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Book online «Ava by Sarah Armad (Devilsgoodgirl) (best books to read for success .txt) 📖». Author Sarah Armad (Devilsgoodgirl)

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Chapter 33


Anger was burning inside Eduardo like fire and the heat could be felt in the room. But he had to keep calm... For now.

And put of no where, to everyone's horror Eduardo busts out laughing.
"Finally, I have a reason to put you in a mental asylum" says Agnolo.
Eduardo stops laughing and says "I am like my mother. She is the root for my mental health" 
"You are fine" says Cara. 
"Hmm... Mind to explain what was so funny that you bust out laughing?" Asks Agnolo. 
"You see dad, my Ava is a little angry at me cause I haven't spent time with her since I came here. It's you to blame for it, you know with all beating and shooting. A little time alone with me, Ava will remember she loves me" says Eduardo.

"She will marry you when she remembers?" Ask Emilia, Eduardo's grandmother.
"She has to marry him or die during child birth. You know, accidents happen." says Elizondo glaring at Ava. 
"No, she will not die in childbirth. After I marry her. I'll take her with me to America" says Eduardo.
"She will have to marry you" smirks Elizondo at Ava. 
Ava was shivering listening to Elizondo threaten her right in front of everyone.

"Ava, do you need time to think?" Asks Emilia with her sweet caring voice. 
"What's there to think?" Asks Elizondo.

Cara holds Ava's hands and encourages her to speak. 
"I didn't want this. I didn't want to get pregnant but now that I am. I don't want to lose my child" says Ava.
"If you don't want to marry me then how do you suppose you will support the child? By cleaning houses? Let's face it Ava. That's the only work you know to do" says Eduardo.
"I will work any job for my child with self respect" says Ava.

"Our child love. Our" says Eduardo.
"You knew she can only be a good maid then why marry her?" Asks Agnolo.
"I love her and I get to come home to a clean house, hot home-cooked food and a beautiful maid.. I mean wife ready to take care of all my needs" says Eduardo.
"You just called a wife as a maid" says Cara. 
"Sorry. Let me add, I also get to fuck her and don't have to pay" says Eduardo and gets a shoe throw at him by Cara. 
"Nice shot Cara" says Agnolo.
"Really mom?" Says Eduardo and looks at Elizondo to defend him. 
"That you deserved" says Elizondo and Eduardo rolls his eyes.

"Before we decide on this situation, Ava has something to say" says Agnolo. 
Ava stands up from her place and walks to Eduardo. She puts her hand in the pocket of her dress to remove something.
"Oh my god. Ava are you going to propose to me? Will you get down on your knee? I do like you on your knees" Asks Eduardo and now Eduardo was holding the other pair of Cara's shoe.
"That would have hit me right on my face" says Eduardo.
"That's what I was aiming for" says Cara.

Ava shakes her head no and removes an envelope and gives it to Eduardo. 
"What's this?" Asks Eduardo and opens the envelope to see money in it. 
"This is the money you gave my father in exchange for me" says Ava.
"She has spent last few months working numerous jobs in Brooklyn to earn that money. She told me everything when I found her in Brooklyn" says Agnolo. 
"You don't own me anymore" says Ava crying.

Eduardo was still seated on the coach and pulls her to sit on his lap. 
"I did everything I could to keep you with me. I love you. Marry me Ava. Don't you want your child to have a father?" says Eduardo.
"I am scared" says Ava.
"You should be scared but not scared enough to not marry me. It's just me. The guy who loves you so much." Says Eduardo.

Ava stoped crying and Eduardo announces "we will marry in church tomorrow" 
"Wait.. did she say yes?" Asks Cara.
Eduardo with a hard expression says "my Ava will say 'I do' in front of God tomorrow when she marries me"

Eduardo didn't let Ava or anyone else speak after that. 
He pulls Ava to his room saying "I am just going to say hi to her in my room"

"He could say hi here" says Emilia.
"No Mio Farfalla. I don't want to see that in this age" says Elizondo.
"Saying hi?" Asks Emilia.
"They are going to have sex" says Cara and Agnolo glares at Cara.

Ava was trembling when she entered Eduardo's room. Her heart skips a beat when Eduardo locks them in. He turns to look at Ava and she wraps her arms around her stomach and says "please don't hurt me"
Eduardo creases his eyebrows and then smiles. He limps close to his bed and takes a seat at the edge. 
"Come here Ava" calls Eduardo and Ava walks to him. He makes her sit on his lap and runs his hand on her stomach.
"I would never hurt my child. We made our child with love. You loved our time that night" says Eduardo.
"You said we didn't do it" says Ava.
"Clearly I was lying. That's what I love about you. You believe everything I lie about and what I hate about you is that you don't believe me when I don't lie. Like I am not lying when I say I love you" says Eduardo.
"You hurt me" says Ava refering to the both physical and mental pain she went through.
"That you have to get used to. I am not going to change myself for little old you. You should accept me and love me for how incredible I am. I am a good catch if you hadn't notice and very good in bed which you can't deny" says Eduardo.

Ava watches this creature in front of her who not only was full of himself but also blinded by his point of view to see the world. He only saw what he wanted to, did what he wanted to and believed what he wanted which included believing that Ava should accept him for who he is. And when it came to Ava. He wanted to change her to fit into HIS upper class society.

"Now, I am in a little pain. So you are responsible for making love to me, okay?" Says Eduardo and unzips her dress from back. 
"Or we should not do anything" suggests Ava.
"Oh, fucking you is must. I missed you and it's your fault I am in this condition" says Eduardo.
"It is?" Asks Ava watching him move her dress off her shoulders.
"Yes, it is. You should be thanking me for giving you this honour to carry my baby. And also apologize for all the bruises and shot I took because of you. Now come on stand up and strip your clothes. I want to feel you and taste you" says Eduardo.
"Eduardo I don't... "Starts Ava but is cut off when Eduardo grips her throat.

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