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Book online «Taxi by JJ Lacey (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author JJ Lacey

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believe that I really had to, I had been shocked and dismayed at seeing them. Worst of all I had a raging hard-on, it had excited me seeing what they did and watching him shag her.


It was a good job I was busy all day, or perhaps I should not have been. My mind was on what I had seen, and not on what I was doing.  When I got home at five, the tape had been set off again, and I dreaded finding out who had trigged it off.  Was it just her, or had he returned to shag her again? I was beside myself trying to keep calm, as we sat to have dinner before I went out in the cab.


I was brooding over it, while I sat in the taxi waiting for fairs. As I thought over what I had seen them do, and what I had heard in that half-hour. I rewound that tape forward and back, to jump through the two hours they had been on the bed. I suddenly remember something that they said.  She had known I was delivering north of the city, how did she know. I didn't know where I was going myself until I actually picked up my load at the station.


Then I remembered a call I had from my controller, he had asked if I was in a position, to pick up and deliver a freezer in the Kelmscott area.  I had told him no because I was up at Hillarys, and had to go on to Joondalup. She must have radioed the controller, with the request for my taxi truck. As our radios were on different frequencies, I wouldn't hear her calling in, or hear the controller replying to her, to say that I was nowhere near.


Thus telling her it was safe, for her to bring her boyfriend home to shag her. Well, I had a plan to stop that from happening again, and I would be able to hear if she was booked off for a break.  There were spare cab frequency radios at the base if I could manage to get one I could set it up in my truck and listen in on the taxi radio traffic.  I'd be ready to intervene if I needed to. or get some information on where she was at any time.


The night controller was pleased to see me, as he needed to go to the toilet. He asked me to watch the telephones for him as he went. I put one of the small radios in my takings bag, while he was away. It most likely would not be missed for a while if at all, as there were quite a few there, just gathering dust under the countertop.


Thursday morning Justin supplied me, with just what I needed from his toolbox to make the two radios, work off the same aerial. He gave me a cable splitter, to connect the two sets to the one aerial.  He was suspicious of why I would need such a setup, just to listen to the radio traffic, coming from the taxies.  If I wasn’t listening for anything in particular, why would I want it? He knew Janet drove the taxi, and he kept pressing me, to admit there was more to it than I had admitted so far.


"Come on John something happen hasn't it, you're not telling me all of it are you. You've found out something, or my recorder has taped something, come on tell me." He was right and he knew it, he had been in the surveillance business far too long.  I was thinking I might be running out of tapes soon, I had the tape of them in my pocket.  If donkey dick had come back yesterday, the second one in the camera would have taped them. That would just leave the third one empty, to go into the camera.  That meant I had to give Justin this tape to copy onto a larger tape, so I would have spare tapes. God was that admitting, was I going to end up with hours and hours, of Janet and donkey dick fucking on tape.


"Your right Justin, I've caught Janet on tape having sex with this bloke, the tapes here and it’s bloody full. I really didn't want you to see it but I don't have a choice do I," I said holding up the tape, which he eagerly took from my hand.


"I'll do it tonight, so you can have this back in the morning, I've got some six-hour tapes I'll use, I can add more to it when you get more," he said putting the tape in his pocket, so even he thought there would be more tapes of them.


As Janet drove off, I loaded the Wednesday tape into the player; it was just a video of her. So I reloaded it in the camera and set it, then raced to the station for my load, and headed north again.  I had both radios on now, so I could hear what was going on with the taxies and the trucks. The taxi firm we worked for, which was black and white taxi has six taxi trucks.  City taxis had ten, and Swan taxis had eight, we all worked on the Avon cosmetic job, it was that big a thing. At about eleven our controller, called to see if one of us was in the Kelmscott or Armadale area. There was a job for a single pick up and drop off, no one responded to his call, so one of the other firm's trucks took the job.


"Where are you John or Sammy, any chance of covering this job, I've got the man on the phone, waiting for a time."


"I am too far away from the area to cover that," Sammy called back. I just said I had no chance of knowing when I'd be free, so the controller said ok. We heard no more of it, and I then wondered if it had been Janet, trying to find out where I was. To if it was safe for her and him, to sneak around to our place. Then my ears pricked up at eleven fifteen when I heard Janet's voice calling.


"Halo control car thirty-six going off for lunch, let you know when I'm back ok," she said, in her sweet voice.


"Ok thirty-six, booking you off eleven fifteen OK OUT," was the reply, and she repeated 'OK OUT'.


I suddenly realized, it was the same time she booked off, that Tuesday I saw the two other taxies on my drive and was the same time last Tuesday.  I suppose midday would be about right, for the time I had them on the tape. Anytime later than that, and they wouldn't have had the time, not to spend two hours shagging. It would be too close to the schools turning out.  No hang on, that first Tuesday I'd been there at twelve-thirty, so she only had an hour that day, and those two taxi's were still troubling me.


When I checked the log last night for this past Tuesday, Janet was the only one to book off at Eleven twenty. Sid and Frank should be out of the running, but who were those two cab drivers, this riddle was driving me crazy, I had to solve it somehow.


The cabs were defiantly Black and White cabs, but I did not recognize donkey dick as a taxi driver, so he could not have been driving one of those cabs. I kept coming up with the same problem of two cabs, if donkey dick was not there, who the bloody hell were they. Were they shagging Janet, because she had defiantly lied about her being on her own? If it had been just an innocent cup of coffee with friends, she would have said.  Bloody hell, this is driving me fucking mad, I am just going around in circles.


I'm not getting the jobs done fast enough, put it behind you for the moment see what the tape shows you tomorrow. God, now I'm telling myself what to do next, out aloud.  I managed to get another half a load and was home at five, I got the quick welcoming kiss as I always got, and the bedroom was as tidy as ever.  The camera had indeed triggered, but I would have an agonizing wait until the morning, to find out if Janet did book off, to meet donkey dick or not.  I never did hear her book back on, but I could have been out of the truck when she did.


Justin didn't really help my mood when he got into my taxi in the morning, with the small camera tape, and the full-sized one he had copied it to.


"Fuck John your wife's a fucking cracker; I can see why you don't want to lose her. Now I did warn you, I had to make a copy of the tape for myself; I'll be watching it again tonight, have you found out anything else?"  Fucking thank you, Justin, just what I fucking needed, you telling me you were going to spend tonight, wanking over my Janet again, while you watch her being fucked by donkey dick.


"No Justin not yet can I pop around tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning if something comes up?" I asked as we approached the airport, not knowing what I was going to find when I got home.


"Yes, of course, John I don't work Saturdays, I'm not sure about tonight, my sister might pop around, she douses sometimes on a Friday. Tomorrow after ten would be the best time John."


I went about the rest of my runs, two pilots to Jandakot airport, four Alcoa workers to the foundry at Kwinana. There were four women to the egg packing plant in Armadale, then Susan the Kelmscott cafe owner, to her cafe on the shopping precinct. I had to drop off the pile of newspapers; I had picked up at Jandakot to the newsagents in Westfield.  I was home at eight for breakfast, watching my boys get ready for school. Wondering how I'd cope if Janet did decide to leave me, then watched her drive away. I got the carrier tape out of the truck, and I gingerly pushed the Thursday tape into the player, and my worst fears came true.


He was back, carrying her into the bedroom over his shoulder, as she was giggling happily, as she wiggled, with his free hand up her skirt out of sight feeling her.  He sat her on the bed and stood in front of her, as she wrestled with his belt and fly zip, before pulling down his pants and trousers in one go.  Going down on her knees, as she lowered them, she sucked his knob to hardness while rubbing his shaft and playing with his balls.


"Good girl now you know what you have to do, practice makes perfect so now swallow it." He said as she held a very rigid dick in her hands, she took his knob end out of her mouth and asked.


"Do I have to Alex, I'd like to suck it for a while it's getting juicy?" she begged, moving her hands along his shaft.


"No, you do as you're told if you want me to fuck you, you have to obey me. Now get my cock down your neck," he said, pulling her mouth back onto his cock.  She didn't protest and put her hands behind her, as he had told her. I watched his cock disappearing, as she moved her head forward. She gagged when his knob end hit the back of her mouth, but she pressed on a little more. I saw her throat bulge as his knob end entered it, and she gagged again.  She tried to back off him, but he had his hands there again, and the bulge in her neck grows longer, as he pushed his hips forward.


"Bastard!" Janet sputtered when he released her, after pushing his cock

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