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Chapter 23 Problems?




Today, I tried to finish my pending work early at the office so that I could go to the hospital to see Paula and Katy. I had many plans in my mind and I hoped she would agree to them. Since I’ve met her, my mind does nothing but think about her.

I was planning on talking to Iam to solve our differences but it wouldn’'t be today, not here in the company. I was sure he must be hating me but I won't renounce Paula's love. I love her like I’ve never loved any woman in my life.

I was also planning on introducing her to my family. This weekend my brother was arriving and taking advantage of the fact that the whole family would be there I wanedt to make my relationship official.

My mom would scream to the sky with happiness as well as Carolina, my sister. I rubbed my face, imagining that they would plan a wedding for sure. I hope my baby wouldn’t run away from me after meeting my unconventional family. There is nothing to say about my dad, he is the best guy in the world. He has taught me so much, both me and my brother. We owe everything we are to that man.

I wiuld have to talk to my mother about it. Putting pressure on Paula and making her run away is not in my plans. As for Giancarlo, I'm sure he wouldn't stop bothering me from now on. The idiot, he's so stuck with his assistant and he's playing the asshole. When he gets his grl stolen may be then he'll realise. Or at least I hope so.

Between papers, meetings, and video conference with possible investors, I was ready to leave the office to go to the hospital to see my little girl. I swear that not a second goes by that I don't miss her. Despite being busy and having thousands of things in my head, she is always there, occupying most of my thoughts. Could it be that the same thing happens to her? I shake my head while saying goodbye to Eva, who says goodbye with a smile.

First I went to a flower shop. I will take flowers for my sister in law. The truth is that I have already become fond of her. I arrived at the hospital and went up to where she was hospitalized. However, what I see, makes my blood boil. Paula was talking and smiling with that doctor. Without hesitation, I hurried to get to her.

When she turned to look at me her eyes lit up and she grabbed my neck to kiss me, of course I didn't stay behind and I grabbed her waist to reciprocate, marking my territory, making it clear to that little doctor that Paula is taken and he should look the other way. I guess I'm a little possessive, just a little.

“Dante, you came," she whispered against my lips but like the possessive bastard that I am I grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed her even tighter.

“Hello, love.” I greeted and she smiled on my lips. Her smile drives me crazy. I look at the doctor and his face is completely red as he tried to look away. I know about his intentions for my girlfrien. Aahh but she has a man and it's me, let's make it clear to him and he'll get the idea.

“Excuse me,” Paula nods and turns to me again, shrugging her shoulders.

“I think he's jealous.” I teased, winking at her while she rolled her eyes at me.

“It's not like that, Dante, he's just nice to me," I snorted. I caress her cheek and she closes her eyes at my touch.

  “And how is my sister-in-law?”

“Very well, Dante,” she is being discharged today.

  “Really? I'm so happy about that, love,” I kissed her again.

 “Have I told you that I love your lips?

She shakes her head, “ I also like your kisses, love,”

How well it sounds from her lips to call me, love,” I am his love of course I am.

“Are those flowers for me?” she narrows her pretty little eyes, with a tiny smile.

“No love, these are for your sister," she smiles. Well Dante, you're earning points.

“Thank you, Dante for this. Now more than ever, she needs something to cheer her up.”

“I know, beautiful, and nothing pleases me more than to be able to give her a little encouragement and bring a smile to her face," she looks at me tenderly.

“ Can I come in to see her," I ask her to stop staring at me in such an idiotic way. She nods.

“Look princess, who came to see you?” Paula said happily as we both entered the room while Katherine welcomed me with a big smile.

“Dante, you came," she exclaimed happily.

“Of course I came. Look, what I brought you,” I showed her the beautiful flowers like her.

“They're for me," her cheeks turned pink.

“Yes, princess. They are for you. Beautiful as you,” I confess sincerely, earning a clear blush on her cheeks.

“You know what, Dante. I am well and will be discharged today?”

“Yes, she told me and I came for you to take you home.”

    “seriously?” she asked, surprised

   “Yes princess, of course”

Paula looked at me with great tenderness. It was clear that she adored her sister. She is such a soft-hearted and adorable girl. How can I not love her?

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