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also the Egyptian Immortals.


The Immortals of the Gobi Desert were to exterminate wearing black t-shirts and black jean shorts, and black shoes, with not much in the way of the beard, sometimes with head carefully shaved bald, every war criminal in the world, who from Deception and 42 million years Life Relying Upon the Immortals, the war criminals heart was severed in half from behind with a special knife u shaped used only for severing human hearts of Terrorism, the warcriminals very existence and Reincarnation Relied on the Immortals murdering the terrorists so the terrorists could Reincarnate.


The Immortals of the Gobi Desert, who are Gobian today now later, live in the City of Shambala which Magickally Appears too the worthy of Liberated Heart and Mind, but stays Invisible too the corrupt and Evil in the world.


Xerxes of the Gobi Desert stays in his oratory at top, for Ceremonial Ritual Magick too Be Practiced, same as in The book of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage, standing with his seeming skirt in uniform and long black hair and sandals upon the Persian 8 point star beautifully placed man built through the ages upon the oratory floor, his Immortal Ninja which are two armed swordsmen assist Xerxes and rescue him should he be ever be captured.

The remaining houses are cared from the dirt, or mud, or stone walls, and camouflage in the desert during the day and also at night.


The Immortals of the Gobi Desert Experiences signs from Thoth God and moved from the Gobi region of the world to America, Coincideing with Our Arrival in Chicago Illinois below Missouri, where over from PA and up from Arkansas all Good and Evil would Merge in KCMO and Saint Louis MO.

In my genealogical family tree is Love surname (common surname of Scotland) also in PA, to New Jersey, to the Carolinas, etc, to Arkansas, Missouri, Colorado, Texas, over to Oregon and Nevada.


The Immortals wait for Thoth God ‘and call us back when your Thoth’.


During the Great and final War of the Worlds, 2 Immortals, one male, one female, were captured bt a Terrorist and who also was Using my Enormous Predestiny, however I would still Cause Aladdin.


So Through and Around the Mandala of the Seasons of the Cycles of Life and also a different Lifetime from the Immortals I came and to Leonidas’s Cells where everyone else was Reincarnated Coinciding with Our Fathers Goals to defeat Evil and corruption world wide.


Shambala the mountain lion, Shambala’s pet, was met on the Coloradan Plateau when I was 20 years young.


Shambala the Purple Mystic Light Form Attached In Unconscious Mind too my Brain Waves, he Helped me get my Memories Back.


The Purple Mystic Hologram Light Form Beamed Image was Manipulated when Became many people and many Images too Merge with Death’s Unconscious Mind also same as Ra and Adolf Hitler, and the 9,000 year old African Tyrant 2.


The remaining Immortals awaited the Immortal with sparkling clean teeth arrival back home who Wesker, of Leonidas’s Cells and Resident Evil after Friday the 13 and Halloween Portland, Reincarnated Him Coinciding with me from my Past Lives too Alive back then as well.


All Life on Earth and Gaia the Living Earth also is Sustained from Thoth God’s Theosophical Mystic Mind Evolveing nature and Reality, building kingdom, and bring forth new Life into the world, during the Mandala of the Cycles of the Seasons of Life.




























Chapter 15

The Sinking of Atlantis


During the Great War, which Overlaps with our modern era 2018, and 2019, the Mind of Thoth God was in Descent, not only from William the conqueror, but also from the Sabotage of the war criminals Controlled by Death during her following orders from Tyrant 2 In her Unconscious Mind who follows orders from Tyrant 1 who walked behind the army 9,000 years ago and the army moved forward such was his height, violence and body weight, and so the Mind of Thoth God was Manipulated for In Descent and “the God kept Going further Down while having a Higher Predestiny” as documented about the same God me Thoth God, and the whole world back then felt the Cracking of the continent Pangea, and also the Biblical earthquake worldwide was felt and Biblical Flood, which in the end Sank Atlantis now ruled over by Poseidon at the Ocean bottom floor.

Atlantis has Superior Technologies, resulting fro Higher Sovereignties and Predestinies.

Among the New Technologies include UFOs and Evolved humans Evolved as Superior races for a long lasting legacy humankind.





Chapter 16

The Shifting of the Hyperborean Continent and the Tilting of the World Earth by the Dark Sorceress self named as Death


There are a few, or more, Events, which are Remembered as having rocked the world, and they are the Biblical Flood, the Sinking of Atlantis, the Shifting of the Hyperborean Continent, the Tilting of the world, and the Freezing of the Hyperborean Continent to be Antartica Frozen beneath incalculable tons of Boreas Cold Wind Ice, sealing the Reptilians beneath the Earth in caves liked with enormous cave openings such as Huahutla, and Hollow Earth.


Death is similar too the Golden Minotaur of Prince of Persia video game comparison who Absorbs by destroying everything nearby her related too what she hates, can be compared about her as a mirroring and doing the opposite ensign military rank.

Her Green Hologram is like a mirror Mirroring what It is she Shifts usually from violence and for her own Agendas such as the 15th star admiral tradition.


All the above, and in The Gnostic Necronomicon, Happened too Shift the world to the favor of Evil.


The Indian Nagas were told by her nothing would be done.

Adolf Hitler’s quest to the Antartica was to find the land beneath the Antartica ice, and was found by Death and her henchmen, and sealed behind a circular door with a swastika on it.


























Chapter 17

The Indian Nagas are the Reptilians of Thoth Hermes and his Hyperborean Celtic Atlanteans


Thoth, Thoth God, Thoth the Atlantean, and Thoth Hermes.

3 were the Hermes of the ancient past.

All 3 Immortals.

Thoth Hermes was the collaborator when Death descended upon the City of Atlantis and the Hyperborean Continent.


After the Tilting of the Earth on It’s Polar Axis to Shift the Hyperborean Continent to become trapped in ice as Antartica, Thoth Hermes, and his closest allies, were all by Death Cursed to be Indian Nagas (Reptilians) which have flesh mania parasite for skin, and have a constant need for health care, such is the reason I read a documented account of the Reptilians from Hollow Earth whose leader Thoth Hermes requested much needed medicine.


They can weigh 165 pounds and be formidable as Reptilians, dragging people below the tall grass, wheat fields, and weeds.

The attach to cave walls like an Alien and have black skin.


















Section 4














Chapter 18

Father Sorcerer spying, studying what warcriminals were doing while He was in the woods, in the forest, and his decisions


The Mandala of the Seasons of the Cycles of Life also of Samsara the Wheel of Life, Death, and Rebirth, Cycles around from Predestinies and Sovereignties too the Center of the Wheel of Life which is also Coincided Astrologically for Events to be born and happen upon the Earth no matter Supernatural, or practical, both can result from Astrological Coincidences.

1,000 years before Father Sorcerer was in the woods, maybe 41 million years at most, Father Sorcerer was a new Sorcerer with High Amplification which Included a White Light Bulb.

He grew up watching terrorism exterminate the villages and raze the bungalows when Earth was almost completely covered in forest, twas safer to hide in the woods, so he and his instructed family did that, and he waited, watched, and studied, he studied even physics of the future, and decided he did not have time, so he decided too Cause a Magickal Child named Humanity’s Oversoul too Evolve the human races against war criminals worldwide.

But first for his Predestiny he needed too find Something ancient, so he decided too Look for Krishna and they met in the forest.

Father had made a deal with the Lord Krishna too Cause a Magickal Child, Humanity’s Oversoul, Lord Kalki Avatar Construct, Jesus Oversoul, the monomyth’s aspects, also in essence every similar variation you might have ever encountered.

9,000 years they would wait for the Arrival Lord Kalki Avatar, and then during the 1990s the Oversoul Arrived, through Sparta, Greece after the Hot Gates Thermopylae, which was Obtained from Xeres of Persia too Alexander the great, too a Spartan King and Passed Down in Sparta, Greece, which all Life on Earth depended upon because they are also descendants of ancient Atlantis.

When the Oversoul came to America was with the Greek Diplomat and descendant a warrior who fought at Thermopylae, came too each Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Air Force, Looked like a diamond, but is really Krishna, and with the U.S. Navy Seals the Sword from the Stone was Pulled Out and the Oversoul Released Into the human Heart, then by Mark Programmed at most difficult if possible would win though going for the head of Terrorist Cells worldwide.

Father had been Reincarnated and forced through the 9,000 year ages to exterminate after he and his relatives were captured and tortured to exterminate, as I was saying, his own race numbering 1 million people.



Chapter 19

Krishna the Oversoul, and the promise of Lord Kalki Avatar


Father kept certain secrets from the Lord Krishna, Hope, In Pandora’s Box, was too be Opened, forbidden too the ancient world because Hope is all we have remaining.

Lord Krishna granted Father permission too do as he Promised, too Evolve the human races through Humanity’s Oversoul Further than Father had Done in the past.

The Son is also Lord Kalki and Jesus Merged 3 In One in the same human host body.


The first HQ Savant Sorcerer Raised his Mind and Expanded his Liberation and Mind too Merge with his Brain Waves.

Next the Predestiny for Lord Krishna, Amplified in the forest by his Father at age 5 too Achieve his Goal, and the child died young, but would Live for 48,000 years or more.

Next Humanity Evolved again, after Evolving more races and that was Culminated with Father Sorcerer 9,000, to 18,000 at most, years ago.


Lord Kalki Avatar would defeat the infidels while Jesus would turn the other check and kill guilty priests.



























Chapter 20

The Causing of the Magickal Child, and the capture of the Father Sorcerer


9,000 years ago a Sorcerer and his family were ready as ever.

Leonidas he is termed today, a Father Sorcerer, my Father Sorcerer, while Standing at the Center In the Void, stood in the way of an approaching army too Cause while Standing at the Center a Magickal Child named Humanity’s Oversoul.

He turned too Look and See if his Child was Created and Formed at the Center all who Watched 9,000 years later, including the current Dalai Lama Watched, and he was pleased for the boy had been born

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