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Book online «Hide and Seek by Ria Singh (a book to read txt) 📖». Author Ria Singh

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table and folded it so we each can pick when they come.

They were half an hour late! And I have no way to contact them, stupid ass jocks and why isn't new guy here? I maybe kind of understand the soccer jock since the only half an hour break but not new guy and if th- oh now the whole gang comes in with new guy, what are they friends know? I remembered my plan and it lightened my mood a bit so while walking towards them I took out a photo for before and after photo, they looked when they saw the flash and frowned so I took out again "hi guys, took your'll long enough, like about half an hour? I can understand you jocks but you new guy! Why where you late" they looked like fools in between shock, amazed and confusion and I took out two pictures while I got the chance, but of cause new guy just stood there with anger on his face and as I look closer I swear I can see tomato sauce at one side of his mouth "Jade?...stop taking out photos of us" oh whatever let's just start the work "come on, pick a piece of paper each before your'll sit down but don't open it" they actually did what I asked them to quietly! Yay I smiled a small smile. "Ok so before your'll open, let me explain, we each got a topic and we will research only on that topic, stating the truth and the myth, I only got that so far. Anyway the piece of paper will tell you what topic you got, the topics are tools, elements, spells, beliefs, customs and lifestyle" I took mine and motioned them to open "I got element" I told them, adrian got tools, karian has beliefs, jakes got customs, zack got spells and new guy got lifestyle. "Hey new guy! Do you have a name because I'm getting tired of calling you new guy" he scares me but I'm not going to let him get to me, asswhole! "Fabian" I just gave one nod and started my research "oh and all the books on that table has to do with witchcraft, both myths and documentary"

I of cause took some copies home of all topics and what I found was that I really liked witchcraft and that I might try this religion out but I have to find people for a coven because I can't do it alone, so I went on a witches site and put a profile and a message saying 'I'm new to this but interested and looking to be or make a coven in london' and logged off and went down for dinner, mummy and katy who is playing with play dow was in the kitchen so I got a glass of milk and made small talk "hey mom I'm just saying that if I don't get high marks in english this term, its because of this group debate that I have that carrys 25% of our mark, I have idiot jocks and a badboy in my group" I heard mom sigh and I new I was in for 'mummy lecture time' "honey I told you to never judge people by the way they act because people put on different masks each time that there is no way to be sure whether what they showed you where their real face and you of all people should know that!" "I know mom but I just hate their jock and badboy masks then! Gosh the least they can do is drop it because believe it or not, I dropped mine at todays meet-up that they showed up to half an hour late!" "I'm sure when they comfortable they will, why not invite them over here next time for dinner after your meet-up as you call it" "because they more party animals than dinner people.." "Jade! None of this nonsense, you will not judge them when you don't know the whole story! And you will invite them and if they say no then I'll call to make sure" sigh why did I bring it up! Great! Oh just great thinking jade, gosh it isn't like you didn't know this would happen and what's more, dad was a jock in school and its just a few years that his gone so of cause mummys still sensitive.

Chapter 6

I awoke to bright sunlight streaking through my room and curse myself for being lazy as always and not closing the curtains before going to bed last night. I won't be able to go back to sleep so I got up, looked for clothes and went into the bathroom.

After breakfast I decided to see if I had any mail, I was really interested in trying witchcraft, I had two messages, both saying they researched and would love to be in a coven, Alisha is 19 and Averra 16, I quickly replied to them saying we should meet up and gave my cell number so we could chat easier, I don't have friends so this is a plus and I guess that is why I am always with work, I should do some shopping to buy away time than continue with witchcraft studies.

The mall was busy as always and mostly full with teen groups and friends so I'm the odd one out..sigh again! I just don't get it, why not bother to befriend me? Am I that bad, how do they not like me when they don't even know me? I went into hot topic which has to be my 1 best shop besides food outlets of cause. After a few minuets! And yes you read right I hate shopping, its good to pass up time but kind of boring just walking around, I went home to play with katy for the rest of the day, we watched cartoons and I showed her some awesome dance moves! She fell asleep half way through Cinderella so I carried her to her room and tucked her in, luckily I new from past scenarios to eat before movie time.

I was on my way to cleaning the mess I made in the kitchen of my pizza master piece when the bell rang but mummy who was doing some of her work at home went to opened and next thing you know? I'm in the kitchen washing dishes with four guys sitting around the counter bored and by the looks of there stares at the left over pizza, hungry*roll eyes* after I finish wash the dishes, than only did I turn around with an eyebrow raised "can I help you boys?" "Yeah can you make us some dinner? Your mom invited us through our parents so we couldn't say no" said karian, groan I should of known, "there is a play station in my room which is the second room on the left upstairs, ill be up with food just now, would you'll like pasta, pizza or cheese and ham sandwiches?" They all chose differently but after a few arguments they all agreed on pasta and ran upstairs. I went upstairs and my room is a mess! "What in hells name did you'll do to my room!" They were all on the floor lying on my bedding they stripped from my bed with my tiger teddy on the floor and all the play station games scattered everywhere! Oh they better clean up before they leave! "You'll pasta is ready" I walked out the room and set the table while I heard them coming I dished out my food and sat down, they dished and sat down and dug in so I just ate as well without talking. They finished and went back up so I went and washed the dishes and when I went up I got new bedding and set it up and lied down watching them play and I can see non of them beat my high score, I smiled and before i fell asleep, i wondered if mom invited fabian as well...

Chapter 7

It is sooo cold today! I don't want to go school and its a monday! I woke late so I had to walk to school so I plugged in my headphones and listened to music, music is one of my favorite things to do, since I'm a loner. I started humming to evanescence- taking over me, one of my favorite bands, I was listening and humming to lithium by evanescence when I entered school, I waited for the song to finish than put it away, don't want to get into trouble and get my phone taken away. On my way to class I got a message, it was from alisha, she wants to meet up today at the mall to discuss the coven so I quickly typed yes I'll be there and I got another person interested so I'll ask her to meet us there and sent a message to aveera and went into class.

It is break and I never have any classes with Fabian or Adrian and gang but I saw them and typical, they acted like they don't know me while I waved and smiled, making me a fool in the eyes of others but what did i expect? they jocks and i'm a loner, a loser to them. next is english and I don't want to meet up with them after they embarrassed me but I can't not go to class so I decided to ignore them the way they did to me, mam gave us work to do, saying we can discuss our debates after the work so I took my time doing it, I was on the last question when the bell rang but I didn't have to take my time because four of them didn't finish and surprisingly Fabian did but said nothing. I had french than P.E, yay... *note the sarcasm* I had him in all three periods straight after breaks on mondays, just another reason to love monday *again sarcasm* he was in class before me and again on my seat so I acted like I didn't see and sat on him "oh! My bad I didn't see you there, plus it being my seat and all I didn't know anyone but me would sit here in this period" "bitch remember my warning" he said in a low deathly voice for only me to hear "but I didn't slap you Fabian" I leaned onto him and whispered before

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