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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 31

              All of them were in the their jeeps going to Messina. The Russians, sicilians and the blacks were all together working for one cause. To bring back nora unharmed. They were all given updates by the airpods. 

James: Luca, do you remember I asked you to give me the smallest tracker possible? 

Luca: Yes,I do.

Daniel: The tracker in the wedding ring, damn I remember it now. 

Ron: Track that. It was in nora's ring. Track it as soon as possible. 

Luca: On it. 

      After some 5-10 minutes. 

Luca: Guys, it is showing that nora is in the middle of the Ionian sea. 

Xavier: What the fuck? 

Blake: It will take us approximately 45 minutes to reach there. Luc, can you contact the local authorities there and tell them to search the area. 

Luca: Sure dad. Will do it now. 


        After 30 minutes: 

Luca: Dad, they found mom. She was found on the side of the road with some scratches on her body. 

Joseph: Was nora there with her? 

Luca: No, the locals recognized mom easily as she is Mrs. De Sante and informed the authorities. But they haven't found nora yet. I will tell them to keep looking for nora.

Blake: We are almost there. I need to talk to Alexa and make sure she is alright. 



      After 10 minutes: 

             They reached messina port. There Alexa was being treated by the doctors. By the sound of the jeeps, she came outside the tent and ran towards blake. 

Blake: My dear, are you alright? 

Alexa: I was scared. They took our nora with them. 

           And she clutched on to Blake's suit jacket and started crying loudly. 

Shawn: Aunt, do you hear anything that might help us find nora? 

Alexa: They hurt our nora. They drugged us but in my subconsciousness I think I heard something about croatia and John meeting there. 

Blake: Do you see the person who captured you? 

Alexa: Um no, he was wearing a ski mask. 

Blake: Okay. 

Alexa: Forgive me, my children. Its all my fault that nora was kidnapped. How could I have been so dumb? Please punish me. 

Blake: Shush my dear. It's not your fault and everyone knows that. What happened,no one could have predicted it? 

Xavier: But the tracker was showing the location of Ionian sea but she is saying Croatia,so what do we do now? 

Alexa: They are going by sea because if they would have used any other mode, you'll might have caught up to them. And from what I heard, there were not too many people, maybe about 5 men. So, in Croatia the whole 'Reds' gang is there. 

Joseph: So you heard all that in your subconscious? 

Alexa: Yes. 

Blake: Going by sea is too dangerous. They will be able to see us before we get there and they might harm our nora. 

Xavier : Yeah, so what do you suggest?

Blake: I think we should reach Croatia before they do. Gather all the men and ammo and fly to Croatia. 

Luca: Okay dad, I will get the jets ready. 

James: I still think some of us should go by sea. 

Alexa: Are you questioning me and my husband? 

Shawn: No aunt, we just don't wanna take any chances with nora. 

Blake: Fine then. You five are more than capable of making decisions. But I think that two of you should come with us. 

Daniel:Okay, so me, james and Ron will go by sea and shawn and Joseph will go with you. 

Xavier: I am also coming with you all. 

Daniel: Okay. 

Ron: Luc, where is our "Lex" ? In which marina? 

Luca: Its in messina only. I will have someone fill the supplies for you. 

James: Thanks, mate. 

Luca: There is one problem. The captain of "Lex" is in San Marino currently. 

Daniel: Fuck. Do you know anyone else. 

Alexa: I do. My friend Richard is a captain. And he can be here in an hour as he lives nearby. 

Blake: That's great. Contact him. 

Alex: He will in half an hour. He is in the vicinity. 

Blake: Well then, guys. We will be off to Croatia. If you do find them, be careful. No harm should be done to our nora. 

Joseph: Brothers, we will bring our wife back. 

         All the brothers group hugged and joseph and shawn left with the others while james, Daniel, ron and Xavier waited for the yacht and captain to arrive.



After 35 minutes: 

           Richard arrived at the port and met the guys. 

Richard: Evening, mr. De Santes. 

Daniel: I am Daniel. Nice to meet you. When can you get the yacht ready for the go. 

Richard: In 10 minutes. 

Xavier: Wait, have we met before? 

Richard: I don't think so, Xavier. You might have misunderstood me for someone else. 

Xavier: Wait, I never told you my name. 

Richard: Everyone knows the American mafia leader. 

Daniel: Okay, enough with the introductions, get the yacht going. 

Richard: Yes,sir. 



In the middle of Ionian sea. In a ship. 


Nora's pov: 

           I am awake but opening my eyes seems like a big job. Wait, why is the surface moving, is it a earthquake? Also, my hands and legs are not moving. Am I dead. Is this what happens after death. After struggling for a more time, I was able to open my eyes. I looked at my hands and legs and realized that I was tied up. Wait, I am only in my lingerie. Where did my clothes go and where the heck am I ? I rummaged through my brain for anything. But the last thing I remember,me and aunt Alexa going to the venue for the ceremony. Then how did I end up here and where is aunt Alexa. I looked at my surroundings for any kind of clue. I was in a ship. There was not much light in the room.  From the window in the cabin, I could see the water moving. How the fuck did I end up here? John was caught so now who is behind all this and why? 

              I tried to free myself from the ropes but it was of no use. Also if I did free myself, where will I go? We were in the middle of the sea. On the day of the marriage, this happened. My husbands would be so worried. I have to do something. I know they would have started searching for me by now, but I cannot just wait for them to arrive. They don't even know my location, it would take them days to find me. Once I free myself from all these ropes, I will try to find a way to escape. As I struggled with the ropes, I heard someone's footsteps. I closed my eyes and pretended to be unconscious. By the sound of the footsteps, I guess they were two people. The door opened and they stepped in. 

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