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touching me. My legs shook beneath me as he stroked the sensitive nerves tucked between my hot, wet folds. I clung to him and leaned my cheek against his hard chest. His rapid heartbeat thrilled me. My sensual torture was his.

I yelped as he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed. He spread me on the covers and hovered over me. His red eyes burned brightly in the dim light of the room. Sweat glistened over his naked body. I squirmed beneath his hot, intense gaze.

He drew the flimsy gown over my head and flung it aside. I lay naked beneath his eyes. They consumed me like a man starved of food who had finally found his feast. He stretched himself out beside me and explored me with his hands. My flesh tingled beneath his gentle touch. His curious fingers danced across muscle and skin, overlooking nothing of me.

I moaned and squirmed beneath his attentions. My body was on fire. The red-hot heat pooled between my legs. I ached for him, for his hard muscles against me and inside me. His fingers slid down to my wet folds. I groaned as he stroked me again, harder this time and with a faster rhythm. My hips rocked with his finger. Sweat soaked my trembling skin. I felt my breasts swell. My hips thickened. Every part of me felt alive with desire for this creature, this man.

His hot breath wafted over my ear, and the thick need in his deep, strained voice sent a thrill of pleasure through me. “Your desire for me is strong, but how badly do you want me?”

I shuddered. My tongue flicked out and whetted my dry lips. “Badly.”

“Will you allow me to take you as my own? To make you mine and no other?” he whispered.

His finger moved faster. My muscles began to twitch. Pleasure rippled through me. “Yes. Oh god, yes.”

He removed his finger and sat up to look down at me. His lips curled back in a sly grin that revealed his sharp teeth. “Then you will be mine until I release you.”

He lay atop me and positioned himself at my wet entrance. I groaned as he effortlessly penetrated me. His thick, throbbing manhood filled me and stroked my bundle of sensual nerves. My body shivered with anticipation. My muscles tensed. I wanted this so badly. More than I’d ever wanted anything else.

My mind and body were enveloped in a haze of lust. I wanted only to pleasure and be pleasured. This man could pleasure me, could take me and claim me again and again. I knew I would enjoy every moment, every thrust, and touch and feel of him against me. Inside of me.

He pulled out and pushed back in. He clenched his teeth, but a hiss escaped his lips. “So. . .tight,” he gasped.

I leaned forward and nibbled at his ear. “So wonderful.”

He grunted and thrust deeper into me. I lay my head back and moaned. My sultry voice dripped with desire. “Yes. More. So much more.”

He wrapped me tight in his arms. His gentle penetrations transformed into wild thrusts. The bed rocked against the wall. I felt my body explode with a deep, blissful pleasure that made me spasm.

My lover continued to thrust, lengthening my bliss for a long minute before he, too, came. He collapsed beside me. One of his wings draped across my naked body and kept the cold from sinking into my sweat.

He pulled me into his arms. Exhaustion swept over me. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall into sleep.


I awoke in the deep embrace of both his arms and his wings. I lay on my side, and his warm body pressed against the back of mine. All was quiet, and the darkening shadows in the corners of the room hinted at late afternoon.

I blinked in surprise at my predicament before the memories from earlier surfaced. My perennial blush returned. I tried to pull away from him, but he held me tightly in his arms.

His eyes were closed, but his sleepy voice floated to me. “Where are you trying to run off to, Maiden?”

I bit my lower lip and glanced over my shoulder. “To-um, to the-um, kitchen. I’m kind of hungry.” My stomach chimed in with a well-timed growl.

The lord’s eyes opened and he smiled at me. “So it seems.”

He sat up and his eyes swept over me. I blushed and covered my nakedness with my hands as best I could. He chuckled, and I glared at him. “What’s so funny?”

He nodded at my hands. “That you still hide yourself from me after such an intimate act.”

My anger flashed through my eyes. “W-well, you did something to me! Those smells of yours made me do it!”

He shook his head. “I did very little. Your own body reacted to the scent from my glands and captured fragrances that you yourself find pleasurable.”

I blinked at him. “Your. . .glands?”

He smiled. “Yes. Dragon males have glands in their wrists and on the sides of their necks that secrete a very fine, invisible mist over potential mates. If the mate is suitable than her mind will create a pleasurable aroma. If the match isn’t well-chosen then she will find the scent repugnant.”

“So what do the female dragons get?” I asked him.

His eyes wandered down to my breasts. “They have ample assets.”

I glared at him. “Not much of a bargain. The guy gets the control and the girl gets a couple of larger jugs.”

“Would you rather have our positions the other way around?” he wondered.

I pushed his wings away, but they snapped back like rubber bands. “What I would like is for you to get your wings off me so I can find my clothes and try to escape again.”

He sighed and shook his head. “I warned you before that I can find you anywhere in this world. You are no longer hidden from my Second Sight. The Marking ensured that.”

“I’m not going to give up. Even if we did have-even if we did do what we did, I still want to go home,” I insisted.

He scrutinized my determined face for a moment and shook his head. “Perhaps I have been too restraining. You seem to be a free soul of sorts. Have you ever hunted on horseback?”

I blinked at him. “No, why?”

A smile slid across his cute lips. “I propose to teach you. One of the others lords has requested me to ride with him today on a hunt, and it would give you a chance to spread your wings. In the figurative sense, that is.”

I snorted. “What do you care if I feel trapped?”

“I am not in the habit of keeping prisoners, and a Maiden is the last creature I would wish to imprison. I am too fond of the memories of my mother to dare entrap one who was once in her position,” he revealed. He sat up, and his arms and wings released me from the prison. The lord looked straight ahead and pursed his lips. “I wish for your trust, not your fear or anger. I find it vexing at all that I had to choose a Maiden.”

I grabbed a sheet from over the side of the bed and covered myself before I sat up. “Then why did you?”

He scoffed. “Custom, and the family bloodline. You view being a Maiden as servitude, but my world sees it very differently. It is an honor to be chosen, and that honor is reserved only for those of your world who are brought through the Portal.”

“But why do you need Maidens at all? Why don’t you just find a nice girl, settle down, and have cute little dragons?” I persisted.

He shook his head. “It is not that simple. Women are chosen from the other world to reinvigorate the bloodline of the leaders of the dragon clans. This has been a custom for the five large clans for thousands of years.”

I wrinkled my nose. “So it’s some sort of an honor for people from my world, but not for people from your world?”

The lord nodded. “Yes. The custom is beneficial to the people of my world, and detrimental to your

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