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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 38

Time:-3:00 PM, Location: Messina


             Nora was finally well and awake after about 5 hours of rest. James had informed her about going to the private island. She was glad that her grandma had agreed and was not creating problems as she heard about the fighting outside the tent. She was relieved to know that everyone was well and alive. Except her baby. The guys had decided to tell her about the lost baby when she is stable in her pregnancy or better after the pregnancy as telling her now would lead her to stress and that could lead to a possible miscarriage. The chances of miscarriage were still there. So, no stressing the mother. 

             No one knew about the lost baby except the brothers, Xavier and luca, and it was going to be that until they told nora. 

             The preparations were being made for going to the private island. It was not sure for how many days, weeks or months they would have to stay there. While the basic amenities were present on the island,the medical equipment were not. All the required equipments were packed and sent on the island by the ship. They were all prepared if nora had her baby on the island, there was chances that the baby could be born before the due date. So, incubators and radiant warmers were also taken to the island. Almost, whatever nora and the baby might require in the next few months was taken to the island. However, there was only one doctor and a nurse accompanying them as james would take care of any medical problem. James was a specialist in his field. He was the most renowned doctor of the field. But, to be on the safer side, they thought it would be good if there was one more doctor.  

           They had to he careful who they took on the island. As anyone might leak their location to the enemies and their life would be on stake. So, the doctor was the one from Xavier's mansion. According to Xavier, their family had been with them for years and he was his childhood friend. So, that had been taken care of. The trusted men from all the three gangs were accompanying them as all of them specialized in their own fields. Snipers, bomb specialist, tech guy recommended by Luca,spies, fighters,martial artist and many more trusted men. 

 Joseph: I think we should leave tomorrow as it will give my love some more time to heal. And we have to take care of some things before we leave. 

Daniel: Yeah, like dealing with some traitors. 

Xavier: I have a request, Joseph. 

Joseph: Anything you want, brother.

Xavier: I want to be the one who ends Kristy's life. You can torture her as much as you want, but I want to be the one who takes away her life. 

Joseph: Sure thing, brother. By the way, I was not going to torture her anyway, because she is a woman, and we don't hurt woman and children unless absolutely necessary. I would have made someone else kill her anyway. 

Xavier: I know that we don't hurt women and children, but I cannot let her get away with what she has done. 

Christiana: Yeah, me too. 

          All the men looked toward christiana as they were having a private conversation and she had come up from nowhere. 

Xavier: What are you doing here? 

Christiana: You know, Xavier,  eva and selena spilled the beans. I already knew you were all mafia, but they told me what was going on and who were the traitors and everything they did to you all. 

Xavier: And? 

Christiana: And I would like to help you. I want to kill that bitch who tortured my friend, who hurt the man that I lo....  No one else can be a pain in your ass Xavier other than me. I want to beat the fuck of that nasty bitch for ever hurting my friends. 

Xavier: Shut up, you don't know what you are talking about? This is mafia and believe me you don't want to get involved. 

Christiana: Joseph...

Joseph: Yes, christiana.  

Christiana: Remember,  you said that you will give me anything I want. So, I want to have a chance to beat that fucking bitch. 

            Joseph was shocked by her request. She could have anything in the world and she asked for something that he would have pleasure giving. Sure, that Kristy bitch deserves all the torture in the world for ever laying a hand on his love. Joseph was giving her a easy death because he had no choice, he and his brothers could never lay a hand on a woman. But, the opportunity presented itself. 

         Joseph moved his eyes from christiana to Xavier who was shaking his head in negative. Telling him not to give her what she is asking for.

Xavier: No, no,no,no,no, did I mention no..

Christiana: Xavier baby, last thing I remember this is Sicily and not America and your word is not the law here. And I heard that Joseph is the don here, and I know that he would make the right decision.  And that bitch is here so she is under the sicilians, Xavier. 

          Damn that girl was something else. Standing in front of two mafia leaders and speaking like that, required a lot of guts. The brothers had known christiana for a very little time but they were impressed by her behavior, tactics and her personality. They knew that the only reason she was doing all this was for Xavier. They saw it in her eyes how she looked at him, just the way nora looked at them. And joseph knew that she loved him more than anything and that's why she had the right to hurt the people that hurt Xavier. 

Joseph: Christiana, as you seem so sure of your decision. I grant your wish. But remember torture her all you want but you cannot take her life, that would he done by Xavier. 

Christiana: Thank you, Joseph. 

Xavier: Have all of you gone crazy? You think you can handle torturing a person. Joseph, you of all people should know what it does to your mind, then too you agreed. 

Joseph: And Xavier you of all people know that I won't back away from my word. 

Xavier: You and your fucking word. 

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