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everyone on Sonis originally came from there. They’ve only settled on Sonis in the past thirty cycles.” Eva rounded a corner and led them down an empty corridor. “Not only were they having a hard time breeding amongst each other, but they’ve never had a successful pairing that produced offspring with any other species. Until now. We’re hoping to see a jump in the birthrate. Everyone is excited about it.”

“Great. At least humans are in high demand somewhere for something other than slavery,” JB said.

“And that’s exactly why you need to keep your hands to yourself and your dick in your pants while you’re here,” Eva replied.

Every woman here was a potential baby mama. Because of an unknown problem, the birthrate for Sonians had decreased steadily for generations.

Coupled with the fact they had been unsuccessful with interspecies breeding, the Sonians had a real problem on their hands.

Enter human females. Only after Taio had gotten Eva pregnant, the first human female the Sonians had come across, had they finally found a solution.

Humans and Sonians were compatible. Every human woman on Sonis was considered a prime prize.

“You might be asking for too much,” Jess interjected.

“I’m not asking him to give up his flirting ways. He just has to keep his hands off.” Eva stopped in front of a plain white, nondescript door. “We’re

here.” She beamed from ear to ear. “This is your apartment, Jess.”

Jess stared at the door, not knowing what to do next. Eva stood by her side and talked her through the process of scanning her hand for security. After the door slid open, Eva entered first and motioned for Jess to follow her. Jess couldn’t budge. This was why she was on Sonis, right? New start. JB nudged her forward.

He tried to suppress a smile as he leaned in to whisper, “Aren’t scared of a new start, are you?”

Her lip curled up in disgust. The mere thought of admitting she was afraid of anything made her want to fight. “I’m not scared of shit.”

JB chuckled and pushed her over the threshold. “That’s my girl.”

After two steps in, Jess stumbled over her feet as she took in her surroundings. They were in…well…a regular-looking apartment. There was a small closet to the right and to the left was a full kitchen, including a breakfast nook. In front of them was a living room with a separate dining room off to the side.

JB came from behind her. “What’s wro—”

He stopped midsentence as he caught the same image as she had.

Eva stood in front of them. One arm cradled Josanis while the other rested on her chest. A light sheen of mist formed in her eyes. “Do you like it?” Her voice was no more than a soft whisper.

Jess’ gaze jumped from one object to another. Coffee table, couches, vases, flowers, dinette set… Raising her arms, she wrapped them around herself. JB

placed a hand on her back and began to gently rub.

Her sparse cabin on The Vengeance hadn’t held any personal belongings.

Everything in it had been tacked down to the floor. Even on Laconia, her room had been filled with furnishings that had been foreign and alien to her.

Finally, in a voice no louder than Eva’s, Jess said, “It reminds me of a regular apartment.”

JB turned in a circle. “It’s remarkable, Eva. If I didn’t know any better I’d think we were in an apartment back on Earth.”

“Thank you. That’s what I was hoping for. We have fifteen apartments in the palace that have more of an ‘Earth feel’. It’s been one of my pet projects with the architects. Well, apartments and houses.” Eva took a sweeping glance around the area. “I wanted everyone from Earth to feel comfortable here.”

“You have regular houses too?” Jess asked.

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Publication Date: 07-29-2017

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