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Book online «Beg Harder by Artemis Dianne (good books to read in english .TXT) 📖». Author Artemis Dianne

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The punishment for resisting him end up making me bleed down below for two days. The pounding I've received after the first round wasn't as smooth. He deliberately shove himself inside me roughly the whole night. Whatever he injected me made my body weak, followed by a bad headache that went away after five days. 

The day would repeat itself, with Charles leaving early in the morning and returning to me after lunch. We had relentless sex the whole time we were on this place. He didn't give me a second's peace. It seemed as though he was attempting to reach some kind of scoring average. He'd never been aggressive before, so what had he put into me to make him this way? I haven't asked him what's in it yet, but I'm not sure it's a good idea since my reluctance has irritated him. 

That wasn't the case today. I awoke next to him in the same bed. After being here with him for a few months now I could see that he was in a more pleasant frame of mind.

He grins and tells me straight immediately that today is our final day in this tranquil setting. I'm relieved. I opened my lips to inquire as to why, but nothing came out instead of a simple nod and an okay word, as if I were in agreement with him in order to satisfy him.

Charles air swipes a command, right away a man walks in, I held the blanket to my chest covering my naked body underneath. I felt my cheeks burn embarrassed at the idea of them knowing what dirty deed we had just done. No matter how exposed I am to these people, I am still not used to these kinds of situations. They both walk to the other side as another group of assistants brings in breakfast for us. 


I don't want any more guys to see me naked, so I take a quick look at the familiar man to check if I'm still able to move, and then I reach for my robe to cover myself. Even as I hurriedly crossed to the other side, I kept my eyes peeled for signs of his gazing at me. Instead, he kept his gaze focused on Charles as if he was accustomed to seeing his boss with ladies on a regular basis. This thought worried me since I had become one of Charles's things at this point.

But I recall him back in the city, clutching the same glass tablet and saying nothing at all. He was a mystery to me. He gave me the sense of being a guy who was very focused. There is no doubt that this individual has a position within Charles's company; his relaxed posture tells a lot about him because he behaves very differently than everyone else, and I hear him address Charles by his first name rather than the standard sir or boss that I'm used to hearing his people address him. I went to the bathroom to do my business and took a quick shower. 

When I walked back into the room, they were still talking; they looked crazy to a stranger because they had their hands in the air, but I know better than to think that for I'm lucky to be exposed towards the air swiping technology and even after being very obedient, Charles still didn't trust me. He didn't want me near any system, he knew I could easily hack into it especially the last stunt I pulled on him.  

I felt uncomfortable waiting, and the scent of coffee struck my nose; I contemplated heading over to where they were going, but instead decided to lie back on the bed and stay beneath the cover, so as not to disturb Charles's mood and before I know it, I actually start feeling sleepy, and lately I am always feeling this way. 

Charles tossed the blanket aside, and I felt it. "Let's get up and make the most of our final day here," Charles says this as he eats into his sandwich and gives me a cup of coffee in a beautiful crystal cup. I glanced around, but the other man had already left the room. It's just me and him again. As he gives me breakfast, we sit at our regular table in front of the frameless window.

While eating, I looked at him and felt compelled to strike up a discussion because of how good his mood is and because it may be useful in the future to learn more about him. "Have you owned this island for a long time?" I asked to break a very uncomfortable breakfast since I'm so accustomed to him being tough and just want one thing, which is sex.


"About four months, I specifically acquired it for you," Charles says, his body moves forward to me and his eyes were fully looking at me. My jaw dropped knowing my suspicions were right, this is my prison. If I did the math correctly it's already been eight to nine months since my first encounter with him. 

"Wow, this is a beautiful cage; thank you very much." I regret instantly letting this come out of my lips since I was so skilled at maintaining a submissive attitude in order to spare myself from more abuse.

As he placed his cup on the table, he said, "Do you want a dark cell instead of with nothing but a bucket to do your daily thing?" He pauses a few seconds making me hitch my breath and just looks at me before he continues, "That can be arranged "He adds, while he starts laughing, which gives me some relief. My tolerance for his dark humor is still developing, but that remark is definitely half meant, I made a mental note not to get too comfortable even if his mood is better to deal with right now. I gave him a smile and finished eating my bread. 

As soon as we're finished, Charles grabs my hand and drags me outdoors. When we arrived at the front porch, there were two vintage bicycles, and I remembered our discussion from the previous dinner back in the city, when I was simply throwing him random responses that had no truth to them. 

"You mentioned you wanted to ride a bike," Charles says.

Charles excitedly handed it to me and motioned for me to get on the bike. My heart began to race as I informed him that the last thing I would do on my final day on this planet would be to ride a bike. He's not doing this to just simply appease me, is this another test? 

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