Fairy Tale
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Ariel here, I'm not sure you'll be able to get away from him."

The air rippled around Ariel and my gaze slid to him. His human form resolidified, a haunted look in his eyes. "What Joe says is true, my lady. We will do our best and pray that Robin forgets you." He pursed his lips, eyes narrowed. "But if I know Robin, nothing short of Titania's protection would help you now."

Let the Games Begin

I frowned. "Titania, like Shakespeare's faerie queen?"

Ariel shrugged. "More or less. Just like Robin, she's not as simple as Shakespeare painted her."

"Being a manipulative horny bitch is simple?" Joe said.

Ariel cracked a smile. "Ah, well, we are faeries. Manipulation is all part of the game. Titania is... Not beneath using the tactics of your playwright, but she is far more vicious than how he portrays her. Innocent children who die in the night? Changelings. She takes the children for her own, lusting after what she cannot create herself. Have you heard of the Wild Hunt from Celtic lore? That's also Titania, hoping to lure more mento her side, to trap them in her embrace and feed off their lust and sorrow. She is the thing in the night that raises the hairs on your neck and states at you where you cannot see."

"So she's a dark faerie," Joe interrupted, his brows drawn together in thought.

Ariel snorted. I jumped in surprise. "'Dark faeries?' There is no such thing."

It was my turn to frown. "But you're a good faerie right?"

"You make me sound like a fairy godmother, Rebekah. I'm not one thing or another. Was it good that I considered betraying my race and station for a simple human? Is it good that I desire to destroy Robin, who is essential to all faerie life?"

"Is it good that he's a total pervert and watched you while you we're naked?" Ariel shot Joe a dirty look. The atmosphere in the room relaxed and I felt myself breathe again. "Ok, so you're just like us humans, with good and bad. Still, some have to be worse than others. Is Titania worse? And what the hell's up with eating emotions?"

The dinnshenchas shrugged and began picking at the couch again. "She's fairly terrible..."

"Ariel..." I glared at him. I'd known him long enough as my cat to know when he was ready to bolt. "You brought it up. Now you have to explain it."

He cringed, golden eyes dilating in the low lighting. "So I did, my-- Rebekah." One finger traced whorls on the couch cushion as he looked away. "Titania has no soul. I wouldn't doubt that being literally true. She is heartless and conniving, keeping her throne through fear and awe, not by favor. She seeks to fill the void by collecting the emotions of those around her, faerie and human alike. All pay some kind of tribute to her, because she is exceedingly powerful."

Joe leaned forward, his face a mask. "How powerful?"

Ariel grimaced. "Powerful enough. And no, Joe, my comment about Titania was not a suggestion."

I froze, a sinking feeling settling into my stomach. Joe's eyes burned into Ariel's. "What other choice do we have? She invited him in. She's already seen him twice in less than 24 hours. Who's to say he won't gone back?"

"And who's to say I'll end up like that?" I snapped, pointing at the folders. Both men started and looked at me. I ground my teeth. Had they honestly forgotten Who they were discussing? "Look," I said, "James said he had no business with me, and I'd have to have a lover first to have something to lose, right? Plus, not all the break-ups and hook-ups he fosters end up like that. I'll be fine."

Joe's face darkened. Ariel growled low in his throat. I hardened my face, but it was difficult not to crumble before their fury. "Beks," Joe started.

"No." I waved him silent. He stopped, but those green eyes continued to glower. "It's my life. This Titania person sounds like a much worse deal than James. He's not even done anything! If he does, we'll reconsider. Until then, this is the end of the discussion." I stood abruptly, seeing their desire to argue. "If you need me, I'll be outside." Without giving them a chance to object, I stomped out onto the porch.

The cold winter air hit like a wall, the wind slipping through the weave of my sweater and chilling my skin. I took a deep breath and let the door close behind me. The quiet of nature surrounded me, clearing my head from all the things we'd been discussing. I took another breath, feeling the air shiver down through my lungs to my toes. Then, I headed towards the barn.

The snow crunched softly beneath my boots, a thin film of ice on its surface. Everything glittered around me, lit by a slice of moon. I slid my hands into my pockets, relaxing into the setting. Out here, I finally felt like I could breathe. No terrible pictures or murderous beings followed me here. No one tried to control my life. It was just me and the snow.

Or was it... Suddenly, my skin began to crawl. I glanced behind me, but nothing was there. Biting my lip, I turned back around. "Holy hell!"

The woman grimaced in annoyance. "Please, scream louder so they know I'm here." She pressed one slender finger onto the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. "You lot are always so dramatic. I love it, but just once it'd be nice not to have to set up a sound barrier." I stared up at her, still in shock. Glimmer just behind her, steel-gray hair to her waist, cold gray eyes, and porcelain skin? Seriously, did she come at the sound of her name? Titania opened one eye, then sighed dramatically. "Let me guess: Ariel put the fear of god in you."

"There's a god of the faeries?" My wits seemed content to dribble slowly back in.

She laughed, a deep ringing sound. "It's a figure of speech, child. The only gods are those we make for ourselves." Her eyes narrowed and her smile curved wickedly. "Right now, I might as well be god."

I swallowed. "Well then, god, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to my guests."

"What, and begrudge me a civil conversation? No, you'll stay." Something invisible twined around my legs. She grinned and licked her lips. "Yes, fear me. It tastes so good..."

With difficulty, I managed to bury the worst of the panic. The sudden restraint had cleared my mind completely. "What do you want?"

She looked me up and down, then shrugged. "I'm not sure. You don't seem like proper bait, but you've drawn him in this far..." She walked around me, lifting pieces of hair and turning my head this way and that. I was helpless to stop her, the bands around my legs now reaching nearly to my shoulders. They pulsed against me as she examined. "Mmm... You're decent for a human, I suppose. Hair's a little on the frizzy side-"

"Happens when you're hung-over and sleep-deprived."

"-skin is nicely pale, but a tad too freckled, eyes are an odd shade of hazel... Say, child, do you see the glimmer?"

"And if I do?" I snarled, my panic rising with the bands.

She smiled broadly and clapped her hands. "Oh lovely! You have a trace of the Fae in you! I suppose you'll do just fine."

"Just fine for what?" Titania grinned, winked, and vanished. Moments later, the bands slid off as well. Furious, I stormed back to the house and into the living room. Ariel and Joe glanced up in surprise. "There is no way in hell we'll ever go to Titania. I'd rather die."

Ariel's face drained of the little color he had and he sank into the couch. Joe groaned and dropped his head into his hands. "Do you seriously have to attract every Fae here?"

"Sorry, let me just remove my 'Come And Get Me' sign. I need some coffee." I grabbed my mug, then whirled around to face them again, shaking the mug for emphasis. "I will gladly face Puck and whatever he brings before I ever face her again."

Ariel hissed through his teeth. "Like I said, it was only a suggestion." Then, he lost hold of his glamour. I took one look at the striped, winged creature on my couch before setting my cup down and heading for my room.


Publication Date: 08-31-2014

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