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Book online «The Last Azvisalokya by Mii Ryouma (world best books to read TXT) 📖». Author Mii Ryouma

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his shoulder.. Her sad eyes were trying to tell another story to him, a very worrying story. She was left with no other option, except for standing there until the end of that meeting. Even time wasn't at her side, and she had never been in suchlike imminent life-threatening danger before, facing the lord of demons himself.


Sahed tried to understand her thoughts, but failed.. He was himself absorbed in his own new hell, now Ilen saved their night, but at what price!!
That night, all the seven elders (clan leaders) were about to be delivered to their eternal sleep. Letting their places to newcomers, who had to wait at least ten years to gain the energy needed for performing the moon ritual.
          But the time is set: less than three years left!


          No one, but Sahed, would be able to extract that life energy from the last Azvisalokya. Her bloody visions were not lying, he was her slaughterer, no doubt about that.


Millenniums of trying to maintain the balanced universe, resulted in a silent war between the two sides of the ultimate power. But that day, El-Hareth was winning the battle.


He managed to take the Saatnees elders' lifes, putting his hand on their powers, which was the synonym of weakening one of the most challenging races. That would boost El-Hareth's plan to the next level, his plan of domination and reign over Earth to enslave all its inhabitants.


At the same time, he slapped Sahed on his face, by forcing him to perform that harvesting ritual. Sahed was, even with his loneliness and cold heart, the peace keeper and the protector. Not the cruel sadistic evil creature, that loved and enjoyed torture and killing.


However, Sahed didn't say his last word yet. And that day's meeting, was way far from the end.
He objected to Ilen's offering, to the unfair one-sided-deal with the lord of demons.


- "You had the time you've asked for, lord, along with an incomparable power. In return, I DEMAND you take your demons with you. Or else, meeting their eternal sleep, shall be the moment I encounter them."
- "Have you heard yourself? friend! Every human has a demon consort, nothing to argue about! Since when you began throwing nonsensical jumble of words?!"


Sahed pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and clenched his jaws. Things were clearly getting more intense. Everyone standing there, could see Sahed's burning golden eyes, and could sense the raising waves of his piercing divine power.


- "Lord!.. I'm not referring to your pathetic consorts, who are busy with sex, crimes, and wars.. Take your warriors and elders away with you."
- " Aaaah... I won't let you win, smart boy!.. Takara wants you badly, you are her perfect achievement, her son.. but I want her more.." El-Hareth continued breathing angrily "Meanwhile; send whoever you meet, to their eternal sleep, I don't mind... I am El-Hareth; I shall never veer, from what I know to be my path."
- "You are declaring the beginning of an apocalypse! ... So be it!"


With no other word, El-Hareth turned his back to the three standing there, and his energy-dome disappeared. The ten-minutes imperial meeting was over, it ended up with the worst devastating decision.. Earth was about to enter the darkest era of all ages, the era that could mark the demons' invasion of that dimension. The end of the human's empire, that Ilen was eager to hear about, became a threat to everyone, including saatnees.


El-Hareth's beasts of fire attacked simultaneously the saatnees elders, enveloping them in black ferocious flames. Their broken bodies turned, in no time, into silver dust. The lord of demons revealed, for the second time that day, his predatory thorny green face. He raised both arms, and started receiving the powerful dust.

Ilen closed his eyes, and muttered "Forgive me..brothers."

Nina, tightened her hold around Sahed's arm, and Whispered "I need to be alone with you.. Please!" He nodded.

Lucida, Aenon, David, Kyser, and Eldis were just starring at the cruel scene, at the head of demons devouring the mightiest saatnees in a heartbeat.

Silorvid showed no emotion on his chiseled face.


Few seconds, and nothing left to see. El-Hareth, floating, turned back to face his rival. He was fully satisfied with the new powers he gained. In his new glossy skin, he looked thousands of times more dangerous than he was, just seconds ago.


He bowed briefly, then walked out of the temple ruins, and ordered Silorvid "Bring your daughter." After that; Sahed added "Luci!.. Take care.." That was the good-bye she deserved, after a millennium of serving his divine existence. And of course, Lucida could never object to her lord, or her master.


The three demons disappeared inside the moon gate, and an exited Kyser shouted "what a night!".. The flame beast which was behind him, ready to extract his soul from his body, finally gone along with El-Hareth.
David and Aenon wanted to rip Kyser's throat out, both were in shock, their longtime partner was gone.. For that, Sahed just gave them what they wanted, to ease their grieving "Do whatever you want with him." and reassured Nina that her friend was going to be fine.


"Reign of demons!" Ilen was thinking out loud... So, Sahed reminded him " I told you once.. " both of them spoke in a synchronized voice "Never trust a demon."
Ilen muttered "Yes! you warned me .. You definitely did."


Same day: 03/10/2015 .. 16:20
Castillo de Butrón.. Bilbao.. (Basque Country) Spain..





"Where are we? ..This is not my apartment! That's for sure!.. "


Nina was confused about the sunlight (it was dark one second ago, back in Urfa), and about the huge-and-very old room she was inside. Sahed had used his teleportation to take both of them there.
She asked wondering "The sun?!"


- "I believe, you asked for a private place, away from the others' eyes and ears."
-"Y-yeah, I did.. You need to..."


Sahed interrupted ..
- "Walk with me.. I'll show you the place.. " Then bowed in a very formal way, as he was welcoming a queen, and added "Welcome to my castle Miss Hades." smiling at his beautiful guest.
- "No.. No.. No.. You don't understand.." She covered her ears "You're the one who needs to hear me.. Please!" almost crying.


His smile was changed to a frown.. Aware of her being worried and frustrated, he just hold her hands between his "Alright, as you wish.. You can tell me whatever you want.. Let's go to my office."




They sat facing each other, then Nina started speaking..

"I'm loosing Takara's memories.. I can't remember many important things that I wanted you to know.."


The awakening of Takara, caused by the huge amount of energy that Nina couldn't control, was temporary. Exactly as her memories were. They began to fade away, the second she opened her fist, and gave that jet-stone back to El-Hareth.


"I can remember that saatnees were humans, thousands of years ago. Takara managed to experiment with her powerful magic on many races' DNA across the universe, to create the perfect race.. saatnees.. eeeeh!.. She's not a bad person though.. What else?! ..Both of you .. I mean Takara and you.. No!.. I can't remember.." Tears started flowing on her cheeks.. And at some point, she didn't even know why!


- "Nina! I don't care about those memories being lost forever.. I'm concerned about yours.. Do you remember clearly, everything you said to me, before meeting El-Hareth?"


- "Yes, absolutely.. "
- "Even when Takara possessed your body?"
- "What?!.. When.."


She touched her forehead, and pressed her lips, trying to concentrate more. But Sahed was aware of the amount of problems, she was about to go through. He stood up, walked to where Nina was sitting, and sat on his desk facing her.


          He cupped her face gently between his palms, and fixed his eyes on hers.


- " Nina! Please.. You are the one who really needs to hear every word I'm going to say.. Please! you told me that that you can trust me, and that you have faith in me .. Do you remember?"
- "I know I said that, but.." Her heart began to race.. That was a bad sign, a very bad sign.


Every single minute, from the beginning of the day, flashed before her eyes. Taking her painting to the museum, meeting her worst nightmare ever, pain ravaging her back along with a panic attack...


Then began the strangest moments of her life...


Was her father a blood sucking monster?!


Why did she believe that she killed Kyser?! He was alive after all.


How did she manage to use magic, to get rid of the demon's power inside her heart?!


Why wasn't she afraid from all the aliens gathering around a single human?!


And the most terrifying thought was about hugging her slaughterer!! and telling him, while burying her face in his chest, that she feels HOME!! .. creepy.. That she trusts her killer!! And that she has faith in him!! ..I was hypnotized! Help me God! I'm facing the most dangerous monster of them all..


Why would she tell him such a dangerously stupid thing?! She remembered everything for sure, except for that possession moment. And of course : no sign of any of Takara's memories.


Sahed tightened a little bit his hands, kissed her forehead, and continued his lessons ignoring her shaking body with the sudden fear..


"David and Kyser are not monsters, they are human moonchildren turned forcefully to Saatnees. Your father was feeding on Lucida, because she was a demon, and they are in love.. Everything is possible... You are the last Azvisalokya chosen to be sacrificed.." He paused, and inhaled the force he needed, to say those terrible words, to the one who warmed his heart. "And yes.. I'm the one..Who is going to perform that ritual.. " He paused for the second time.


The fact that he felt the need of fighting his own decisions, was more than unnecessary drama in his untroubled long immortal life. It was a first, and definitely the last, considering Nina was the last Azvisalokya.


"But; you have my word as a divinity to figure out a solution.. Nina.. "


He wanted, at that exact moment, to be in an alternative world. Where he could live, away from the game that chained him to this unbearable life.. a world without demons.. or another, where he could be a simple saatnee, or just an ordinary human. Or maybe, he could tell Nina the real story, that both of them were siblings, and they didn't belong to that multidimensional universe. But how? Her mind wasn't protected against the spirit watcher, El-Hareth's most dangerous spying weapon.


          Nina cut his thoughts, when she jerked from his grip. Her unblinking-howl-eyes and non-breathing-feverish-face, made it obvious that she was scared to death, and about to have a heart attack.


Sahed knew that she had nothing left from Takara, she was a frightened teenager, locked in a strange castle, far away from her home. And she was looking directly to the monster, who was stabbing her heart to death, for years of nightmares.


He just stood up and began to back away slowly from her frozen body, palms up, until he reached the doorway of his office. Then reminded her of their last conversation "Please try, just try to remember your own words and feelings.. I won't come inside, until you ask me for.. I promise.." Then he was out of his office.


Nina went to the door of the office, and double-closed it. Resting her back on the door, she was now able to exhale the longest Ouuuuuf that was holding the pressure on her chest. The office was a little bit different from her father's.. very different.. it had nothing to do with her father's.


The furniture was the oldest she could imagine, And it needed some brightness with all the dark colors there. But it was comfortable, especially with no Sahed around.


Nina sat on the main armchair. Then, took a pen and a notebook, and began to draw whatever came to her mind. She was an artist after all.


... Knock... Knock...

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