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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 29

Nora pov:

              I woke up to the sound of someone banging the door. I first didn't realise the room I was in. It all came rushing to me the moment I looked at myself. My body was covered with bites,hickeys and many more prints. Damn... we were wild last night. Last night thoughts came rushing to me and my body tingled with pleasure. But my thoughts came to an end when selena shouted from outside. 

Selena: I don't care if you are dressed or not, I am coming in now...

             What.... I quickly covered myself up with the duvet. She came barging in with a tray in her hands.

Selena: I have been banging your door for literally 5 min... 

             She was complaining when suddenly she looked at me and the state of the room. 

Selena: Damn girl... I didn't think you had it in you. But by the state of the bed and everything else in this room, it seems that you didn't sleep at all last night. I guess they were the sweet type when they told me to give you the breakfast but damn I was wrong. By seeing the hickeys and marks,anyone cam see they are anything but sweet. 

Nora: Umm... that breakfast is for me, right?

           I tried to distract her but she was not having any of it.

Selena: Tsk,tsk,tsk... Girl, I want details. First get dressed, there is a shower attached to this room and get dressed, there are clothes in there for you ron said and then I want all the juicy details. 

            I clutched the duvet in my hands and wrapped it around myself. I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I could hear Selena giggle behind. 

            When I stood there, I felt how sore I was from last night. I wouldn't have been able to walk if it wasn't for selena in the room. Well, it might have been to save me the embarrassment. If I had not walked properly, she would have teased me more. I limped myself to the mirror and dropped the duvet from my body. I saw my body covered in their love marks and bites. Oh my god... I looked beautiful like this... I loved having their marks on my skin. After admiring myself in the mirror for a while, I willed myself to the shower. I took a quick shower and wore the clothes. There was a blue tee and black jeans. Shit... they will not be able to cover the hickeys on my neck.  I looked for some makeup to cover them. Luckily, I found some foundation and put it on. It was not perfect but it will work for now. 

Selena: Took long enough,kitty?

           Wait, why is she calling me that? I looked in her direction and saw my collar in her hand. Fuck... 

Selena: So, pet play,huh... By the way I love its design. You will have to thank ada for that.

            I snatched the collar away from her hand and put it in my pocket. 

Selena:Little kitty got claws..

Nora: Stop teasing me, selena. And stop calling me kitty. 

Selena: Why? Only your hubbys are allowed to call you kitty. 

            I throwed a pillow at her face and lucky for her, she dogded it. 

Selena: Ugh fine. By the way kitty, you forgot to cover the marks on the back of your neck. 

Nora: Shit.. 

Selena: Don't worry, first have some breakfast. Then I will help you cover all the marks. And when were on it, why don't you give me the details from last night? 

           I thought she forgot. We ate breakfast and I gave ber some details from last night. Of course, I wasn't going to tell her the whole thing. Hopefully, she was satisfied with what I said, as she didn't pester me for more. Then with her help, I successfully covered the marks and we left the room. 

           The club was looking different from yesterday. The decorations were removed and it was all the more bright. There were some people here and there, I guess they were just the people who work here. Eva, ada and Christiana were sitting in the corner looking hella tired. There makeup and clothes were not in order and they were looking devastated. With ada and Christiana probably trying to control the hangover. We walked up to them and they looked at us with hella tired faces. 

Eva: Good morning, Nora. 

Nora: Good morning everyone.  

Christiana: Why the fuck are you'll shouting this early in the morning?

Nora: Guess someone drank too much last night. 

Eva: Yeah, she and xavier had a drinking competition. 

Nora: So, who won?

Ada: Obviously Xavier, the guy knows how to control his senses. 

Christiana: Yeah, can we not talk about him now? 

Selena: Sore loser.

               Selena said and scoffed. 

Christiana: I heard that. 

Ada: Had fun last night😏😏? 

Eva: Yeah, she definitely did. We could literally hear her moans and screams over the music. 

Christiana:Well, atleast someone had fun. 

Nora: So, what did you guys do? 

Eva:Well, selena was crushing over luca, Christiana and xavier were sucking air out of each other and ada was stuck with me.

Nora: Wait, you kissed him? 

Christiana: I had to. That asshole dared me to kiss him if I lost the drinking competition. 

Ada: Umm, that doesn't explain all the other kisses and the grinding. 

Christiana: Umm...  

             Christiana cheeks tinted red. I was right there was definitely something between them. I am just glad that Xavier is spending time with her. And I know he feels something for her too. 

Nora: Okay, and you, what happened between you and luca?

Selena: Umm...

Ada: Someone is blushing. They were just dancing and getting to know each other from what I could see.

Selena: He asked me to be his date for the wedding. 

Nora: You go girl. 

Eva: Damn, never seen luca ask someone out so fast. He must really like you.

                When we finished taking, Charlie came in. He had dark circles under his eyes but he didn't look tired one bit. 

Charlie: Are you ready to leave ma'ams? 

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