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Book online «The Red Riding Hood (on going series) by Yagami Azusa (free reads txt) 📖». Author Yagami Azusa

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and run after Luna scent trace.Knowing she won't be able to reach home on time,he went to a cave not far from the outside of the forests and decide to wait in the cave for her.He knew she will stopped for shade from the rain in the cave and smile as he hide himself in the darkest part of the cave,waiting for the girl to arrived into the awaiting trap.


"Masaka!*I can't get back home by time even if i run using my whole energy . . . and i promise myself that i will not use 'the power' . . . "Her voice chocked as she tried to hod back her tears upon remembering the memory of his father death.She shook her head and tried to focus on the path in front of her which is getting harder to see with the sky getting dark as if all the light was consume by the darkness.Somehow she got careless in the dark path and end up steeping on a dried leaves."Eh?Uwaaa - "


Her shouted echo around the forest as she slide down the forest floor.Scratching herself on the way down on her whole body as she tried to grabbed on something to stop her from siding down but failed to do so.Minutes later she manage to stop herself but it's too late for her to continue on back to her house as the thunders roar and the rain started pouring down.She stomped her feet in anger and started searching for shelter while avoiding the trees.It is getting harder to look when her glasses has gone wet and her vision is getting blurry.When she almost gave up on searching for shelter when she spot a cave and without giving a second thought when into the cave to shelter herself.



Grace eyes fluttered open with sudden.She took a deep breath as she carefully stood up in the plant that she created to cure her body.The plant stored oxygen in it so she didn't need to worry about lacked of oxygen.Even though she's in the plant but she's able to check on the situation outside without going out from the plant.Her power was quite bother by the rain but it could stilled worked as long as she tried not to get out from the plants or her power wouldn't work.So using her power,she tried to search for the location of Luna.She focused on her scent.As she manage to found it finally she ave.But somehow she could sensed another aura with Luna.Gracie was shocked and clueless as she tried to identify the owner of the strange aura near Luna.A rare Alpha wolf aura.The wolf aura are totally different from most Alpha wolf aura were like.This Alpha wolf aura is much . . . much . . . safe?She shook his head.Crazy.Yes,that was totally impossible.


"Well . . . i guess i should trusted my instinct perhaps this time"She said.Though she's totally didn't trusted wolves that easily after the incident.Especially the Alpha one.She kept alert just to make sure that the Alpha wolf with the safe aura didn't do something toward Luna.She closed her eyes and focused herself on letting her soul flew away from her body to where Luna is with the so called safe-Alpha-wolf in the cave.


They are talking?Didn't she know that the guy she's talking with is an Alpha wolf?she keep her soul hidden in the dark as she overheard what they are talking about . . .


*Masaka means No way in japanese



Red 5 : The Secret


The Red Riding Hood


The Secret 


"So you got stuck in the rain too?"He asked.


She kept my mouth shut.She was really sure he would get bored talking to her anyway and stared at the heavy rains that hit the ground.She shivered as the wind from the cave blown past through her and clutched her hood a bit tighter wrapping her tiny fragile body as she tried to hold back the cold.She's quite sensitive to coldness thought and the clothes she's wearing was not helping her at all in keeping warmed.It's hard for her to stayed calmed too.Not just because of the coldness but also because of the guy that kept staring at her.She didn't even looked at him to know he had been staring at her for a long while.She could just felt it.The two blue eyes burning her back as they keep staring at her without blinking and she wondered if he's insane.


Her mind wonder to her mom.She must be worried sicked.How she regret not returning earlier.It's her own mistake after all and she should be glad that she's actually still alive and goodness who know what that strange guy might do to her.She shudder at the thought and tried to distract herself by looking at the cave wall.It didn't seem that interesting but there's nothing much to looked around too after all.Suddenly she could heard noises behind her but ignored it.As long as that guy are not crossing the line,she will be fine.


She tried to ignored him as he kept making some scrapping noises behind her back.It's quite boring actually just staring at the rain and doing nothing.Future more,she started feeling herself getting more keen to looked back at the guy and find out what he was doing and maybe even started some conversation.That will be nice and might help distracted herself from the coldness that started gnawing deep into her bones.She sneezes echoed around the caves brought goosebumps through her skin.A sudden cracking sound caught her off guard as warmness started seeping around the whole cave.


"Hey!"She looked backed at him and saw that he had managed to light a bonfire by using a few big branched,goodness who know how he manage to gather some dried branched before the heavy rains.


She almost cried in joy upon seeing the bonfire.Warmness.Finally.But as happy as she was right now,she still had common sense left in his mind.What if the guy are trying to killed her and burned her in the fire?


"It's okay.I won't do anything to you."He said as if he could read her mind.


She frowned and approached the bonfire cautiously.As she get nearer,she could see more of the guy feature.He have such an attractive looked with his striking cheerful blue eyes that seem to hide thousands of untold story waiting to be revealed.But she almost felt her heart stop beating upon seeing the fury ears and tails that was swishing around behind his back lazily.


"Y . . . . You're a wolf?"She stammered.Her life are so going to end in a short time.


He chuckled at her reaction."I thought you had realize it since you enter the cave,young lady.You should know better than entering my territory."


"You territory?"She said.Puzzled.


He laughed and shook his head in amusement.It had been a lonely years and it's really challenging to keep his territory clear to the other wolves packs.This girl really amused him.He never met anyone who never freaked out or reacted badly when they saw him.He had experience worser.But she didn't seem that scare.Just shocked.And maybe a bit stupid.


"Well,haven't you ever heard of wolf before?If you have never heard of then let me tell you some facts that wolves leave in a pack .They follow the Alpha and they will always obey the Alpha commands."


"But then why are you alone?"She asked curiously.


"Because it's my fate to be the Lone Alpha.I have been destined to be a Lone Alpha long since I am born.I have been trained on how to become one and gradually I felt proud to be the rare Lone Alpha though it's not as easy as it seem to be a Lone Alpha.But then that's what my fate are.Now,what about you?Care to tell me some bits about you."


She stared into his deep blue eyes.She didn't know why but she felt like she could trusted him.


"It's a pleasure meeting you.My name's Luna.Luna Lluvia.And you?"


He smiled. "Cloud.Alpha Cloud on your service."For the first time since her father dead,she felt like she can smile kindly again.Not a fake one.


"My father died as he tried to inherit his power to me.I have two other siblings but then they blamed me for the death of our father and ran away.Since then it had been me and my mom.I can't leave her alone and I never did get any friend with any people around my age since they know I am different from the other."She told him everything.Every single details of her life.And he didn't even interfere.He just listen and stared deep into her amethyst eyes and sometime nodded as if understanding how she felt like.She felt shockingly more calmer than she ever felt in her life since the death of her father.


"Can this be among only the two of us?It's a secret between the two of us only."Asked Cloud.


"Yeah.Sure.I was thinking about that too.Secret.I am really good in keeping secret.Here,why don't we do this.Pinky promise?"


"What?"Asked Cloud in confusion.


Luna laughed and showed him the way to do a pinky promise."Here,show me your pinky.I will entwining our pinky together like this.Now said it after me.Pinky promise."


"Pinky promise."Said Cloud.


"Good boy."She said as she ruffle Cloud head.Cloud felt himself blushed under the touched.No one had ever treat him like this before and since it was his first time,he can't help feeling nervous and awkward.


"It seem like the rain had stopped."Cloud said as he stood up and looked out.


"That's great.I should return home as soon as possible."Luna said as she stood beside Cloud.


They stared at the tall trees in front of them and smile leisurely.The wind blowing softly through them,the sun peaking a bit just enough to cast some cool-warm feeling.The smelt of the damp forest and trees is so soothing as they could heard the chirping of birds that flew through the bright blue sky.Luna felt a strange feeling rising through her throat and without realizing it.She laughed.Cloud stared awe-struck at the sound.It seem to attract his attention as he stared at Luna face.She seem more beautiful than he thought.Her skin a beautiful shade of snow white with some pink flushed on her cheeks.Her eyes gleaming like a twinkling star.Her lips,a perfect smile pasted on the striking naturally lips.Red like bloods.It matched the red hood she's wearing.Her black raven hair tied up half braid in fish tail way seem to added more beauty on her natural beauty face.


"Luna.If you won't mind.Want me to give you some ride?"


Publication Date: 06-20-2015

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