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Book online «Edmonte's Story by Kazen II Kad (book recommendations for young adults TXT) 📖». Author Kazen II Kad

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our arrival at Islandville. I could not imagine Master Zhou to send word beforehand unless through magical means. I guessed a seer was at work to forecast the timing of my arrival, else how could you get a bunch of member of Magus Association and a horse carriage ready? I was rendered speechless when we came out of the harbor vicinity to a collective chorus of ‘Welcome to Islandville, Your Excellency Master Edmonte, and entourage!’

I was momentarily frozen where I stood. I scanned over the sea of grey robe people with various emotions plastered on their faces; awe, surprise, fear, and such. I was debating in my mind whether to run back towards the harbor, though Sir Barth stood behind me making that feat impossible. From the group, three men broke off and went to meet us. One had a demon-spirit in the shape of an owl.

“Welcome to Islandville, Master Edmonte. I am Alseif, Head of the Healing and Cleric Magic Department. My colleagues: Master Zimmon of Demon-bearer Department, and Master Hanai of Weather Magic Department,” the head of the group introduced themselves. I recognized Master Alseif and Master Hanai’s name, and Master Zimmon was definitely a new addition to the institute.

“Nice to meet you, Masters. I didn’t expect such…uh, welcoming party,” I said as I shook hands with each of them. When I shook hand with the Demon bearer, I sent him a silent message with the gold dust written on my hand which read ‘BE SILENT ABOUT THE BUTTERFLY’

. Well, as a fellow demon-bearer, he should be able to see Iris and I never wanted her presence reveal to anyone. It was a good thing the rest of the swarm was still on the ship, or I would not know how the man would react. Master Zimmon bowed slightly to indicate that he understood. “Ah, this is Sir Barth and my apprentices; Gaby and Theo. By the way, please just refer me as Edmonte,” I introduced the rest of my entourage.

“It’s only proper etiquette that we receive your coming to Islandville, Your Excellency. And when the apprentices got wind of the news, they pled to be given permission to come as well,” Master Alseif explained briefly. I noticed that the master mage still refer to me as ‘Your Excellency’. Mentally, I reminded myself just to ignore whatever title or naming they called me with.

Inevitably, I did not know what to reply to Master Alseif’s words. Etiquette or not, there was no need for anyone to welcome us. Of course, I did not say that out loud, else they felt slighted and though I did appreciate the effort. Instead, I said, “Thank you for the sentiment,” as I bowed towards the three masters. “Well, I was thinking of visiting the Magus Association Institute once we found an accommodation for the period of our stay here. If it’s not a bother...I would like to proceed with the search...” It was roughly less than a month left before the Summer Solstice and I was planning to take the opportunity to learn about the current affairs of Soparto in general, about the Magus Association, as well as other business-related matter.

“Ah, we already prepare an accommodation for you and your entourage,” Master Alseif said, before he led us to the horse carriage. This would be the first time in my life to use such transportation. My meager daily earning was not enough to buy me a horse or a mule, let alone a rented one. Mostly went to daily necessities and necromancy-related supplies.

I was glad that Sir Barth and my apprentices were put in the same carriage. It was already awkward to me to be treated with respect and courtesy over the norm, and to be transported in a fancy carriage without my usual company would be make me an introvert. Yet, nobody spoke a word as the carriage took us through the clobber street of Islandville. Well, the city did not change much over the passed four years and I could see a lot places that I visited before still exist. None the less, something seemed to bother me as we continued to ride along without turning on the left junction, where I remember the Merchant Street was supposed to be, or the right junction, where the Magus Association Institute situated of the main road.

“We are we going? I thought the lodging houses and inns are situated in the Merchant Street?” I asked Master Alseif. Sir Barth, Gaby and Theo turned their attention to the master mage when I mentioned this. There was a guilty look on each of the master mages’ faces. My hunches told me something was up. “Spill it,” I demanded.

“In actuality, Your Excellency, someone wanted so much to meet you and he gives us strict order to escort to him as soon as you arrive, without alarming either you or the general public. He also arrange for your accommodation and other necessities you might need while waiting for the designated election day...”

“Good gracious, you’re taking us to meet the King!” I could not help to blurt that out, and I knew I was correct when Master Alseif stayed silent and turned his face away from me – Somehow, I got this ability to get things right the first time in a guessing game. There was also surprised look on faces of Sir Barth, Gaby and Theo. It took a while for my rioting mind to calm down. “Can I ask why would he like to meet me?”

“His Majesty doesn’t specify the reason. The request come when we were about to end the discussion on the matter of the chancellor election. My guess would be that the late Arch mage Hirscher might have mentioned you during his services for the Royal Family.” Indeed, that was a possibility. “We do apologize to keep this from you, Your Excellency,” Master Alseif pled.

“I forgive you, though there is actually nothing to apologize for, and you are correct to withhold the information from me. If I heard this request from Master Zhou while I was still in Estrey Region, I probably find a way not to come to Islandville, ha-ha

,” the master mages’ faces paled at this. “Alas, the opportunity over and pass with and I’m here now in Islandville. Beside, it’s my intention to see the chancellor matter through the end. You can rest assure,” I said as I patted Master Alseif’s shoulder.

“Thank you, Your Excellency,” the master mage replied with relief.

The sight of the Grand Palace was too mesmerizing for a country bumpkin, though I try not to make it show on my expression. I already guessed that the carriage would take us to the palace somehow for an audience with the king, when we rode passed the residential area of the tons and noble bred. The carriage rode on until we came upon what seemed to be one of the entranceway for guest, where a small crowd gathered – One was and old man in a robe that I remembered the late Arch mage wore, and four knights in light armor. I guessed the old man was the current Arch mage of Soparto Kingdom, thus when the carriage stopped and we got off to the ground, I turned towards Arch mage Irving and did my greeting.

“Your Eminence, may I convey my condolence for the demise of the late Arch mage Hirscher, and congratulation for your ascension as the new arch mage of Soparto Kingdom,” I began as I bowed in courtesy. I would have sent the message sooner but since the exchanging of letter ceased, I did not know how to convey my messages to Magus Association.

“Thank you, Master Edmonte. I’m also grateful for that you have decided to come to Islandville again,” Arch mage Irving grabbed my hand for a shake. “King Salvatore is currently engage with state’s affair and only available after dinnertime. Unfortunately, we can’t invite you to join the monarch during the dinner function as there are quite a few people who are still not comfortable dining with necromancers. We apologize for that, Master Edmonte. Of course, we will serve you dinner at your accommodation.”

“The feeling is mutual, Your Eminence. I’m not that fond of a big company for dinner as well. No need to apologize.”

“And speaking of accommodation let me lead you there.”

I actually did not expect that our accommodation to be somewhere in the palace vicinity. I thought that we would only be having an audience with the king when we came to the palace. Thus, I was quite surprised when the arch mage led us through the hallways of the palace to suite apartment housing several sleeping rooms, a living room, kitchen are, and a private bathroom and toilets. My mind was still numb as Sir Barth and my apprentices went to explore the place while I just sat down on one of the cushions on the living room, trying to digest everything.

“I hope the place is to your liking?” Master Irving brought me back from my thoughts.

“Rather, it’s more than I expect.”

“It will be a while before dinner time so what do you want to do for the rest of the day?”

Rest would be the viable option right now. None the less, there was thing I want to do once I arrived at Islandville. “I would like to visit the late Master Hirscher’s grave. I want to pay my respect. Is it possible?”


I could always drag Sir Barth and my apprentices to follow me to the Royal Mausoleum. Then again, it was not necessary to drag them around wherever I go. Besides, I wanted to be alone for a while. Thus, I gave Gaby and Theo a small pocket money to explore the town and set Sir Barth as their guardian again, despite the knight mage objection. The Royal Mausoleum was situated not far from the palace, though I had to do a bit of walking. The place was enormous and I knocked myself mentally for forgetting to ask Arch mage Irving for the location of the grave so I asked wandering spirit for assistance.

It seemed there was someone at the late arch mage’s grave when I found it. “Excuse me for the intrusion,” I greeted.

The young man, clad in fine casual clothing, and seemed to be in his late twenties, turned at my direction at the sound of my voice. He nodded once as acknowledgement before turning back to look at the tombstone. I drew nearer and placed the wild flowers I picked up on the grave. I said a silent prayer for the deceased, and when that was done, I turned to leave.

“Wait,” the young man halted my step.

“Yes?” I asked.

“You are a necromancer, right? You can see dead spirit, right? Can you see...,” the young man’s voice trailed off towards the end of the question. Nevertheless, I could guess what he was trying to ask me.

“I don’t see Master Hirscher’s spirit anywhere. That’s usually good news for the deceased and those he leaves behind. It means he goes peacefully and he doesn’t have any attachment to the living world,” I said. “Rest assured, Sir.”

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