Get up." Her voice had a deep tone to it. got me questioning her gender or perhaps it was all those steroids she took that made it change her voice as well as her over all appearance. 

I didn't move a single limb just to get a reaction. She chuckles and crouches down to my height, bringing her face close to mine. She touches my face, inspecting it for who knows what. It took me by surprise when she put her index fingers inside my mouth and I had to headbutt her, rewarding me with her bloodied nose. 

She wipes it and smiles.  "I would be disappointed if you didn't have your spirit. I'd hate if Im not the one to break it." These words sent shivers up my spine.It's the manner of how she said it. 

She suddenly retaliated with a slap. The slap was so hard that I thought my jaw had broken."It's impressive, no sound," she exclaimed with delight, mistaking my damaged throat for bravery, I then received another slap. 

"I want to hear you scream." She said it while ripping my shirt like paper, then aimed for my pants and slid them off in one motion. I still couldn't utter a sound from my mouth to tell her to stop. I don't regret that I headbutted her, but the plan remains to survive. I just have to give her whats she wants but my eyes widened.


I can't believe I'm seeing lust all over her face now that I'm only wearing my bra and underwear."You have big ones. did you get them done?" She takes my tied hands, pressing them above my head while she plays with my breasts, yanking my bra off and seeing my twins bounce up. "oh wow they are real." she exclaimed. I fought her and kicked her but her body is like a rock, not affected by my kicks.


She let out a laugh and then punches me on the tummy, slamming my body on the floor just when I thought I'm about to get kicked. A familiar voice is heard outside the room stopping her.

"Brenda, Stop that! I told you I will give you her when I'm done." He says with such playful promise.

"I'm sorry cousin, she was so beautiful I couldn't help myself." Brenda reasoned out as this figure comes forward. I see his shoes first in my line of vision as I move my head to have a look at him. I look at his face. I know him, I just couldn't remember where I'd seen him. "Leave Brenda" He orders her. Brenda drops the link connected to me and walks away.

He did a hand gesture, a movement I haven't seen in a while. Of course, I'm back in the world of air swiping. 

Immediately another person comes in with a blanket handing it to him. He wraps it on me.

"I'm sorry my cousin beat me in welcoming you. I don't believe we were properly introduced." He helps me get up from the floor, sitting me back up on the bed. 

"My name is Peter, Nice to finally meet you, Baby." He says, offering his hand for me to shake and to play nice, I shook his hand quickly. "My brother Charles never really likes to introduce me so that I don't outshine him. I prefer to--" 

I stare at Peter, not listening to the shit he mumbles, He ordered the kill of my aunt. It wasn't Charles but this asshole of a brother he calls. The thought that all of my efforts had been for nothing was incomprehensible to me. I couldn't get my head around the fact that all of my efforts to keep my aunt alive had been squandered by a single or two gunshots. I was completely devoid of feeling. I couldn't even shed a tear for her. That right has been taken away from me by this guy. 

"I don't touched dark haired girls,  and most specially when their alone." He says interrupting my thoughts. He lets out a laugh tucking my hair back to my ear. He touches my neck making his way to my collar bone pressing it firmly, giving me a painful press I reacted but still no sound.

I finally remember him at the theater with the blonde twins. "You're a very quiet being but I don't remember you being mute when Charles fucked you in that stage. He let out another laugh.

He gets up, airswiping another command and walks away. 

A whole team of blonde servants comes to me releasing me from the bound. I back away once freed. 

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