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Book online «Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss (microsoft ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Johann David Wyss

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and with plenty of good milk we breakfasted right royally, and

in high spirits at our success.


Soon after, whilst feeding the poultry with the fragments of the

repast, I observed that the captive penguins were quite at ease among

them and as tame as the geese and ducks; their bonds were therefore

loosed, and they were left as free as the other fowls.

Chapter 6

Having now discovered how to provide bread for my family, my thoughts

began to revert to the wreck and all the valuables yet contained within

it. Above all, I was bent on acquiring possession of the beautiful

pinnace, and aware that our united efforts would be required to do the

necessary work, I began to coax and persuade my wife to let me go in

force with all the boys except Franz.


She very unwillingly gave her consent at last, but not until I had

faithfully promised never to pass a night on board. I did so with

reluctance, and we parted, neither feeling quite satisfied with the



The boys were delighted to go in so large a party, and merrily carried

provision-bags filled with cassava-bread and potatoes.


Reaching Safety Bay without adventure, we first paid a visit to the

geese and ducks which inhabited the marsh there, and having fed them

and seen they were thriving well, we buckled on each his cork-belt,

stepped into the tub-boat, and, with the raft in tow, steered straight

for the wreck.


When we got on board, I desired the boys to collect whatever came

first to hand, and load the raft to be ready for our return at night,

and then we made a minute inspection of the pinnace.


I came to the conclusion that difficulties, well-nigh insuperable, lay

between me and the safe possession of the beautiful little vessel. She

lay in a most un-get-at-able position at the further end of the hold,

stowed in so confined and narrow a space, that it was impossible to

think of fitting the parts together there. At the same time these parts

were so heavy, that removing them to a convenient place piece by piece

was equally out of the question.


I sent the boys away to amuse themselves by rummaging out anything they

liked to carry away, and sat down quietly to consider the matter.


As my eyes became used to the dim light which entered the compartment

through a chink or crevice here and there, I perceived how carefully

every part of the pinnace was arranged and marked with numbers, so that

if only I could bestow sufficient time on the work, and contrive space

in which to execute it, I might reasonably hope for success.


`Room! Room to work in, boys! That’s what we need in the first place!’

I cried, as my sons came to see what plan I had devised, for so great

was their reliance on me, that they never doubted the pinnace was to be



`Fetch axes, and let us break down the compartment and clear space all



To work we all went, yet evening drew near, and but little impression

was made on the mass of woodwork around us. We had to acknowledge that

an immense amount of labour and perseverance would be required before

we could call ourselves the owners of the useful and elegant little

craft, which lay within this vast hulk like a fossil shell embedded in

a rock.


Preparations for returning to shore were hastily made, and we landed

without much relish for the long walk to Falconhurst, when, to our

great surprise and pleasure, we found my wife and little Franz at

Tentholm awaiting us. She had resolved to take up her quarters there

during the time we should be engaged on the wreck. `In that way you

will live nearer your work, and I shall not quite lose sight of you!’

said she, with a pleasant smile.


`You are a good, sensible, kind wife,’ I exclaimed, delighted with her

plan, `and we shall work with the greater diligence, that you may

return as soon as possible to your dear Falconhurst.’


`Come and see what we have brought you, mother!’ cried Fritz. `A good

addition to your stores, is it not?’ and he and his brothers exhibited

two small casks of butter, three of flour, corn, rice, and many other

articles welcome to our careful housewife.


Our days were now spent in hard work on board, first cutting and

clearing an open space round the pinnace, and then putting the parts

together. We started early and returned at night, bringing each time a

valuable freight from the old vessel. At length, with incredible

labour, all was completed. The pinnace stood actually ready to be

launched, but imprisoned within massive wooden walls which defied our



It seemed exactly as though the graceful vessel had awakened from

sleep, and was longing to spring into the free blue sea, and spread her

wings to the breeze. I could not bear to think that our success so far

should be followed by failure and disappointment. Yet no possible means

of setting her free could I conceive, and I was almost in despair, when

an idea occurred to me which, if I could carry it out, would effect her

release without further labour or delay.


Without explaining my purpose, I got a large cast-iron mortar, filled

it with gunpowder, secured a block of oak to the top, through which I

pierced a hole for the insertion of the match, and this great petard I

so placed, that when it exploded, it should blow out the side of the

vessel next which the pinnace lay.


Then securing it with chains, that the recoil might do no damage, I

told the boys I was going ashore earlier than usual, and calmly

desired them to get into the boat. Then lighting a match I had

prepared, and which would burn some time before reaching the powder, I

hastened after them with a pounding heart, and we made for the land.


We brought the raft close in shore and began to unload it; the other

boat I did not haul up, but kept her ready to put off at a moment’s

notice; my anxiety was unobserved by anyone, as I listened with

strained nerves for the expected sound. It came!—a flash! a mighty

roar—a grand burst of smoke!


My wife and children, terror-stricken, turned their eyes towards the

sea, whence the startling noise came, and then in fear and wonder,

looked to me for some explanation. `Perhaps,’ said my wife, as I did

not speak, `perhaps you have left a light burning near some of the

gunpowder, and an explosion has taken place.’


`Not at all unlikely,’ replied I quietly, `we had a fire below when we

were caulking the seams of the pinnace. I shall go off at once and see

what has happened. Will anyone come?’


The boys needed no second invitation, but sprang into the boat, while I

lingered to reassure my wife by whispering a few words of explanation,

and then joining them, we pulled for the wreck at a more rapid rate

than we ever had done before.


No alteration had taken place in the side at which we usually boarded

her, and we pulled round to the further side, where a marvellous sight

awaited us. A huge rent appeared, the decks and bulwarks were torn

open, the water was covered with floating wreckage—all seemed in

ruins; and the compartment where the pinnace rested was fully revealed

to view.


There sat the little beauty, to all appearance uninjured; and the

boys, whose attention was taken up with the melancholy scene of ruin

and confusion around them, were astonished to hear me shout, in

enthusiastic delight, `Hurrah! She is ours! The lovely pinnace is won!

We shall be able to launch her easily after all. Come, boys, let us see

if she has suffered from the explosion, which has set her free.’


The boys gazed at me for a moment, and then guessing my secret, `You

planned it yourself, you clever, cunning father! Oh, that machine we

helped to make, was on purpose to blow it up!’ cried they; and eagerly

they followed me into the shattered opening, where, to my intense

satisfaction, I found everything as I could wish and the captive in no

way a sufferer from the violent measures


I had adopted for her deliverance.


The boys were deeply interested in examining the effects of the

explosion, and in the explanation I gave them, of the principle, and

proper way to manage a petard.


It was evident that the launch could now be effected without much

trouble; I had been careful to place rollers beneath the keel, so that

by means of levers and pulleys we might, with our united strength, move

her forward towards the water.


A rope was attached by which to regulate the speed of the descent, and

then, all hands putting their shoulders to the work, the pinnace began

to slide from the stocks, and finally slipped gently and steadily into

the water, where she floated as if conscious it was her native element;

while we, wild with excitement, cheered and waved enthusiastically.


We then only remained long enough to secure our prize carefully at the

most sheltered point, and went back to Tentholm, where we accounted for

the explosion; saying that having blown away one side of the ship, we

should be able to obtain the rest of its contents with a very few more

days’ work.


These days were devoted to completing the rigging, the mounting of her

two little brass guns, and all necessary arrangements about the

pinnace. It was wonderful what martial ardour was awakened by the

possession of a vessel armed with two real guns. The boys chattered

incessantly about savages, fleets of canoes, attack, defence and final

annihilation of the invaders.


I assured them that, brilliant as their victories would doubtless be,

we should have good cause to thank God if their fighting powers and

new-born valour were never put to the test.


The pinnace was fully equipped and ready to sail, while yet no idea of

the surprise we were preparing for her had dawned upon my wife, and I

permitted the boys, who had kept the secret so well, to fire a salute

when we entered the bay.


Casting off from the ship, and spreading the sail, our voyage began.

The pinnace glided swiftly through the water, I stood at the helm,

Ernest and Jack manned the guns, and Fritz gave the word of command,

`Fire!’ Bang! bang! rattled out a thrilling report, which echoed and

re-echoed among the cliffs, followed by our shouts and hurrahs.


My wife and her little boy rushed hastily forward from near the tent,

and we could plainly see their alarm and astonishment; but speedily

recognizing us, they waved joyfully, and came quickly to the

landing-place to meet us.


By skilful management we brought the pinnace near a projection of the

bank, and Fritz assisted his mother to come on board, where,

breathless with haste and excitement, she exclaimed, `You dear,

horrid, wonderful people, shall I scold you or praise you? You have

frightened me out of my wits! To see a beautiful little ship come

sailing in was startling enough, for I could not conceive who might be

on board, but the report of your guns made me tremble with fear—and

had I not recognized your voices directly after, I should have run away

with Franz Heaven knows where!


`But have you really done all this work yourselves?’ she continued,

when we had been forgiven for terrifying her with our vainglorious

salute. `What a charming

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