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Book online «Harmony of Lady Shadow Moon by DhNAi Divine (best novels in english TXT) 📖». Author DhNAi Divine

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were open for the day all clashed in the air. She looked over her empire, her home, smiling inside at its sheer beauty.

Aanujah sighed her content, then looked slightly down. Standing next to her was a huge feline, painted in black with intense violet stripes covering her, her fur curly and stripes that sometimes formed shapes on her body.

“Sahkena,” Aanujah spoke with regal grace, unafraid, spoken in an old language, “where's my husband? Why wasn't he beside me when I rose?”

Sahkena purred then voiced the answer in Khemetu (Kim-met-two), the old language, “He was called to court. He asked me to see to you when you woke. And to give you his apology for not being here.”

Aanujah looked back at her empire and nodded. “Thank you Sahkena. I have no need of your presence, you may do as you please with no bother from me. You are truly an asset to our world and worlds beyond it.”

Sahkena purred, unfurling her hefty, long, impressive wings. Aanujah stood back and watched with great joy Sahkena changing shape. Sahkena stood, a gorgeous woman with long braids falling over her shoulders, only an inch taller than Aanujah. Sahkena looked exactly like S'hkmanyu, only a few shades of a lighter brown. Sahkena bowed to Aanu, then took flight in the sky.

Aanujah returned the bow to her greatest assistant in the Underworld Empire and her greatest friend in the universe.



One of Aanujah's younger assistants rushed into her private eating quarters, a place where she not only wanted to eat in private but also think in private. He was yelling news in Khemetu.

“Its happened!”

Aanu sat her glass down and raised her hand. “What's happened young sir? Have a seat, catch your breath before you tell me.”

“Thank you, my queen,” but he doesn't sit, just bends over panting. “Your brother came all the way from the east to report the news.”

Aanujah nods her head and waits for the grand introduction, which generally worked her nerve. She waited until the noise from the trumpets and drums faded before she got to her feet. As her brother Hametas (Hah-men-tis) walked in the striking double doors, she stood. His face looking just like Aaron's. She fell into her big brother's arms, waving her assistants to close the door.

“How you been Hametas? How's Queen Mother?”

“Mama's well sis. Come sit.”

She sat and moved the mess of papyrus from the sofa to the table so her brother could have a seat. She kept her brother's hand in her own. “What's goin' on? Somethin' awful?”

“Well, yes and no. Atlantis fell, submerged. The citizens anticipated it, so they joined their folks in Africa long before the collapse. We're gonna settle them all over the dark continent, but majority will go to the ancient city. One of ours.”

“Kemet?” Hametas nods to his sister question. “My husband already up?”

He smiled. “You know it. He's been up there at it all night, taking whole families through the continent. No sleep, no food, just workin'.”

She lightly chuckles. “That's Anubis. I'll be up as soon as I let everyone know the situation. You know people of our city loved Atlantis. They'll be sad to hear it's really gone now. They'll jump on the opportunity to help the folks of Atlantis.”

He smiles once again, then kisses her forehead. “I'll see you up.”



Aanu's delicate arms stretched out and a strong hand captured her own. A pair of plush soft lips planted a kiss on it. Aanujah pulled back her hand and sat up, surprised that someone was next to her. A man, a gorgeous, sculpted man, shirtless, colored in dark sweet mocha laid next to her.

“Anubis,” she whispered. “You finally came back home.”

He grinned tenderly, pulling her into his big arms. His low voice coated her skin and her insides with familiar warmth. “I missed the underworld, our city, but I missed you most.” She looked up at his face, loving his cute flat nose, his wide thick black lips, and his jeweled carnelian eyes. Her lips met his in a deep sensuous kiss.

He broke the kiss to gaze at her face. “Come to Earth with me, so you can see some of my new handiwork.”

“Give me an hour, then we can go up.”

The royal couple opened a crimson portal in a barren desert. Heat poured on them, sweat was produced on their bodies, making them glisten. Anubis took Aanu by the hand, leading her further in the desert.

After minutes of walking, nowhere it seemed, she spoke. “What'd you do Anubis? Dry out all the lakes?”

His booming laughter met her ears. “Baby this land been barren for years. That's why no settlers. But with Atlantis, Lemuria, them all submerging, we had to do something. Make some changes.”

She wrapped her arm around his waist, looking up to him and asked, “What you do?”

“You'll see my Aanu,” he said, laying a kiss on her nose.

After what seemed like hours of walking and sweating they finally made it to their stop. It was a small town built around chains of newly created lakes. Aanujah's mouth dropped as she saw trees grow at a faster than normal rate, flowers budding, plants and trees bearing fruits and vegetables. Anubis just watched her, capturing the awe and pride of him that glowed on her face.

“Is this what my baby been up to?” She questioned without looking at him.

He hugged her from behind, planting a kiss on her neck, grinning. “Yes. These great people had my time. It’s not just my Haze at work. There are great masters of the Haze energy magic here. They can stop time, open portals, bend light. I just enhanced it.”

He took her by the hand once again, to get a closer look on the small but very beautiful town. She knew if her husband was on the job it would progress to greatness. Aanu swelled with pride as she watched Anubis get his hands dirty, lifting stone and wood to finish homes, helping out young ones with whatever task they couldn't complete alone. She knew how he got when helping people settle into a new home life. He wanted them as comfortable as he could make it.

The houses were getting built with the best of materials, Anubis was importing through portals, using up his energy nonstop. She knew she would have to step in to keep him from burning out and indeed she did. Once the day finished and the dark took over, the town gathered around multiple fires, eating food, dancing, singing, storytelling. Aanujah knew Anubis wanted to stay behind and enjoy with them as though this was his new home, but she pulled him back to their world in that moment. She knew he needed tending to before he went at it again tomorrow.

Aanu planned a divine evening in Seven Lotus Garden. She knew Anubis simply adored watching her stroll through the exotic tall flowers and trees, trying to find her in the maze. She'd sing and let her voice ride on the wind kissing his mind, sending him clues of where she may be. Once he did find her the two would saunter to the center, arm in arm.

“Thank you my darling,” he whispered in her ear in Khemetu. “I need this more than you know.”

“Oh, trust me Aanu knew,” her voice purposefully dropping to a low sultry octave, messing with her husband.

“Will this night end on a high note, or a very low one?” His smile hanging sexily on his handsome face.

“Both,” she replied.

“Well, my queen I will do as you say. Please...lead the way.”

He knew only his wife knew best how to replenish his energy. He would gladly drown in her at her command, resurfacing back to life at full capacity. Aanujah smiled a knowing smile, leading the way deeper into Seven Lotus, disappearing in the darkness.



Aanu woke, slipping to the end of her bed, noticing Saki was already out the room. What time was it? She stretched her arms, yawning lazily, then stood with her house shoes on her feet. A smile was on her pretty face and she didn't even know why. It must have been her dreams, the dreams she didn't remember. All she could recall was a sexy man treating her like a goddess.

She laughed out and shook her head, running to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Aanujah bounce down the steps, took a whiff and smelled some of Gran-Nai's good food. She was just in time!

“Hey y'all!”

Her family looked up at her and caught her good mood. Weird, considering all that's been going on.

“You alright?” Saki asked first. “You glowin' Nu-Nu.”

Aanujah smacked her lips and grinned wider. “What's wrong wit' that? Specially in these crazy times.”

“I think you answered that yo self lil sis. Specially in these crazy times. Ain't nothin' to be gettin' happy about Aanu.”

“Leave her 'lone.  We could all use some of whatever she got. Come get y'all plates, so we can eat.”



She flipped and turned in her sleep, having fits that gave Saki pause. Once her movement stopped it'd only start back up a few minutes later. Aanujah was soaking her pillows and covers in sweat as she tried to wake from her dream. But she was caught in its web, with no way of escape.


Eleven Thousand Years Later

“What is your problem?!” Anubis whirled on her, hurling the question in English. The royal couple had been locked in their room for the last three hours, shouting at the top of their lungs at one another. The people who stayed in the palace never seen them like this before. Arguments had ensued in the past, but never as heated as this one or as long.

Aanu stepped back from Anubis, afraid that she might strike him, and make him grow angrier. She took a deep breathe. She replied carefully, calmly, and slowly in Khemetu, “Ever since this new cycle and new people, you've been acting different. That's all I'm tryin' to say to you Anubis.”

He didn't answer back in Khemetu, he took a liking to English. “I haven't been acting different. I'm expanding my knowledge that's all. Maybe you should try it. If I must take some of the new in me to do so...I will.” He turned away from her, heading towards the door, ending their argument.

“You will listen to me today Anubis!” She bellowed in Khemetu, stopping him in his tracks. “I will not stand for this.”

He turned to look at her, staring into her amethyst eyes, watching them glitter silver. He so loved when they did it, but right now he was too pissed to adore it.

“What's happening to us Anubis?”

He shook his head, looking away from her. “I don't know.”

“You even speak their tongue. Talk to me in Khemetu. This is what I am talking about. You're never here when we need you. You...” She shook her head. “You seem obsessed with them. These new people.”

“I grow tired of your insistent babbling nonsense Aanu. That's why I'm never here.”

She narrowed her eyes, he knew then he shouldn't of said that. The air in the room grew hazy, a purple haze, sprinkled with silver. “How dare you,” she deadly whispered.

The room began to spin, Aanujah the only one not moving. Anubis lost his balance, but only for a moment. He matched her with his orange haze, pulling them both off the ground. The purple haze grew and the orange haze matched it until both haze reached capacity and blasted. A sonic boom followed and forced them both to the marble floor in their room.

“I am the Empress. I am the Queen of this Empire and you will respect my word, just as I've respected yours.”

“What is it?” He says from the floor.

She stood over him. “All I ask is you get your head straight. Remember what was always important to you. Stop pushing me away from my throne, my position here. This is our house, our nation, our world. Our family. When’s the last time you've seen our children? Our children born of the Black. Not the

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