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Book online «Twiblood by Kira Hines (acx book reading .TXT) 📖». Author Kira Hines

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and something more happened and it was fun.”

“Oh really you two look like you just did something else up there.”

Just then Jason walks up and starts talking to them.

“We had a great time upstairs I did my job of making her happy. Hey let’s not make her mad okay she just told me she doesn’t want to be mad when she goes to bed and I don’t want that either okay.Oh can you sleep downstairs tonight Brittany?”

“Okay I will sleep downstairs just for tonight but when you hear howling you come right away okay bro.”

“Fine but I will have to tell when I wake her up during the night that my family needs me and she might ask to come with me and then I am going to hurt her feelings and then she will move out of our happy room and then she will hurt my feelings then we both will be sad that we hurt each other then she and I will make happy hours.”

“Okay you can stay behind just let me tell them later okay just keep her happy so you can be happy. Hey you guys lets pray so we can eat!!!!!” Brittany yells over the noise and they all wince at the yelling even Rebecca then Jason says something to cover up her wincing because Brittany and Kira, and Brianna all look at her so she just laughs at something that Jason said to her when his sister yelled.

Kira says the prayer.“Oh the great and mighty Ancestor Billy please accept this humble offering to the new member of the pack and to your great mightiness and bless this pack. All wolves will love and praise you and love you all in prayer Howls go to you. HOWL!!!”

Then someone yells and Rebecca howls in pain because her ears hurt.

“Everyone stop let's go outside everyone something is happening to Rebecca.” Jason says this quietly so he does not hurt Rebecca’s ears.

After everyone is outside something weird happens to Rebecca she changes into a werewolf and then everyone thinks this is a joke that Jason is playing on them so  Rebecca goes somewhere. Then they go inside and look for Rebecca then they realize that werewolf outside is Rebecca and all go rushing back outside and see that Jason, Rebecca, Brittany, Kira, and Brianna are gone and they start to worry so they all change into werewolves and listen for Jason, Brittany,Kira,and Brianna voices.

“Rebecca slow down it is okay come back to me you are making me sad because you ran away.” Jason says this to make Rebecca stop and slow down and wait for them.

“No Jason I have to go away this all to scary for me because after that girl what is her name said the prayer, and before after what we did I heard your family come in from outside I that you were playing a joke on me then  I started carving meat, you do know I never at meat before so when I started craving meat I thought it was weird then after Kira said the prayer and someone yelled when I howled it was because it hurt my ears.”

“You were turning into one of us weren’t you because when we were upstairs you sat up pretty quickly because you smelled meat didn’t? Don’t be afraid it will be okay just come back to me and we will talk about it okay. Rebecca????”

“I think she is getting her meat hunger under control cause I can smell a dead animal. Come on it is this way.”

“Wow Rebecca you at an three dears?”

“Wait what are you guys doing here is that you Jason I like your wolf form it is sexy.”

“Come on Rebecca don’t say that in this wolf form because my whole family can see and hear what you are thinking okay let’s go home oh and wait are you good with meat now because there is a lot of meat at the house.

“Yeah I am good but Jason can stay with me while Brittany goes gets me some clothes please this is all new to me and I am still sacred.”

After Brittany,Brianna,and Kira go meets the pack back at Jason’s house and try and find Rebecca some clothes her and Jason change back into humans and they start to talk.

“So that is what it is like to be a werewolf for the first time I like it and what I said before it was true you are hotter in your wolf form. Jason I am scared about being a werewolf I don’t think I can do it I want to be a normal human and what am I going to tell my family about me eating meat? Jason are you listening to me or are you thinking about sleeping with me?” She slaps his chest and he stops look at her chest.

“Ow what was that for Rebecca? I was just thinking about sleeping with you because you are so hot. Is that a problem?”

“Yes it is a problem you did not hear a word I said oh and your family is coming with clothes for you and me okay we will talk more later.”

“No we will talk now Rebecca I love you and making love with you and I know what this fight will do it make you not want to have sex with me it will hurt my feelings but I don’t want you to be mad at me I love you so much.”

“Okay I wasn’t mad I was just babbling on hoping you would not notice me staring at you like that. I want you so bad right now.” As she says that she stands up sits on Jason’s lap and makeout with him while he touches her everywhere that is bare.

“Whoa bro what are you two doing right now it is kinda gross.”

“No, it is not. It is perfect until you showed up sis.”

“Can you two stop talking and listen to me Brittany can you put the clothes down on the ground please. Jason just kiss me and pay no attention to your sister okay. Bye Brittany.”

After Brittany leaves Jason says “Wow you know how to handle a problem really well. Rebecca this is really nice but we have to go back to my house ok.”

“Okay just give me a minute baby I just need to finish up here. Jason can you help me please.”

“Okay just love what we are doing.” After they get dressed they walk back to Jason’s house for the feast and they are really happy and can’t stop staring at each other. When they reach the house Rebecca is hungry for some meat she is shuddering as her and Jason runs inside for some meat and everyone is talking waiting for them when they see Rebecca shuddering they get the huge plate of meat they made for her when they first got here to her some clothes they give it to her and she eats it and she is still shuddering like crazy everyone notices her stomach is growing to full size as if she is pregnant.

“Help me Jason.”

Baby OMG

Baby OMG

Nine months later she comes home from the hospital with little Samantha and Jason Jr in her arms and Jason carrying the stuff from the hospital and the whole pack behind them.

“Jason go set those down in the baby's room please then come back get Jason Jr please and thank you.”

“You do know that once they reach 2 years old they will change into little puppies sweetie then we can have some alone time to do what we want.”

“You do realize that I just had twins Jason and I am only 17 years old and I am an a senior in high school and so are you. Jason we are about to graduate from high school and so is your sister and my step sister and my twin brother Alex and now I have twin.

Two years later when she is a doctor and Jason is an surgeon and the twin first turn into werewolves and had fun playing around in their wolf form.

“Mommy Jason won’t leave me alone even though I keep asking him to leave me alone and won’t he keeps saying he just to play in wolf form. When I am doing my homework and I told him to go do his homework and he says that he already did his homework and that you said he could go play.” Samantha says to her mom.

“Yes I did but I did not tell him to mess with you now go do your homework Sammy.” Rebecca says to her daughter.

“Yes mom. And can you please tell Jason to leave me alone for two minutes.” Samantha asks her Mother.

“Yes sweetie.” and she says to her son “Jason Junior leave your sister alone for two minutes please and don’t make me say it twice Jason Junior.” Just as she says that Jason walks in with meat, and Ben, Erica, Brittany, and Alex in tow.

“Daddy you are home I was trying to get sissy to play with me after I finished my homework and mommy checked it and it was all right but Sammy did not want to play, will you play with me daddy.Oh hi Aunt Brittany and Erica, and Uncle Ben and Alex. How are you guys?”

“We are good now where is Missy, Jason?” Jason asked his son.

“Wait which Missy? Mommy or Sammy?”

“Mommy where is she we need to talk.”

“Oh she is in the kitchen cooking diner. Wait daddy what is wrong please don’t say grandpa Turner is sick or dying.”

“It is not Mr.Turner. It is about me mommy little dude. Brittany, Alex, and Erica please take little dude outside please and thank you.”

“Rebecca where are you?”

“I’m in the Kitchen checking Sammy’s homework which is all correct. Samantha go find you brother you two can play now.”

“Okay mommy I love you. Oh hi daddy and Uncle Ben.”

“Hey Ben can you take Sammy out to the rest of her family and her little brother.”

“Hey how are you Becca?”

“I am good and you Jason?”

“I am fine but I have an question for you. Will you marry me Rebecca Missy Turner? Please say yes baby I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Of course Jason William Grey I will love to marry you. I love you.”

“Well if you call me by my middle name can I just say yours baby?.”

“Sure once this time Jason.”

“Missy can I have two more kisses and this dance please.”

“But Jason there is no music and yes to the kisses.”

“There is music outside and I got you a surprise for you outside too. Let’s go outside and announce the good news to my family and the surprise.”

When they leave the kitchen and leave the house Rebecca screams.

“Jason what did you do!!!!!!!!! IT IS MY DAD! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!”

“Hey don’t yell. I know your dad is here because I asked him to come here to make you happy you have been down lately and someone else is coming to make this even more special.”

“Hey Becca how are you sweetie I have missed you so much. You have had me and Liz worried.”

“Dad you don’t need to worry any more I am……..”

“Hey sweetie how are I have

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