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Book online «The Outdoor Girls Around the Campfire by Laura Lee Hope (free novel 24 txt) 📖». Author Laura Lee Hope

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irrevocably “dead.”

“Well, I’ll say this is our unlucky day,” said Mollie, disgustedly, straightening up from her work on the engine to face the Little Captain. “Beginning with engine trouble, then tramps and now more engine trouble——”

“Well, there’s one comfort,” spoke up Amy, trying to be optimistic. “We’ve had about all the trouble we can have. Things can’t be any worse.”

“Oh, yes, they can,” contradicted Grace, in a voice of patient resignation. “Has any one happened to notice that it’s raining?”

“Raining!” they gasped, and with one accord, turned startled faces to the sky. What they saw there did little to cheer them up.

Mollie groaned.

“This was all we needed,” said she, “to make it a perfect day.”

“Oh, for goodness’ sake, cheer up,” commanded the Little Captain. “Anybody would think from the way you talk that you’d never been rained on before. Didn’t we buy these suits especially for knockabout wear? A drop or two of rain can’t hurt them.”

“They may shrink,” said Grace doubtfully, carefully wiping a drop of water from her “knickers” with a square of lace handkerchief.

In spite of their plight, the sight appealed to the girls’ sense of humor.

They giggled, and Mollie, taking out her own rather soiled and grimy handkerchief, carefully and gravely wiped another spot from Grace’s suit.

“Stop your nonsense,” cried Betty, her eyes searching the gray and lowering sky. “If we don’t get busy we may all be drowned. Amy,” she added, in the tone of authority she always used when they faced an emergency, “get out those oars, will you? I’m going to give you some elbow work to do.”

As Amy obeyed, the girls thanked their stars for Betty’s thoughtfulness. They had laughed when she had first suggested the oars, asking “if she did not realize what a reflection it was on the Gem,” but Betty had insisted, just the same, and now it seemed as though the oars were to play a rather important part in their adventure.

The girls took turns rowing while Betty kept the wheel, steering a straight course along the shore, meanwhile edging in steadily closer to it. She was looking for the second land-mark Henry Blackford had suggested, a small inlet off the main lake, like the one near Triangle Island, in which it would be easy to run the Gem.

The cabin, Henry Blackford had assured them, was situated on a rise of ground directly over the inlet. Betty remembered his words perfectly.

“If you follow your nose straight up the hill,” he had said, laughing, “you can’t fail to find it. The house is situated in a small cleared space at the very top of the hill.”

And so Betty searched with anxious eyes for the inlet, now and then allowing her gaze to travel to the gray sky.

Luckily for them the storm seemed in no great hurry to overtake them. Although the clouds gathered blacker and more threatening every moment the rain reached them only in an occasional drop and Betty began to hope that they might gain the shelter of the cabin before the downpour overwhelmed them. Luckily they had brought the tarpaulin for the Gem so that the little boat should not suffer.

Although the girls rowed steadily and hard they made slow progress, pulling as they were against the wind. It seemed to Betty’s impatience that they fairly crawled along.

“Oh, dear, where is that old inlet, anyway?” sighed Amy, unconsciously uttering Betty’s thought. “Do you suppose we could have passed it, Betty?”

“Not with my eagle eye doing duty,” Betty assured her, cheerfully, but she was beginning to feel a bit anxious about it herself. Was it really possible that they had passed the spot? The foliage was very heavy all along the shore, the branches of trees, weighted with leaves, fairly dragging in the clear water. And there was another drop of rain—and another——

And then suddenly, almost in the act of passing, she saw the inlet, a narrow, beckoning little strip of water, welcoming them home.

Almost at the same moment the other girls espied it also and let out a yell of pure joy.

“Turn to the right!” shouted Mollie jubilantly. “We are making camp at last!”


Skillfully Betty maneuvered the little boat down the narrow neck of water, carefully avoiding the overhanging branches of trees. She was looking for just the right place to land.

The next moment she found it—a spot just made for the purpose. There was a smooth stretch, entirely cleared of bushes and tree stumps with an out-jutting bank that made an ideal landing.

“Right you are!” exclaimed Mollie, as the Little Captain steered close to shore, bidding Amy “let up” on the oars. “Couldn’t have been better if we’d had it made to order.”

“And we beat the rain at that,” observed Grace.

“Your precious suit is saved,” said Mollie, sarcastically. “Of course that’s what you mean.”

But Grace was too glad to straighten her cramped legs and scramble on shore to take notice of the words or the tone in which they were uttered.

The other girls followed her example while Betty remained to cover the Gem with the tarpaulin.

“We’ll find the shack first,” she said as she followed the girls and paused to make sure that the boat was well fastened and could be trusted to remain where she was. “Then we’ll come back for the eatables.”

“Gladly,” agreed Grace, for she was again beginning to feel the first pangs of hunger.

“And now,” said Mollie, as arm and arm she and Betty led the way up the rather steep ascent, “here’s hoping we find the shack.”

“I guess there’s not much doubt of that,” said Betty, confidently. “All we’ll have to do now will be to take possession.”

And so, of course, they were bewildered when, upon reaching the cleared space at the top of the hill which Henry Blackford had described to them, they found no cabin.

They stopped and rubbed their eyes while Grace and Amy, bringing up the rear, stopped and stared also.

“Wh-where is it?” asked Grace, too astonished to know just what she was saying. “It must be here.”

“I’m glad you’re so sure of that,” snapped Mollie. “Now perhaps, you’ll tell us where it is.”

“Don’t let’s quarrel,” cautioned the Little Captain, adding with a puzzled frown: “Perhaps we came up the wrong hill.”

“No,” said Amy, positively. “I’m quite sure from what Henry told me about it, that this is the place. See, there’s the huge gnarled old oak up there. He thought we’d have lots of fun seeing how far we could climb up it.”

“But where is the house?” cried Grace in a voice that was almost a wail. “Trees may be all very well, but I never heard of one keeping the rain off.”

“Look here!” called Betty. As usual she was the first to regain her wits. Going forward and looking around, she discovered what was hidden from the other girls where they stood, and the discovery filled her with dismay.

“Ashes,” she explained, as the girls hurried over to her. “I guess there’s no doubt but what this is the place all right. And probably the shack stood here once.”

“Burned down!” said Mollie, in a low voice. “Oh, Betty, now what are we going to do?”

And she might well ask the question. Except for the tell-tale ashes, no one would have known that there had ever been a cabin on that spot. The blaze which had consumed it had destroyed every timber. All that remained intact—and these were blackened and tarnished by the fire—were some pieces of metal which had probably been door hinges. Even the ashes looked as if they were not too recent. They were sodden and beaten into the soft earth as though by a terrific torrent of rain. There was a desolate look about the whole place, a depressing smell of burned wood lingered in the air.

Well might Mollie ask: “What are we going to do now?”

“I don’t know,” admitted Betty in reply to the question. But the next moment she had rallied and spoke in her ordinary voice.

“It’s hard luck, of course,” she said, “but after all it’s nothing to cry about. We’ll have to put up a tent, that’s all.”

“But we haven’t any,” protested Amy. “You know we didn’t bring any with us.”

“And we can’t stay in this forsaken place, without some sort of shelter,” added Grace, looking up anxiously to where the sky shone grayly through the trees. “Oh, girls, I think this is awful.”

“Well, what do you want to do about it?” asked the Little Captain, exasperated into losing her patience. “Do you want to go home and confess that you were stumped by the first little obstacle you found in your way? That would be fine for the Outdoor Girls, I must say.”

“No, of course we don’t want to do any such thing,” said Mollie, stoutly. “We’ll stay and face it out some way. Although I must say,” she could not help adding, “that I don’t see how it’s to be done.”

“There’s the tarpaulin,” said Betty, her quick brain already working eagerly. “We’ve been camping enough and seen the boys erect enough tents to know how the job is done.”

“Oh, we could put up a real tent all right,” agreed Grace, enthusiasm for the adventure beginning to revive as she saw Betty’s plan. “But I don’t see how we can use a tarpaulin——”

“Neither do I,” confessed the Little Captain, with a whimsical chuckle. “But before I’m many minutes older I’m going to find out. Amy dear, would you mind stealing the tarpaulin from the Gem? It’s a mean thing to do I know, but we need it just now more than the boat does.”

Amy agreed, and Betty fell to work giving orders like any general. And, like any general who is worth his salt, she herself headed the fray, working twice as hard as any of her army.

“Suppose you bring me some of those fallen branches, Grace and Mollie,” she said. “Thank goodness for the storm they must have had here that ripped off all those perfectly good props for us.

“Try to bring me only those of the same length, girls, and pass them up if they’re brittle and rotten. I tell you, if we keep on like this we’ll have a perfectly good shelter before we know it. Just a minute—I’ll run and get my knife.”

Betty ran back to the Gem and passed Amy carrying the tarpaulin.

“Back in a minute,” gasped the Little Captain, adding to herself as she clambered aboard the boat: “It’s stopped raining. That’s one stroke of luck.”

Then she was back again, starting to point a couple of the sticks which the girls had brought for her approval.

This done, she stacked up a small pile of shorter props, whittling these to a point as she had done the others. It was a neat job and, considering that Mollie and Amy and Grace pitched in with a will, soon completed.

Then Betty chose a spot where the trees were in pretty good position for the erecting of the tent and, squarely in the middle of this space, planted one of the long poles.

When they had fixed it securely, fastening it down with pieces of rope to short stakes driven deep into the ground, Betty stood off to regard the work critically.

“Pretty good, so far as it goes,” she said, adding whimsically: “Unless we have a strong wind during the night. I don’t believe we even need the second long prop. Now let’s get busy and plant the short ones.”

As the girls caught the idea, their spirits began to soar and they worked feverishly. After the first shock of their discovery that the cabin which was to have served as their camp for the summer was no cabin at all but merely a heap of sodden ashes, they began rather to enjoy the new turn of affairs.


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