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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 19 I love you



The next day, I got up early. I had business to tend to at the company and one of them was talking to Iam about Paula. I don't want him to go near her again.

I came early to the office and Eva, as always- so punctual and organized- came running after me.

"Good morning, sir. It's unusual to see you around here so early," I smile.

"Good morning, Eva. I have things to sort out," she nodded and turned.

"Eva?" I exclaimed, calling her.

"Yes, sir?"

"Send Iam to my office as soon as he arrives," I ordered, taking a seat in my chair.

"Yes, sir," Eva began to recite me my schedule for today and after that, she left my office. And in a matter of minutes, exactly the person I wanted to see appeared.

"Good morning, Dante. Eva said you needed me?” he asked, smiling.

“Good morning, sit down,” I motioned and he sat looking at me seriously.

“Can you explain what happened last night?” he questioned but I don't have to explain anything.

“I don't have to explain anything to you but I'll make something clear to you,” I got up and he did the same.

"I want you to stay away from Paula," I said

He grimaced, raising an eyebrow, "Aahh, yeah, and why?"

" Because?" I turned around and stood in front of him, my face serious.

"Because she's mine, Iam. That's why."

He laughed out loud, something that infuriated me even more.

“Yours, Dante? Seriously?” I smiled

"That's right, Iam, and I'm not playing games. Get away from her." I threatened.

"You're my friend, Dante, but that doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do or what not to do and I won't walk away from Paula just because you asked me to. I met her first.”

"If it's because of her damn contract. I'll give you back what you paid her,"  I challenged him.

"It's not because of the damn contract." he looked upset. "It's because I want her for myself, what's more, I'm going to conquer her, Dante, and neither you nor anyone else is going to stop me.”

"Since when did you start having feelings for Paula? Earlier, you used to laugh at me. You thought she was a whore and now, Dante? You like her? you want her for yourself? When did that happen?” He spoke wryly.

Hearing that, my whole body aches.

"Don't ever say that again in your fucking life. She is not a whore, and yes, I misjudged her, I accept it, but she is different." I clarified.

"Different? Different in what way, Dante? Do you know what your problem is? When you see a woman like her, you always want her for yourself, because that's the way you are. You think money buys everything."

"It's ironic that you tell me that, knowing that with money you have the women you want," I counter-attacked.

"But I don't play with them. I make it clear to them how it is.”

"Listen to me well, Iam, I do not play. You are my friend, but for that woman, I can go to any limit. So you better not touch my balls. You know what I am capable of, and I will no longer follow this discussion. I have already told you that I will not leave Paula.”

He looked at me surprised, breathing agitated as he couldn't believe what I just told him. We have never fought, much less over a woman. He is my best friend but that woman is special for me.

"You don't have to threaten me, Dante, but I can also play the same game like you. So, let the best man win," that is all he said when he left my office, not without slamming the door that echoed throughout the building.

I ran my hand through my hair a thousand times. I know Iam is very competitive if he wants to be. I need to fix things with Paula urgently. She had given me the opportunity to clarify things and I was going to take advantage of it.

I was anxiously waiting for the day to pass. I just wanted to see her and hug her, and finally, it was time to go pick her up at the restaurant. Without waiting for another half-second, I hurried down to my car and drove to the restaurant.

I arrived and she still had not left. I waited outside the car, leaning against it. This time I was alone. I did not need Jorge. I wanted to be alone with her.

And then I saw her leave, walking towards me. I smiled, my heart was racing. It's incredible what I felt when I saw her. She was a little serious and I knew that it was because of everything that is happening between us. I'm sure.

"Hello," she greeted shyly, without raising her head.

"Hi, Babe." I tried to get closer but she moved away from me and I would be lying if I say, it didn’t hurt me. Since, I never played with her, on the contrary, I still have the memory of her melodious moans and her eyes while I was making her mine.

" Let's go?" I asked, crestfallen.

She nodded and I opened the car door for her. We got in and she allowed me to put the seat belt on her, to touch her at least and lessen that desire to be close to her. Our faces were very close to each other, her breath collided with mine. I could not stand it and stole a chaste kiss from her lips, to which, she closed her eyes on impulse. I separated from her looking at her. She opened her eyes and I could see in them a lot of tenderness, as if she wanted to tell me so many things that she couldn't. She bit her lip, an act that drove me crazy and she knew it.


I slowly moved away from her. My whole body vibrated with her presence. It's incredible what she makes me feel by just talking to me, looking at me.

"Where are we going, Dante?" She stuttered nervously. I felt the same.

"To my house, honey" I started the car.

"To your house?" she licked her lips and tormented me physically and mentally without realizing it.

“Yes, baby, come to my house. Only there we can talk without being disturbed,”  I watched as she gulped and just smiled looking straight ahead.

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