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Book online «My billionaire Rockstar by jewel crotan (read a book .TXT) 📖». Author jewel crotan

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but want to explain myself.

"Hush, Belle. You don't have to explain and you don't have to worry." He leans over and pulls me close to him in a warm, tight embrace. He feels so amazing and comfortable, like home. Soon his warm, hard, muscular body presses against mine, making me breathe a little heavier. His soft lips graze my neck and quickly find my lips.

In a flash, he has me pinned down on the bed. We stare into each other’s eyes as he holds my wrists down. He comes back down to kiss me passionately as we tumble around the bed. Our clothes go flying off as we can't wait to hold our naked bodies close together. I've been waiting for this moment all day.

"Belle, I can't believe you ran off like that. I think I may have to punish you a little for not trusting me," he teases. I look at him a little warily. Is he kidding? I smile tentatively at him.

"I'm not kidding," he says coldly. For a minute, I'm a little alarmed. He pulls out silk scarves from his pants pocket. "I have to make sure you don't get away this time," he winks at me with a sexy smile. I giggle back. Okay, I'm open-minded enough to go along, I think. He surprises me and quickly flips my body around on the bed so that my face is almost smashed against the soft bed. I gasp as he pulls my arms back and binds my wrists together with his silk scarf.

"Don't worry, baby. This won't hurt…too much." I raise an eyebrow but I don't think he can see nor does he care.

Oddly I feel excited, turned on by what he might have in store for me. He pulls my body up by the ties abruptly and over his lap. My fully naked body is pressed into his lap. I feel his hard erection poking me in the lower stomach, and am extremely aware of my moistness on my inner thighs. His hand comes up and glides in between my thighs.

"Oh baby, that's nice. I see you're already ready for me. Good girl. But you know you've been a bad girl tonight, running out on me like that, right?" His voice is sexy yet mildly threatening in a really hot way. I bite my lower lip.

Before I can answer, I feel his hands caressing my ass. Within a second, he removes them and swiftly smacks me hard squarely against my ass. The loud smack of stinging skin rings in my ears and lights up my backside. "Ow! Oh my God! What the…" Again, his hand comes down swiftly and fiercely, smacking against my already sensitive butt cheek. I bite my lip hard in pain this time. Maybe I shouldn't say anything.

"Now, that's much better. Since it's your first offense, I may take it easier on you tonight," he whispers to me as he roughly caresses my stinging flesh. The sensitive heat and stinging on my butt are somehow erotically soothed by his big warm strong hands grabbing and kneading my sensitive skin.

He alternates between grabbing handfuls of my sensitive ass, with sliding his fingers in between my thighs, probing my growing wetness. I can feel and hear him breathing harder. His erection is pushing into me painfully.

"Oh yes, Belle, I see you like a little punishment, you bad girl you." He whispers in a really turned on tone. I squirm helplessly as he slides and drags his fingers along my soaking wet folds. He slowly sinks a digit deep inside me. I groan softly and deeply, thrusting my hips back, wanting more.

He pulls me up and pushes me back down on the bed in a similar awkward position. My face is down against the bed pillow but he's pushed up my hips so my ass is sticking out exposed. My wrists are still bound together in an awkward way. He pushes my legs farther apart and comes in closer.

"Oh baby, I've been wanting to do this all day. You taste and feel so damn good. So hot, so sexy." He whispers as he comes forward and pushes me deeper into the bed. He grabs a hold of my hips and with a forceful thrust, pierces my pussy with his incredible hardness. I gasp as the immense pressure fills me completely. I start panting as he thrusts hard, relentlessly slamming into me aggressively. It's almost like he's punishing me with his rough play.

Only after a few seconds of his hardness mercilessly pounding my slippery wet pussy, it builds incredible pressure within me. He slams against my throbbing clit as my wetness drenches him. I can't hold back any longer. I scream half into the bed and half out into the room. All I hear is the sound of our skin relentlessly slapping as he drills me harder in desperate passion. I scream as he pounds my intense orgasm through me.

I feel my muscles contract and clench tightly around him as my walls spasm with my all-consuming release. I moan through the aftershocks and then feel him suddenly tense up. "Oh baby, you're so damn hot. Oh God, I'm going to come," he whispers urgently. I feel his member jerk around inside me for a second before he pulls out and rubs himself in the crack of my ass. I feel his warmth on my backside and in between my cheeks. He groans and falls forward pulling me down with him.

We're both panting desperately to catch our breath. He quickly unties me and uses the scarf to help clean me up. We embrace and fall into the bed with some more mad, passionate kisses. He was the most incredible kisser I've ever known. I smile and moan into his delicious warm kisses.

After we take a moment to clean up and get comfortable in my bed again, we turn toward each other to hold each other tight. "You're sleeping over tonight? You really should. I mean, you're more than welcome to. It's getting late so why don't you stay," I whisper to him with a smile.

"Absolutely, beautiful. You couldn't drag me away," he winks at me with a tired but satisfied smile. We sink into each other’s arms and under the covers. As we snuggle our warm, naked bodies together, I can feel myself slowly drifting off. But before I do, I can't stop wondering. Would I ever see him again after this trip? Would I ever find out who he really is? There are so many odd and intriguing hints, why is he so mysterious anyway?

All I know is that I've never been happier than this week, and I really needed it. I sigh quietly in his arms, trying to enjoy the moment but knowing that our time here was quickly ending. I guess that it can only be left up to fate, and I decide that I don't have the capacity to worry about this now. Tomorrow is another day. In my last trying relationship, I've learned that I just need to take things one day at a time. I hear Ricky's voice in my head. The other night he said something about not ruining the perfect moment with worry. I reflect on how smart that really is.

I decide to take Ricky's wise advice. I am just going to enjoy and revel in this current, perfect moment with him. I've never felt more amazing. I close my eyes and truly savor the incredible moment, right here, right now with him. I would have never thought my work trip would’ve turned out to be like this. That I would meet a man like him.

But then I wonder, who is he anyway? In my mind's eye, I see Edward telling me again that Ricky's a rich, talented and successful man in demand. Then I see Ricky's expert dance moves at the club, then Ricky serenading me at the bonfire with his silky smooth voice and perfect lyrics. Is he some kind of rich rock star? Mm, my rockstar billionaire. I grin softly at the sudden odd thought and it slightly jolts me awake. Would I ever get to the bottom of this? But soon my thoughts start to run together again as I get sleepier.

As I slowly drift off to sleep, I snuggle up and hold him tighter. My lips slowly curl in a satisfied grin. For the first time in a very long time, I realize I'm truly happy. No matter what happens, I know I will always remember this trip. 


Publication Date: 01-18-2016

All Rights Reserved

She’s always felt like an average girl, not a size 0 supermodel, so she doesn’t get how someone as perfect as him could possibly be interested in her. But he craves and needs her, and won’t take no for an answer. They agree to just enjoy each other on their getaway with no expectations. But she can’t stop wondering what he is hiding. Will she discover his secrets? Or will they learn to live in the moment? Belle tells you from her point of view about their unforgettable, hot getaway

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