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Book online «Sugar baby by Mariam León (8 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Mariam León

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chapter 27

Chapter 28

I pulled the sleeve of the dress over my shoulder and looked at the result of a full afternoon of shopping and makeup.


Today was a special night, Samuel had a conference for the Sugar Vip Club.


The last two weeks were a dream, he took me to heaven more than once. I swear his love to me so many times that I couldn't count them and the sex...


God the sex was the best!


I returned my eyes once more to the mirror and smiled at the image of the woman who returned me.


My hair was a silky shock of curls that hung in a cascade over the right side of my face. The dress she was wearing was exclusive, from an Italian designer. Expensive! $3,000


To be exact. The sleeves that covered my shoulders were a light cream tone, with tiny diamond studs on the front and arms, the sleeves covered up to my wrists and the neck was rounded forming a delicate silhouette on my chest.


The tiny diamonds in the front made a vine all the way down the front of the dress to the waist where a tiny belt of the same color started the long skirt that reached the floor. I play with a bracelet and go over my makeup after putting them on. My slightly gold painted eyes made a perfect and refined effect while my lips looked full and luscious with a bright peach colored gloss.




Samuel's voice comes from behind me, my eyes locate him through the mirror and my heart jumps as his lips show a smile. He stands behind me and his eyes catch mine in the mirror.


“I can't believe I let you wear this dress.


He places a kiss on my shoulder and then his finger slides down my exposed spine in the bare back of the dress.


He puts his hand at the exact point where my back ends and the fabric covers my butt causing me to shiver.


“If I didn't have that damn conference, I'd take this damn dress off you.


She smiled at the mirror before responding maliciously


“Do you hate it so much?” I slowly bite my lower lips” this afternoon when you bought it you seemed delighted.


He places his hands on my hips and I can feel his hard erection against my ass as his warm breath caresses the exposed part of my neck.

“This afternoon when I saw it on the hanger I didn't think it would fit you this way.


I turn around smiling and leaning on the balls of my bare feet I place a tiny kiss on the corner of his lips. He returns his hands to my waist and I pull back when he tries to kiss me.


“ha no” I tap on his mouth with one of my cream colored nails “if you mess up my makeup Thal is going to tell me off.


He rolls his eyes flat and pulls me closer to his body


"that damn woman is always getting between us" frowns "I'm not going to let you wear makeup anymore


“And why exactly?


I ask amused and he kisses my neck, first inhaling the smell of my perfume.


"If wearing makeup means not being able to kiss you, I don't want you to wear it" she smiles against my skin "nothing can stop me from kissing my wife.


“Already for Samuel, we have twenty minutes to go and you still haven't finished getting ready.


He stroked the lapel of his jacket and I smile at him as the heady scent of his cologne washes over me. His tie is hanging untied over his white shirt and I smile at the matching cream handkerchief.


"I'm dying to take that dress off" squeeze my ass "I hate it"


He growls and I can't stop reime patting him on the chest

“For Samuel, the sooner we get there the sooner you can remove it. He gives my butt one last squeeze and walks out of the room giving me a delicious view of his butt inside the expensive black pants of his suit.


I hear her footsteps fade into the hall and I run into the dressing room, tiptoeing over one of the white girls to put on her shoes and grab the bag hidden behind the suitcases in the back.


The beige bag with silver letters with the Maurice Marconny logo on the front and I smirk walking back to the room. This is the special touch of the night, my little secret that I want to show you when the time is right.


The SVC is decked out in its signature gold, money and arrogance is in the air alongside the bubbly scent of pink champagne. Thal is sitting on one of the couches with a few other girls and she smiles at me when I open my arms to hug her.


“My goodness” she says looking at me “you are so hot” she laughs “if I were a lesbian I would probably persecute you.


I roll my eyes and she snaps her fingers for a waiter. The gold dress she wears reaches her knees, it has a square cut that reveals her impressive legs encased in eight-inch heels, the dress has an outrageously plunging neckline but she doesn't care.


“how's your Sugar?


I ask taking the glass that the waiter brought me and she shrugs her shoulders


"I'm done with Roller"have a drink"I'm here looking for suitors"winks"I hope some bored millionaire shows up, I need money Vanny.


I put my hand on hers and she tries to look calm.

"Thal, if you need help...


“I'm fine Vanny” he replies “don't worry” he waves his hand indifferently “I think I should go with your idiot controller, he's throwing daggers of hate at me with his eyes.


I return my gaze to Samuel and move a little closer to Thalia.


"Don't worry, I'll get my revenge soon.


She looks at me mischievously and winks.


“you're going to hell vanny” he laughs “send me the location when you're there and we'll see you.


I laugh at his joke one more time and then just walk through the people to Samuel. He places his hand on my waist and drinks the sparkling champagne as we enter the same theater where I first saw him. He walks me slowly downstage and I sit in the front row...

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