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anxiety, inability to sleep, OCD, irritability, insecurity, over-thinking or a restless mind
You will...lose your body
You will...lose your beauty

Like the sun rises in the east every day, so will any person go through these changes if they diet, eat little or don’t eat at all. It is just a matter of time. Again some people have a stronger disposition to survival and a deeper genetic ability to endure longer more harsh environments, but in the end there is no way around how beauty is lost and kept.
As sure as these changes are, there are even more changes that most young girls don’t really think about and they are the consequences of eating less and not eating has on health. Every internal body system over time is affected by not getting enough food. There can be big changes or small ones.
The BIG changes:
Repetitive miscarriages and inability to get pregnant – no blood in the womb to hold the baby or to make for a secure environment for conception or fetal development.
Heart arrythmia’s – the heart is a muscle and needs food to keep a healthy steady rhythm and function. The worst thing anyone can do for their heart at a young age is exercise and not eat. The reason is because the heart needs a lot of nutrition when it is being over worked through exercise. The heart is sensitive to stress on the body in all ways whether it be through not eating enough, over-exercise, emotions, mental states or life circumstances. Not eating and exercising will hurt your heart.

Kidney failure – the kidneys need food to survive - period. When the body doesn’t get enough food the kidneys suffer.
Gastric and intestinal ulcers – the stomach releases Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) and if there is no food in the stomach to digest, then the HCl can burn the stomach lining. Also, Helicobacter Pylori (H-pylori bacteria) that is a cause of ulcers can sometimes find a sustaining environment in a host whose immune system is weakened because of a lack of nutrition.
Endocrine disorders – adrenal gland exhaustion, hypo-thyroidism, and other disorders of the endocrine system. Over-exertion and taking from reserves.
Fibroid tumors in the uterus – slow moving blood and malnourishment to cells.
Cancer – although not proven, Chinese medicine offers some insight into some forms of cancer. Eating less food or not getting enough food weakens the blood which in time weakens and slows down blood circulation. The body turns to cold and deficient internally, which allows for stagnate masses to form in the tissue and because of the constant stress to the body from malnutrition it may lead to DNA code and cellular mutations. However, cancer is influenced by many factors and is difficult to fully understand why some people get it and others don’t.
Depression – deficient glucose levels. The brain needs glucose. Neuro and chemical transmitter imbalance like dopamine and serotonin deficiencies due to lack of food.
Anxiety – sensitivity to fight and flight autonomic nervous system pathway.
Neurological disease – nerves feed off B vitamins and these nutrients are what keep nerves healthy. When there is a decrease of complex
carbohydrates and overall nutrition to the body the myelin sheath suffers. When the nerve doesn’t get nourishment there are all kinds of neurological diseases that can develop. The most common is some kind of pain and it is usually chronic. Nerves also need uninhibited blood flow because blood is what carries nourishment to all the body’s tissue.
The SMALL changes:
Anemia – weakened red blood cells.
Body temperature changes – no fuel or warmth from food, adrenal fatigue.
Circulation – weakened blood system and no nourishment and strength from food for the heart muscle to work properly.
Bloating and distention, no appetite – damage to digestive organs.
Never ending appetite – the body’s attempt to correct deficiencies, a survival mechanism to stay alive.
Kidney stones – kidneys can’t function the right way without food.
Shortness of breath – oxygen absorption and transportation, weakening of blood which is the oxygen transport system.
Feeling dizzy – oxygen levels to the brain, weakened blood.
Immune deficiency, always sick – no support or stability for healthy immune function.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – lack of cellular ATP, glucose from complex carbohydrates, adrenal exhaustion, cellular deficiency, organ deficiency, weakening of blood.
Jaundice – as already mentioned hemolysis which means red blood cells dying or destruction, bile leakage, other medical disorders.
Inability to produce milk for breast feeding – this might be a small change for a mother but it is significant for a baby. Mother’s milk is the best source of food and nutrition for a baby’s normal and natural physical development. It also allows for bonding between mother and child. It is always best to breast feed. Not eating enough food or limited reserves in the body can lead to lack of milk production.
Menstrual disorders – weakened deficient blood.
Mood changes, personality changes – the glucose hog a.k.a. the brain, lacks the one thing it feeds on glucose - allowing for changes mental function.
TMJD (Temporomandibular joint disorder) – this is a problem with the jaw. When the body does not get enough food, the network of tendons, ligaments, and muscles around the lower jaw stop working the way they should. The tendons and ligaments that hold the jaw in place weaken. It can be painful. It can also lead to cracking sounds when the jaw is opened and closed. Leaving the jaw vulnerable to changes that may need medical attention.
Chronic urinary tract infections – immune system lacking food for its “soldiers” so they are unable to capture and kill bacteria and other pathogens.
Craving for sweet food – for some reason when the body has internal deficiencies especially digestive weakening there is a craving for sweet food. Chinese medicine has an interesting explanation and that
is sweet food strengthens the body. Sweet food helps correct internal deficiencies.
Edema (body swelling and facial swelling) – protein deficiency, overall nutritional deficiency, weakening of organs that are involved in water/fluid metabolism.
Insomnia – glucose and internal deficiencies.
This is all as true as 2+2 = 4. How do I know? Because when I was sick I tried to heal myself through fasting. I came home from college didn’t have medical insurance and was on my own with my body and health. At times, I would just stay quiet, wait, pray and hope that one day I would wake up and all the pain and confusion would disappear. Other times, I would be aggressive in fighting what was happening to me by trying to educate myself and learn more about the human body. During the time I was searching for healing, it wasn’t long before I heard about the miracles of fasting. The books promised so much. I was going to be healed. No more pain. I just needed to drink water and juice to detoxify my body. It sounded really easy. So, I stopped eating. For months I didn’t eat.
I started fasting on the weekends. I wouldn’t eat at all. During the week I just ate vegetables and soups. It wasn’t enough. I wanted to be healthy and didn’t want to wait anymore. I wanted to get better. I figured I would speed up the process of healing by eating even less. I ate three meals a week and the rest of the days I wouldn’t eat. I just drank water and waited for my body to detoxify and become brand new. It didn’t work. Months later I was near death. I could barely stand on my feet. I didn’t have
the strength to shake a person’s hand. I was bleeding internally.
What’s the point? The point is that I starved myself indirectly not for beauty but for health. To overcome the physical pain and to restore my body but it didn’t work. It made me so much worse. So, the reason I know that those physical changes will take place is because most of them happened to me. I was so cold all the time. My hair fell out. I was pale. My jaw could never close properly and it was always in pain. I couldn’t sleep. I felt fear. I wanted to be alone. My heart was palpitating for the first time in my life. The rhythm was completely abnormal. I found out in China that I had a perforated ulcer and that is why I was bleeding. I couldn’t eat anything. My stomach hurt when I ate and would be so distended after even the smallest meal. But at the same time I had this ferocious hungrier than a wolf appetite that wouldn’t go away. I was just over 100 lbs. My left kidney and stomach were prolapsed, and that wasn’t it. My body went through so many changes and even more when I started to eat again. This was all on top of my original problem with my muscles, blood and kidneys.
I hope that through my struggle you can understand the effects of eating less or not eating does to your health. It robs and steals. For some people it may take longer but it will happen, and when it does remember that not only will you lose your beauty but you will lose your health.

Here is the last part of the truth about beauty. That is to understand the Food variable in Food= Beauty.
DNA vs. dead empty stuff
Food=Beauty, when I write this I am being specific but at the same time general about the Food variable of the equation. What I mean is the definition I have for food is anything that is not man-made or processed and that has a DNA code (comes from land, water or air). But at the same time after we know what Food means, I am generally speaking because there is no right Food. Does that make sense? Food to be considered food for humans has to have a DNA code or in other words something that was living at one time. This is how the world and humans lived from the beginning of history. It only changed in the last century. So, food has to have a DNA code to be considered Food and that is what I meant when I wrote specific. At the same time the Food part of the equation is general as well as specific. By general, I mean that there is no right Food. Food is food, doesn’t matter if a person prefers to eat rice or bread, lamb or chicken, carrots or green beans. In some parts of the world, rice is a staple food that is eaten with every meal. In other parts of the world, bread is the staple food that is eaten with every meal. There is no right food to eat. As long as it is Food (something that has a DNA code and was living at one time). Generally speaking when food is Food then it doesn’t really matter what a person eats. They eat according to their preference and cultural heritage and what is best for them. In China a majority of people prefer rice. In
Central America people prefer corn. In the Mediterranean most people eat bread. One is not better than the other. They are all eating Food. There is no wrong food if it is Food. That is what I mean by explaining Food=Beauty as both
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