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so long.” Sammy asked them

“I don’t know but I bet they’re not coming let’s just go back,” Tommy added

“Oh great!” Sammy groaned

“What’s the matter?” Vicky asked

“The stupid door doesn’t open its stuck or something!” He cried out as he continued trying to open the door. Cookie was about to answer when a loud noise made them all jump

“Now what?” Tommy frowned. Vicky took out a small flashlight from her back pocket and turned it on. They screamed when they saw that Tony and Amy was staring at them from across the room

“Whoa! Where did you come from?” Tommy cried out

“Yah, you nearly gave us a heart attack! How long were you guys, hiding back there?” Daisy asked

“We sneaked in through the back door just in case we were followed. Cause if they found that we were talking to you about this we’d be in some real trouble,” Amy answered her

“If who found out? What are you talking about?” Cookie asked

“Mr. Howie, he’s gone mad. He told us that his spell book told him that we have to stay in camp so the crops could be saved!” That we’re all cursed and can never leave,” Amy started to explain

“What!” He can’t just keep us here against our will!” Sammy interrupted. Tony was about to answer him when a loud noise interrupted

“What was that?” Daisy asked

“Don’t know, but if Howie, really had become nutty it’s better that we go back before anyone notices that we’re all gone,” Vicky answered her back

“Good idea Vic, we can figure out how to escape easier without letting anyone knowing that we know what Mr. Howie’s up to,” Cookie agreed. Then after talking it over for a few more minutes they huddled close together making their way back to camp

“Umm, I don’t think that we’re going the right way. I don’t remember seeing that water fall on our way here,” Sammy told them

“Don’t start Sammy, you probably didn’t notice it before. Let’s just keep going the faster we get back the better we’ll all feel,” Tommy answered him back smiling


They continued following the riverbank but after a few more minutes Sammy repeated

“Are you guys, sure that we’re going the right way?”

“Shh! Did you hear that?” Vicky asked them

“Yah, it sounds like someone’s beating on some drums. But I can’t tell which way it’s coming from it sounds like it’s coming from all over,” Cookie answered her

“It must be coming from over there! Were that smoke is coming from over those bushes!”

Tommy cried out

“Are there could be some mass murders just waiting to chop us up into little bitty pieces. Just as soon as we walk through those bushes,” Sammy smirked

“Wow!” Sammy, there’s a spirit! Now let’s go before I starve to death,” Tommy answered him back laughing

Chapter 5:

Still huddled together they walked over to it and onto a bunch of kids who were sitting around a big campfire. Who just stared at them with big smiling faces

“Oh wow!” Talk about your perfect timing I was just about to tell one of my famous ghost stories!” Mr. Jug smiled. “Where have you kids been?”

“Oh, umm, we went for early afternoon hike and just lost track of time,” Cookie shrugged

“I see, any ways you kid look hungry why don’t you go to the food hall and see if the cook can fix you up a snack or something. “I talk to you kids a bit later,” Mr. Jug smiled then walked away before the gang could answer him


“Okay, I need someone to pinch me because I feel like I just fell into the rabbit hole,” Daisy sighed. Cookie was about to answer her when Tony came running up to them

“Hey! Have any of you guys, seen Amy, around I’ve been looking for her since we got back. But I can’t find her,”

“Nope, but if we see her I’ll tell her that you’re looking for her,” Cookie answered him. Then after grabbing a quick bit

They decided to head towards Mr. Jug’s office to see if he could clear up what was going on

“It looks like he’s not here,” Tommy shrugged

“Yah, but there’s a phone,” Sammy told them before he went over to the desk and picked up the phone. Then put it back down again

“Oh great! There was no dial tone,”

“That’s because it’s not plugged into the wall,” A voice coming from the doorway cried out. They turned around to see Mr. Jug staring at them

“Oh umm, we were just looking for you,” Cookie began. “Have you seen Amy, around?”

“I believe that I saw her by the lake house a few minutes ago. Why don’t you go and see if she’s still there,” He answered her back smirking

“Umm, thanks, I guess we’ll see you later then,” She mumbled


“I’m telling you guys, somehow we got sucked inside the twilight zone,” Daisy whispered over to them as they headed out towards the lake house. Tommy was about to answer her when a startled cry for help interrupted him

“Now what?” Cookie thought to herself as they rushed over to see who had cried out

“Amy! How did you get down there?” Vicky asked her. Once she and the others looked down the hole and saw who it was

“Mr. Howie, hit me over the head with something then threw me in here,” Amy began. “So I couldn’t tell you guys the truth. He figured if he keeps me in here you’d never find out and it’d be too late!”

“Too late for what?” Daisy asked frowning

“To escape then you’ll never see your parents again! Now please help me out of here before they come back!” She cried out. The gang just looked at each other with scared and confused looks on their faces


A few minutes after Amy was out of the hole. She dusted herself then took off running

“Hey, Amy! Wait up!” Where are you going?” Cookie yelled after her

“We’ve to get out of here before they come back!” Amy cried

“This is totally nuts,” Cookie thought to herself as she and the others continued to run after Amy. A few seconds later the sounds of drums floated through the woods

“Oh no!” They know just keep--,” Amy was interrupted when she bumped right into Mr. Jug

“Amy, what were you thinking? Did you really think that we’d just let you break the rules and leave?” He asked her frowning

“I don’t care I hate it here! And I hate you!” You can’t keep me here any longer!” She yelled at him

“Will someone please tell us what’s going on around here?” You’re not really keeping us here against our will are you?” Vicky asked

“But of course we’re!” Mr. Howie laughed

“Huh? Are you two crazy or something?” You can’t just keep us prisoners in here and think you’ll get away with it!” Daisy cried out

“Now, now let’s not get our furs all ruffled. Let’s just all claim down and let me explain,” Mr. Howie told them

“Don’t listen to him! He’s only going to lie to you!” Amy began yelling. Mr. Howie only ignored her outburst as he continued

“You see kids, many years ago this camp was built over some hollow ancient ground. Years later the spirits that once lived here returned and cursed anyone who stepped foot on it”

“But instead of killing us, off they offered us a deal instead,”

“What kind of deal?” Cookie asked

“A very powerful one. You see during the winter months we all go to into a deep sleep. But each summer the whole camp including us, we come back to life”

“We promised to take care of the land, we keep it pure and grow new crops and cure those that are not doing so well. And in return we’re kept alive so now do you understand if we allowed you to help her escape we’d have broken our part of the deal”

“Our secret would have been exposed and the spirits of the land would’ve given the power to punish us for it,” Mr. Howie answered her

“Oh wow! We almost destroyed the whole camp without even knowing it!” The girls cried out in unison. Mr. Howie looked up towards the sky

“We’ve to hurry and get everything ready. It’s almost time for us to rest again,”

“Okay, don’t let us stop you just tell us how we can get out of here. And we’ll be on our way,” Sammy smiled. And before any of them could answer him back

Chapter 6:

Amy took out a lighter from her pocket and lite one of the trees

“Amy, no!” Stop you don’t know what you’re doing!” Mr. Howie yelled out horrified

“Who cares!” Let it all burn!” Amy sang out happily

“Sammy, quick! Grab those blankets and help me put it out!” Tommy cried out. A few seconds later the fire was out

“Oh, thank you! Now quick ran towards the river as fast as you can. And remember to always keep our secret safe”

“Now go! Before it’s too late!” Mr. Howie yelled as he and the others began to fade away


They took off running as fast as they could along the river. And didn’t stop until they came across the water fall

“Oh wow! How are we going to go through it we don’t have any canoes or life jackets,” Sammy asked. “Maybe we should turn around and find a way around it,”

“No, you heard Mr. Howie, we’ve no choice we’ve to go through it. If we want to get back home canoes or no canoes,” Tommy answered him. Then huddled close together they climbed to the top then jumped

“We’re never going to make it,” Cookie thought to herself. As she closed her eyes and before she jumped she could’ve swore that she heard Mr. Jug’s voice whisper in her ear

“Relax, you’re all safe you helped us save our land now we’ll return the favor,”


A few minutes later they were back on dry land

“Wow!” We made it! This is where the bus dropped us off!” Tommy cried out happily. And before any of them could answer him back. The bus driver walked over to them and said

“Sorry, that it took so long to fix the flat tire. But you kids, can get back on now and I’ll drop you off at camp!”


Copyrights © belong to jack 2006











Chapter 1:

Cookie is a very happy mutt who loves to play and go on all sorts of adventures. So one day when her mother asked her to go to the local store to pick up some lamb bones for dinner. Cookie was very happy

to do it. For in her mind every time Cookie’s mom asked her to go anywhere she thought of it as if she was going on a new adventure then doing some kind of chore


Soon Cookie was inside the store picking out the juices' bones she could find. There were two poodles standing a couple of feet away from her talking rather loudly

“I swear sometimes I think that husband of mines has the courage of a cat stuck outside during a rainstorm,” Mrs. Crabby was telling Princess

“Excuse me Mrs. Crabby, but what is your husband so scared of?” Cookie asked

“Cookie, were you listening to our conversation? “Didn’t your mother teaches you that is not polite to listen to other people’s conversation?” Mrs. Crabby snorted

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, but you were talking kina a bit loud so it was hard for me not to listen” Cookie mumbled

“Cookie, have you ever gone

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