Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (iphone ebook reader .TXT) đź“–

- Author: Dorothy Canfield Fisher
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nodded toward the sofa. His eyes were twinkling, and as for Aunt Abigail
she began to laugh silently, shaking all over, her napkin at her mouth
to stifle the sound. Elizabeth Ann turned wonderingly and saw the old
dog cautiously and noiselessly letting himself down from the sofa, one
ear cocked rigidly in the direction of Cousin Ann’s voice in the next
room. “The old tyke!” said Uncle Henry. “He always sneaks up to the
table to be fed if Ann goes out for a minute. Here, Betsy, you’re
nearest, give him this piece of skin from the chicken neck.” The big dog
padded forward across the room, evidently in such a state of terror
about Cousin Ann that Elizabeth Ann felt for him. She had a fellow-feeling about that relative of hers. Also it was impossible to be afraid
of so abjectly meek and guilty an animal. As old Shep came up to her,
poking his nose inquiringly on her lap, she shrinkingly held out the big
piece of skin, and though she jumped back at the sudden snap and
gobbling gulp with which the old dog greeted the tidbit, she could not
but sympathize with his evident enjoyment of it. He waved his bushy tail
gratefully, cocked his head on one side, and, his ears standing up at
attention, his eyes glistening greedily, he gave a little, begging
whine. “Oh, he’s asking for more!” cried Elizabeth Ann, surprised to see
how plainly she could understand dog-talk. “Quick, Uncle Henry, give me
another piece!”
Uncle Henry rapidly transferred to her plate a wing-bone from his own,
and Aunt Abigail, with one deft swoop, contributed the neck from the
platter. As fast as she could, Elizabeth Ann fed these to Shep, who
woofed them down at top speed, the bones crunching loudly under his
strong, white teeth. How he did enjoy it! It did your heart good to see
his gusto!
[Illustration: “Oh, he’s asking for more’” cried Elizabeth Ann]
There was the sound of the telephone receiver being hung up in the next
room—and everybody acted at once. Aunt Abigail began drinking
innocently out of her coffee-cup, only her laughing old eyes showing
over the rim; Uncle Henry buttered a slice of bread with a grave face,
as though he were deep in conjectures about who would be the next
President; and as for old Shep, he made one plunge across the room, his
toe-nails clicking rapidly on the bare floor, sprang up on the couch,
and when Cousin Ann opened the door and came in he was lying in exactly
the position in which she had left him, his paw stretched out, his head
laid on it, his brown eyes turned up meekly so that the whites showed.
I’ve told you what these three did, but I haven’t told you yet what
Elizabeth Ann did. And it is worth telling. As Cousin Ann stepped in,
glancing suspiciously from her sober-faced and abstracted parents to the
lamb-like innocence of old Shep, little Elizabeth Ann burst into a shout
of laughter. It’s worth telling about, because, so far as I know, that
was the first time she had ever laughed out heartily in all her life.
For my part, I’m half surprised to know that she knew how.
Of course, when she laughed, Aunt Abigail had to laugh too, setting down
her coffee-cup and showing all the funny wrinkles in her face screwed up
hard with fun; and that made Uncle Henry laugh, and then Cousin Ann
laughed and said, as she sat down, “You are bad children, the whole four
of you!” And old Shep, seeing the state of things, stopped pretending to
be meek, jumped down, and came lumbering over to the table, wagging his
tail and laughing too; you know that good, wide dog-smile! He put his
head on Elizabeth Ann’s lap again and she patted it and lifted up one of
his big black ears. She had quite forgotten that she was terribly afraid
of big dogs.
After dinner Cousin Ann looked up at the clock and said: “My goodness!
Betsy’ll be late for school if she doesn’t start right off.” She
explained to the child, aghast at this sudden thunderclap, “I let you
sleep this morning as long as you wanted to, because you were so tired
from your journey. But of course there’s no reason for missing the
afternoon session.”
As Elizabeth Ann continued sitting perfectly still, frozen with alarm,
Cousin Ann jumped up briskly, got the little coat and cap, helped her
up, and began inserting the child’s arms into the sleeves. She pulled
the cap well down over Elizabeth Ann’s ears, felt in the pocket and
pulled out the mittens. “There,” she said, holding them out, “you’d
better put them on before you go out, for it’s a real cold day.” As she
led the stupefied little girl along toward the door Aunt Abigail came
after them and put a big sugar-cookie into the child’s hand. “Maybe
you’ll like to eat that for your recess time,” she said. “I always did
when I went to school.”
Elizabeth Ann’s hand closed automatically about the cookie, but she
scarcely heard what was said. She felt herself to be in a bad dream.
Aunt Frances had never, no NEVER, let her go to school alone, and on the
first day of the year always took her to the new teacher and introduced
her and told the teacher how sensitive she was and how hard to
understand; and then she stayed there for an hour or two till Elizabeth
Ann got used to things! She could not face a whole new school all alone—
oh, she couldn’t, she wouldn’t! She couldn’t! Horrors! Here she was in
the front hall—she was on the porch! Cousin Ann was saying: “Now run
along, child. Straight down the road till the first turn to the left,
and there in the cross-roads, there you are.” And now the front door
closed behind her, the path stretched before her to the road, and the
road led down the hill the way Cousin Ann had pointed. Elizabeth Ann’s
feet began to move forward and carried her down the path, although she
was still crying out to herself, “I can’t! I won’t! I can’t!”
Are you wondering why Elizabeth Ann didn’t turn right around, open the
front door, walk in, and say, “I can’t! I won’t! I can’t!” to Cousin
The answer to that question is that she didn’t do it because Cousin Ann
was Cousin Ann. And there’s more in that than you think! In fact, there
is a mystery in it that nobody has ever solved, not even the greatest
scientists and philosophers, although, like all scientists and
philosophers, they think they have gone a long way toward explaining
something they don’t understand by calling it a long name. The long name
is “personality,” and what it means nobody knows, but it is perhaps the
very most important thing in the world for all that. And yet we know
only one or two things about it. We know that anybody’s personality is
made up of the sum total of all the actions and thoughts and desires of
his life. And we know that though there aren’t any words or any figures
in any language to set down that sum total accurately, still it is one
of the first things that everybody knows about anybody else. And that is
really all we know!
So I can’t tell you why Elizabeth Ann did not go back and cry and sob
and say she couldn’t and she wouldn’t and she couldn’t, as she would
certainly have done at Aunt Harriet’s. You remember that I could not
even tell you why it was that, as the little fatherless and motherless
girl lay in bed looking at Aunt Abigail’s old face, she should feel so
comforted and protected that she must needs break out crying. No, all I
can say is that it was because Aunt Abigail was Aunt Abigail. But
perhaps it may occur to you that it’s rather a good idea to keep a sharp
eye on your “personality,” whatever that is! It might be very handy, you
know, to have a personality like Cousin Ann’s which sent Elizabeth Ann’s
feet down the path; or perhaps you would prefer one like Aunt Abigail’s.
Well, take your choice.
You must not, of course, think for a moment that Elizabeth Ann had the
slightest INTENTION of obeying Cousin Ann. No indeed! Nothing was
farther from her mind as her feet carried her along the path and into
the road. In her mind was nothing but rebellion and fear and anger and
oh, such hurt feelings! She turned sick at the very thought of facing
all the staring, curious faces in the playground turned on the new
scholar as she had seen them at home! She would never, never do it! She
would walk around all the afternoon, and then go back and tell Cousin
Ann that she couldn’t! She would EXPLAIN to her how Aunt Frances never
let her go out of doors without a loving hand to cling to. She would
EXPLAIN to her how Aunt Frances always took care of her! … it was easier
to think about what she would say and do and explain, away from Cousin
Ann, than it was to say and do it before those black eyes. Aunt
Frances’s eyes were soft, light blue.
Oh, how she wanted Aunt Frances to take care of her! Nobody cared a
thing about her! Nobody UNDERSTOOD her but Aunt Frances! She wouldn’t go
back at all to Putney Farm. She would just walk on and on till she was
lost, and the night would come and she would lie down and freeze to
death, and then wouldn’t Cousin Ann feel … Someone called to her,
“Isn’t this Betsy?”
She looked up astonished. A young girl in a gingham dress and a white
apron like those at Putney Farm stood in front of a tiny, square
building, like a toy house. “Isn’t this Betsy?” asked the young girl
again. “Your Cousin Ann said you were coming to school today and I’ve
been looking out for you. But I saw you going right by, and I ran out to
stop you.”
“Why, where IS the school?” asked Betsy, staring around for a big brick,
four-story building.
The young girl laughed and held out her hand. “This is the school,” she
said, “and I am the teacher, and you’d better come right in, for it’s
time to begin.”
She led Betsy into a low-ceilinged room with geraniums at the windows,
where about a dozen children of different ages sat behind their desks.
At the first sight of them Betsy blushed crimson with fright and
shyness, and hung down her head; but, looking out the corners of her
eyes, she saw that they, too, were all very red-faced and scared-looking
and hung down their heads, looking at her shyly out of the corners of
their eyes. She was so surprised by this that she forgot all about
herself and looked inquiringly at the teacher.
“They don’t see many strangers,” the teacher explained, “and they feel
very shy and scared when a new scholar comes, especially one from the
“Is this my grade?” asked Elizabeth, thinking it the very smallest grade
she had ever seen.
“This is the whole school,” said the teacher. “There are only two or
three in each class. You’ll probably have three in yours. Miss Ann said
you were in the third grade. There, that’s your seat.”
Elizabeth sat down before a very old desk, much battered and hacked up
with knife marks. There was a big H. P. carved just over the inkwell,
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