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“Oh, but let's go in, please. Let's not stay out here. Come in, come in,” my mother exclaimed, holding Paula's arm and I just walked behind them.

An effusive Calorina came down. As soon as she saw us, she practically ran into Paula's arms. Yes, that's right, into Paula's arms,as if she had known her for years.

“I was so excited to see her," she said, "I'm so happy to see you. You're so beautiful not like the porn models he's used to,” Paula watched me and I rubbed my face.

“Carolina!”  I scold her.

“What? Are you going to deny me?”

Paula just laughs

“I'm sorry. I'm Carolina, your sister-in-law and this asshole's sister.” She pointed her finger at me and I rolled my eyes.

“It's my pleasure, Carolina.

“It's my pleasure, beautiful. I'll finally have a sister. Now, big brother greets your sister accordingly,” she threw herself into my arms.

  “Hello, dwarf,” she rolled her eyes. She hates it when I call her that.

“Well, so you're the famous Paula. Who's got my brother all twisted up," Giancarlo suddenly appeared, smiling.

“You'll be an asshole," he exclaimed, smiling. He came closer and we hugged each other tightly.

“How are you? When did you arrive?” I asked.

“Last night, I couldn't miss this for the world, seeing you by the balls,” he guffawed and then turned to my beautiful girlfriend, who was looking at all this with pleasure.

 "So you're Dante's girlfriend?

“Hello, it's nice to meet you,” she greeted smiling.

“It's my pleasure, beautiful. “ Giancarlo kissed the back of her hand. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat, pulling her hand.

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend," I growled.

He just laughed.

“We made Mr. Dante jealous," he continued with his mockery.

“Stop bothering your brother Gian," Dad saidfrom behind him.

“Hi Dad.” he came up to me and gave me a big hug.

“How are you, son?” he asked pulling away from me.

“Good daddy,” I answered but his eyes were already diverted to her.

“Well, now get out of my way and let me see this beautiful young lady, who has everyone captivated,” Paula blushed like never before at my father's words.

“How do you do, Mr. De Luca? I'm Paula Ricci,” She extended her hand a little embarrassed.

“Nice to meet you, young lady. Welcome to the family,” My father said again and greeted her with a big hug.

“Well, now that we are all here let's go to the table. We were only waiting for you, my children,” Said my mother. We all nodded and walked towards the dining room. I grabbed Paula by the arm, holding her close to my body.

“How was I?" she asked, feeling very nervous.

“Excellent, love. You've got them all eating out of your hand.” I winked at her. She smiled and hit me on the arm.

“Come on love, let's go to the dining room,” I kissed her forehead and we joined my family at the table.

Giancarlo didn't stop looking at her and that was already making me uncomfortable. I never thought I would feel jealous, even of my brother. He looked at me suddenly and I just shook my head while he just smiled denying too. He does it just to annoy me because I know he's in love with Chloe. I can see it in his eyes, he has something different, maybe because I'm like that too.

“My dear, I hope you will come to the house very often, for from now on you are one of the family," said my mother with a warm smile.

“Yes, Mrs. Catalina, I will come to visit you whenever I can,” I nodded confidently as she gave me a look.

“And every time my brother lets you breathe,” Carolina joked, to which I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed.

“What about your family, daughter?” my father questioned as he drank from his sumo.

“Well, my mother died five years ago and my father, well... he left us when I was still a child,” He kept silent, smiling slightly. And an awkward silence formed. My father looked saddened.

“Oh, I see and do you have siblings?”  said my mother, looking at my father. “Yes, I have a younger sister,” she answered again.

“She's the girl Katia will take care of, Mom,” Carolina answered.

I nodded in agreement.

“That's right, his sister is the one who's sick,” “ I added.

 “I see,” My father replied sadly.

“Well, let's talk about something else. No sadness today, okay? But next time I want to meet that girl Paula," said my mother, referring to Katy.

“Yes, Catalina, my sister is a very sweet girl,” She said proud of her sister. I just wanted to hug her and tell her that she wasn't alone that I was there to take care of her and her little sister.

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