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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 40

              The doctors had examined nora's condition and came to the conclusion that she is alright. She fainted because of the sudden trauma. She will wake up in some hours. The guys had booked a hotel as it was not the best idea to spend the night in tents and the warehouse. So, they shifted everyone to the nearest hotel and took nora to the room set up for her. It was as easy task since the manager recognized them and did not interrupt anything and let them do whatever they want. 

             The guys decided that till the time she wakes up,they will take care of other things. They got out of the room she was resting in. 

Joseph: Guys, tomorrow we are leaving and before that we have to take care of something.  

Daniel: But we can't leave sweetie alone like this. 

Joseph: I know. So, two of us should stay here. 

Daniel: I am coming, I want to see that bastard die in front of my eyes. 

Luca: Yeah, me too. That piece of shit dying right in front of my eyes was something I would not like to miss. 

James: I will stay with nora. 

Joseph: Ron? 

Ron: Oh, I am coming with you. 

Shawn: Yeah, I want to see the bastard die that hurt my babygirl.  

Xavier: If you want, I can stay here. 

Joseph: Okay, good. So james you stay inside the bedroom with nora in case she wakes up and Xavier you can be in the living room. And make sure that the guards don't leave the place at any cost. Luca, are our men surrounding the whole hotel? 

Luca: Yes, I checked with charlie, everyone is in their position. 

Joseph: Good. 

Daniel: It might take us some time there, so james are you sure you can explain everything to her when she wakes up.

James: Well, I will try my best to calm her down and then tell her everything. 

Daniel: Okay. 

Shawn: So, let's get going. 

              Ron and Kristy were kept in a warehouse ten minutes from the hospital. They got in their jeeps and reached the warehouse. The warehouse was actually an abandoned building that had a soundproof basement. By the looks of it, the place had a horror touch to it, so people don't roam ideally there. The building was not much useful. It was just a front, the work takes place in the basement. 

              The basement was huge with many rooms. There was a open space and then there were about 10 rooms at the very end of the warehouse where they could keep their prisoners. In the open space, guns and ammunition were stored in boxes and kept at the right corner for trading with other dealers. While the left corner was the torture spot.   

            A cross was present right in the centre. With many torture devices on the walls and in the room, it looked like we were in the medieval time where people were tortured horribly. Horrifying equipments were there in the room.  

            The five of them were well equipped with all of the torture devices as being able to see them since their childhood. In their childhood, they used to think that they would never make a person go through that level of torture. But,now they understood why some people were tortured like that. For hurting women, and the women in question was their wife, so ron better be ready to face their wrath. He was not going to have an easy death. 

Daniel: Bring him out. 

              He did not say anyone's name because the men already knew who he was talking about. The person who had tortured their Don's wife. They brought a pale looking roy out of the room to the spot. Roy had been fed, treated and brought to almost good health. Where is the fun in torturing a half dead person. Roy knew what was waiting for him. And he was scared for his life. 

            And that's the reason when he saw the brothers there, he started begging for his life. 

Roy: Please forgive me. I did not know what to do. It was all John's idea, I never did anything to torture your wife. Please, don't kill me. 

           All of them started laughing. 

Daniel: Do you think we will believe you? You were enjoying the show when John was torturing nora. And what do we know,you might have tortured her before we got there. 

Luca: And for all these years, you have been betraying us. We treated you like family and what did you do? Huh. 

Ron: Guys,there is no need to speak to this dick. Guards, tie him to the torture chair. 

            The guys brought him to the torture chair. His hands were bound to the hand rest of the chair while the legs were also bound together. 


       ***  Readers, please note the following scene contains dark and horrific torture. So, the people who would not like to read or are weak hearted, I advise you to skip this part. I do not promote all this,it is just for the sake of those who like dark or sadistic torture.***


Roy: Please don't torture me, please have mercy on me. 

Joseph: Mercy, huh? Yeah, that's not gonna happen. 

Luca: So, let's start. 

            He picked up a very sharp small knife from the table and walked towards roy who was profusely sweating in fear. 

Luca: Hmm, what should I cut first? Any suggestions my dear brother. 

           Roy couldn't even open his mouth. He knew that saying anything would be a waste of time and energy. He had to endure everything. He deserved everything he was getting and he knew it. 

Luca: Well, you won't have any use of those fingers, right? So,let's start with that. 

         Luca traced the knife from roy's arm to his wrist loving the fear on his face. He took his index finger in his hand and cut it off in a swift move. Roy shouted his lungs out. 

Luca: We are just getting started roy and you are already screaming. But scream as much as you want because I know the others are loving it. 

           Then one by one, luca cut all of his fingers from his hand and placed the fingers on the table beside.

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