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Book online «Dragon Fey by Mara DragonClaw (best reads TXT) 📖». Author Mara DragonClaw

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boy stormed in through the door, his wings an interesting shade in between purple and dark blue and his hair jet black. Despite the obvious differences, Aria could tell by the shape of the giant black splotch on his left wing and his voice that it was Jack. All of the councilmen and woman scowled at Jack as he crossed behind them and took a seat at the iron desk, but the councilman that scowled the hardest was by far the councilman behind the gold desk; Aria assumed that he was councilman Demius.

“Councilman Drakeson, you're a little late. We have already set up a testing time for her, and she has already agreed to it. You should have been here then or not have arrived at all.”

“I already told you, I can’t fly. It’s not my fault that my wing is worthless.”

Aria wanted to scream at the jerk, even if it turned out that he was her brother. She didn’t scream, but she did say, “It wouldn’t be worthless if you hadn’t gotten your twin brother to kidnap me while I was working on fixing it.”

“Psst! Aria! Cut it out!” Jynx was leaning in through the door and making a slitting-of-throat motion with his hand. Aria held up a hand to silence him and continued glaring at Jack. Councilman Demius just looked between the two of them like he was watching a volley match.

Jack just gave a nervous laugh, “Eh-he, ya… Sorry about that. But hey, it all turned out okay!”

“Maybe for everyone but you, me, and your wing.”

“What? Just because I had my brother kidnap you and take you to the secret dragon fey city to have you take your rightful place as the head of the Coulve and save us from the Wintirre, you aren’t going to help fix my wing?”

“Uh, let me think about it for a second-ya no.”

“So you are going to fix my wing?” Aria glared at him with a look that could have melted the whole Coulve if it had wanted to, “I’m gonna guess that’s a no.”

Jynx popped around the corner of the door again and tried to pull Aria out of the room. She brushed him off, but walked out backwards, glaring at Jack the whole way.

When they had gotten to where Jynx was sure no one could see them, he began to tell Aria off, or tried to, “What the heck were you doing insulting a council member?!”

“I wasn’t insulting him, I was just… Questioning his honor?”

“I thought I told you to be respectful to them no matter who they were!”

“You never said anything about Jack being on that council! And again, all I did was ask him if he really thought I was still going to help him with his wing after he got you to kidnap me!”

“Actually that was my idea.”


“Okay, I probably shouldn’t have said that…”
“You think?!”

“My point is,” said Jynx, trying to get back on topic, “that that was not a smart move. It is one thing to call him a Jack in private and not in the council room in front of the other six councilors, but it another to glare at him like you want to kill him while he is on council duty!”
Aria made a fake pouty face, “But I did want to kill him!”


Aria looked at him the way you might look at a cow that walked in front of a speeding car and just stared at it, “You really thought asking that question was a good idea?”

“Right, forget it- Forget I ever said anything!” Jynx was getting exasperated.

“Well, what do I do now? It’s not like I have a place where I can ‘get my sleep tonight’.”

Jynx took her hand, his earlier anger now seemingly forgotten and replaced with the care one would expect from a normal brother on one of his good days, “Here, you can stay at the family house, Mother and Father will be ecstatic to hear of your return.”


Chapter #11: I Get To Meet My Family, FINALY

Aria’s family’s house was big. And by big I mean BIG. It took up a whole tree branch. Jynx had to tell Aria that all the knotholes up the branch were windows, and not doors to separate houses.


“Ya, our family is uh, well known.”

“What do we do?”

“We run a school.”
“What do they teach?”

“Well, Mother and Father don’t teach, but the school is essentially a training program. We help fey discover their talent, and we help them develop that talent.”

“So, can they help me with my talent?”

“Well, if you turn out not to be Anim Tameir, probably. But if you are, then no. We train by setting you up with teachers that also have your ability and can train you to use it. There are no other Anim Tameir, so I don’t know how much we could help you with it.”


“But who cares right? Jack told me that you had a pet fey windle! If you are Anim Tameir, which I’am sure you are, you should have no problem mastering your talent without an expert to help you. It’ll just take a little more time and effort, that’s all.”

Jynx comforted her as he pushed open the main door and they walked through. It was a large knothole at the base of the branch with a large wooden door set into it. As Aria walked through her hand brushed against its side and she whispered, “Ironwood.”

“What?” Apparently Jynx had heard her.

“Hu? Oh, nothing,” Aria didn’t really want to through the whole “Only such-and-such dragon fey can do that” talk again, something she was sure would happen if she told him that she had gotten what type of wood the door was from just one touch. She was so caught up in these thoughts that she didn’t notice the inside of the house until she was standing in the middle of the main hallway with Jynx.

“Welcome, Aria Windbourne, to the house of Drakeson!” He gestured around at the hall. The flooring was of a wood the same color and apparent texture as the door, so Aria assumed that it was also ironwood. Down the center of it was a long carpet in of course, dark purple with lavender flowers embroidered on it. Almost everything in the hall was purple, similar to the council building. The difference was, in the house everything had a homey sort of feel, with periodic couches along the hall, along with pictures, mirrors, and tables hosting what Aria assumed to be items representing family memories.


“I know, it’s amazing right?” Jynx kind of spun around, taking in the house with an affection that Aria didn’t see from guys too often.

He must have made so many memories here, Aria thought happily to herself before the thought turned sour with anger at the fairies of her old Hollow, memories that I should have had as well. “Come on Jynx, I want to meet my long lost family. The rest of it,” Aria smiled, wiping the thoughts of her old life away. This was her life now, the life she should have had. The life that she was taking back.

Jynx laughed and put his arm around her shoulder, “All right, if you insist.”

He steered her down the main hall and through a smaller side hall, “Man, this place is huge! How do they fit this all in one tree branch?”

“Some of the Matel Werk were also Maginus. They used this ability to create bigger living spaces. I hear that it took their most talented, 5D work is hard.”

“Maginus? What’s that?”

“Magic users. It’s the only talent that comes with another talent. Well, unless your-” He stopped himself, and Aria didn’t bother trying to make him go on. If it was really important, she would find out.

“I think I might be one of those…” Aria drifted off.

“Really? That’s great! It is a rare gift indeed. Actually, it was closely associated with the Anim Tamier. This gives you an even better shot at doing this!”

“Great…” Aria wasn’t very enthusiastic.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Aria shook it off, “Now come on, I want to see my real parents this century please!” She said it jokingly, but she really was anxious to see the rest of her real family.

Eventually they came in front of a large door made of the same ironwood as everything else, “Now,” said Jynx, “Mom and Dad spend most of their time in here nowadays. Be prepared for anything, and I mean anything. Are you ready?” Aria nodded, she couldn’t be more ready. Jynx pushed the door open and whispered to Aria, “Okay, you stay here until I call you,” Jynx walked through the door. He tried to close it all the way, but Aria discreetly put her foot between it and the frame so she could listen through the crack, “Mom, Dad? You in here?”

“Jynx? Is that you?” It was a woman’s voice, Mom… Aria felt her heart rate increase.

“Ya Mom, its me.”

“Oh good! Your father and I are back here! Give us a second,” Aria heard a crashing noise from beyond the door that made her flinch, along with a man’s voice swearing.

“Mom, Dad? Are you okay?”

“Yes dear we’re fine, just knocked over a stack of books! Come on Charles, Jynx wants to talk about something important!”

“All right Aubrey, all right! I’m coming!” This time the voice was male, Dad… Aria’s heart rate increased again. Aria heard what sounded like her mom and dad pulling themselves up, presumably out of the pile of books. Then the her dad’s voice was right on the other side of the door, “Yes son? What did you want to see us about?”

“Well Dad, remember how a year ago you told Jack and I about our sister?”

“Dear, we already told you everything we knew about the peace treaty. There is no way to bypass it and get her back. I’m sorry Jynx but there just isn’t anything more we can do to help you-” Jynx cut his mom off.

“I don’t need any more information about the treaty Mom. I need to tell you something-”

Aria thought she heard her mother start to cry, “Son,” this was their father, “give up already. There is no way to get her back, thinking about it is just painful! I know you and your brother feel like you need to get her back for us, but we need to just learn to accept it, all right?”

“No! You aren’t listening! We don’t need to keep looking! We found her!” Aria felt really bad for Jynx and figured that she should save him.

Aria pushed open the door the rest of the way so that they could see her. Her mom had long black hair and green eyes that were watering slightly. Her wings looked similar to that of Aria’s, but the were green and purple instead of green and blue, and the streaks that ran through them were more gold than copper. Aria’s dad had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Aria got what Jynx meant when he told her be prepared for anything when she saw her dad’s wings. They looked like the had the same bony structure as dragon wings, and they were covered in scales, but they were shaped and patterned like painted lady butterfly wings.

Aria fumbled

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