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Book online «The Pleasure of Nobody by Crystal Fox (beginner reading books for adults .TXT) 📖». Author Crystal Fox

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whisper. He sat down right in front of me, laid her down on his crossed legs. he took his hand and brushed her hair back and looked at her in a sad way. "Ivy," he breath," I was wondering if you could make her what you are, to save her life. I am sorry to ask you this. I can not have her die. She barely started living, life." he looked up from her and at me.

In the state of shock I can barely feel my heart beating in side my hallow body, that I can hear the beating roughly as if at any moment it would stop. And my blood races through my veins as though i have a gash that lets all the blood escape, and all of it wants to.


"Yes Ivy?" he asked me, his eyes full of hope.

I took a breath, completely filling my lungs making them stretch to the point of pain, and releasing it all to press my lungs together so tightly that I wish it would have killed me. Trying to die.

"I know that you think I am something great that can save your sister, I can feel your energy of excitement. This is not her way out of being sick. I can not save her, if I bite her then it will only be like that boy that I know for sure you know about. You don't want that. It will be worse than dying this way,"

" How long does it last though? The pain." he looked down at her, i could see his eyes gleaming with the tears of hurt and pain. Two things related to each other but can feel so different and can make the worst possible sorrow stronger.

" Only for a while, that boy was the longest to live and her died before a hour of being bitten." I admitted. This is not something I am proud of and I hurt to think of it.

"Then do it. If it is only for a while take her out of pain, they told me she had a few more days. I want her to be over with it as soon as it can." he told me, "Please," he begged.

"No," I said firmly.

He looked at me in surprise. I know he had been wanting to let her out of misery, but in another way I cant do this willingly. I have enough pain from it being when I was upset.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I killed some one less than one day ago, I am still suffering from that. I cant do it to her now."

" Ivy you can do this, when it is over we can suffer together."

"I don't even know you."

"I know you, and every secret you hold with in. You think your a misery to the world, that none knows you like you do. I know you much better than your self, cause unlike me, you cant lie to me like you do yourself. I don't lie about what you do to make myself feel good, or i don't pretend it never happened cause it did, and you simply run from it cause no one knows and you think no one ever will. So you treat it that way. Ivy you do this cause it is simple and easy for you. Don't lie to yourself about that. Just bite her, once then you can run far away and let me deal with it. I'll come to find you later. Bite her."

"No," I told him mad this time.

"Coward," he said trying to make me mad.

"Shut up!'

"Bite her you murderer!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Then bite her!"


"I will tell every one in the council what you are, and have you burned! Now bite her!" the man of hated words and lies spat through his teeth.

Anger took over me and I launch myself on to his little sisters body, giving in to the sweet taste of her weak blood. It was so sweet cause I hate her brother, I feel hate. The feeling makes it sweet. I sank my teeth deeply into her throat and heard her scream. But the pure feeling of blood tracking down my throat gave me no feeling of pity for her. I drank her blood greedily. He wanted her dead as soon as possible and this way is quicker. I bit harder around her windpipe and crushed it. I felt his hands on my hair petting me. As though he is urging me to take her life. Comforting me in the process of killing. I growled at him. But his hands kept petting. I looked up at him, his eyes locking with mine. I sank my teeth deeper and pulling her up to me. Hoping to him that this was a threat. It wasn't.

I looked away and closed my eyes. Drinking her blood. I laid my self down in front of him, getting in a position i could manage being in for a while. His hand brushed my hair down my back and up. over and over. This to him, killing. Is beauty.

After a while fighting ended. But I kept drinking. Gabriel hand to throw me off of her body and slap my face to get me to pay attention to him, so i wont end up eating her.

"Sit down and hold your breath Ivy. You did wonderful."

I did what he told me. Not wanting to be slapped again. But i watched her intently. Her blood was amazing. I didn't realize he started a fire or that he stopped crying and breathing to. then he picked her up in his arms, kissed her head and threw her into the fire.

"No!" I yelled and ran to the fire to get her out. He held me back. I turned to him and sank my teeth into his neck to. Biting hard. The I realized who he was, why I had a feeling I knew Mary. He was royal.

I let go of him and watched him, ready to look at him die. Tears trace the lines of my face.

his hand touched the spot that i had got him. Then brought his hand to look at it. Chuckling.

"I am so sorry, please don't die." I whispered, if he didn't die. I did. He would kill me for trying to kill him.

He laughed at me,"I am immortal Ivy, I like you, will never die."


She ran. That’s all I could think of at this moment, without time for my heart to beat another she was up and gone, with no words and no looking back. I thought of chasing her, though the tears that ran out of my eyes flowed to fast to let me see the direction she was going. I stayed where I was and took a deep breath, my little sister smelled like blood, as she lied limp in my lap. I didn't know what to do. For the first time in my life I was confused.I grabbed the bridge of my nose and pinched it between my fingers as hard as I could. I can kill a thousand men and leave the battle field without one scratch on my body. I could lead an army into war for three hundred years and not lose a single man.I have before, nothing was ever confusing for me. I knew what to do. How to move my sword to make each move just right to kill them. I understand that moving your wrist to the side will give you a clean cut and stabbing them with a back hand will leave them dying, not dead. This is not something that I can just pick up a sword and fight off. Life is not always a war, a small battle maybe, but I don’t need an army behind me always. Sometimes, I am my own worse enemy. I have to fight my self off.

I heard her grunt. I looked down at Mary. She did not breath and she could move. She no longer had a heart beat. But she was alive. I looked at her, my tears covered her in wetness. She moved, her body twitched, she grunted, and blood poured out over the cuts in her body. I sobbed, I didn't know what else to do.

No one knew.

That was my last thought before I threw her into the fire. My last thought before Ivy ran away and bite me. She bite does not sting anymore, its numb. My body is fighting off her very lethal venom. I looked for her, and i couldn't find her. I asked about her and know one knew where she was. I sent letters and men with horses and guns to find her, but they brought back nothing.

A year Later- Gabriel

I ran into a different country. Into a different world. When my mind was set I figured I would run to Rosemagion. I had friends there who would aid me. Right now I was running through the woods of Afterlo, The beautiful green trees surrounded me, I felt fine in the comfort

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