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Book online «I just had to be a vampire slayer by Tiffany Wallace (smart books to read TXT) 📖». Author Tiffany Wallace

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nothing, you people are just so caught up in your 'all vampires are evil' crap that you just can't get it through your thick skulls that some vampires just might be good!" I exclaim.

"She's fell for him bad," Leon says.

Chris slowly nods his head.

"Mariah, remember why you even became a slayer..." Chris said.

I felt my eyes start to fill up. No it wasn't fair, he couldn't bring Jesse back into this.

"Will you ever be able to forgive yourself, if you do start a relationship with a vampire, the very reason you started slaying," I say.

"I... why do you have to be so cruel?" I stuttered, trying to hold the tears back in. I didn't want to cry in front of them. Why did I seem to be getting so emotional these days?

"We only want what's best for you," Chris says.

'Really, you want what's best for me? Does that include me being happy? If you really want what's best for me, then stay the hell out of my business!" I yell and turn to go to my room. But Leon blocks me.

"Mariah, no, it's not like that, come on, just stay and listen," he says.

"What makes you think I wanna hear any of the stuff that comes out of your mouth?" I say and with that I swipe my leg right under his feet and he falls with a thud. I used this to run to my room.

I locked my bedroom door and changed into some jeans, a t-shirt and grabbed my jacket. I quickly pulled my hair into a ponytail without bothering to comb it out. I grabbed my purse, put in some necessities; my cell phone, gum, keys and some other stuff. I packed some vervain into my pocket. I ran onto my balcony and then leaped out from it. It wasn't too far down and I swiftly landed on the floor with a soft thud. With that, I ran down the street. I didn't stop until I was at the end of the street. Running always felt good.

I really wanted to see Damien, but I didn't even have his number. How do I make him find me? His apartment, where was it? I grabbed a taxi and made my way to where I thought his apartment was. I tried retracing my steps from that night until finally I landed in front of an apartment, which looked like his. Only problem was, I didn't remember which floor it was on, or his apartment number.

I decided to do the sensible thing and go and ask the doorman.

"Hi sir, I was just wondering if you could tell me which apartment is Mr. Damien Aresio's?" I ask, batting my eyelashes up at the bulky doorman.

The doorman instantly brightens up, "Mr. Aresio? Apartment 511," he says.

"Oh thank you so much!" I say and run to the elevator.

As soon as I enter the 5th floor, my stomach starts feeling queasy. I had to admit, I was nervous. I just didn't know why.

I slowly made my way down the hall until I finally reached 511. I knocked on the door.

No answer. I knocked on the door for the second time.

Damien opened it and he wearing no shirt. Great.

"Mariah, hey! What are you doing here?" he asks. Then pulls me in and holds me against his naked chest. Good thing, or else I would've felt like a fool standing there, gawking at his nicely formed abs. It should be a crime to be that devastatingly good-looking.

He kissed me on the forehead and looked down at me. "How'd you find out where I lived?"

"I have good memory," I say.

"Oh, well... I was going to come visit you right after I took a shower, but now you're here!" he says. I smile.

He stood there staring at me. "What?" I ask.

"No, I still can't believe you're here and you look gorgeous," he says, before pulling me back into him.

That's what I loved about Damien... not that I actually loved him, yet. But he never called me hot or sexy, but it was always beautiful or gorgeous. I always felt hot or sexy was just not the proper way to compliment a woman.

"Please, I'm a mess," I say.

"No of course not, you never are," he winks.

I turned away, pretending to look around. "Well... you can go take your shower, sorry I barged in," I say.

"No, don't worry about it... say, how would you like to join me?" he says, seductively.

I felt the heat creep up onto my face.

"Kidding! Go make yourself at home, I'll be done quick," he says and with that he leaves.

I finally get the chance to look around. The last time I was here, I didn't, since well... I wasn't doing too great. It was a nice apartment. Well kept, but hardly any photos or decorations other than the usual furniture. I walked around a bit, got myself a glass of water and then made my way to his bedroom. I stood at the doorway and looked upon the bed, the very same bed I was being held captive for a while until he finally let me go.

But he did let me go, he didn't kill me... even though he knew I was the slayer...


I walk over to the bed and just look at it. I could've sat down but I just sat there.

Why did I feel so weird all of a sudden? It felt like I've been here before, the only other time I had, was that one time. Déjà vu...

Damien's P.O.V

I walked into the washroom and locked the door. I leaned against the door, thinking. Why was she here? In a way I was glad she was here, I wanted to see her again. Not that it meant anything, but you know I was allowed to have some fun for at least a while.

I knew she was in love with me. She may not know it yet but she was. That glimmer in her green eyes showed it all. My plan was slowly coming into place. I just had to wait until my parents arrived, then we could continue. All I had to do was wait for a few more weeks. These few more weeks just might be a lot of fun. I now know, I have won over her trust, especially after that incident with that vampire the other night. One life is not going to affect me, I've killed so many before. Besides, the one at the park was pretty much homeless, feeding off people who entered the park, surely nobody would be missing him anytime soon. I stepped into the shower, thinking about destroying the slayer. But why is it that whenever I try planning it, Mariah just comes back into my mind? I wanted to see her again, even though she was waiting just outside that door. I needed to get some progress done... there were only a few more weeks left `till father was arriving...

Mariah's P.O.V

I felt something push me onto the bed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. I turned over but I didn't have the chance to say anything else because Damien's lips had covered mine at that point. I mumbled into his mouth, but my words just faded away as I got to taste his lips. I put one hand on his chest, which was still not covered up and one hand through his hair. His hair still had a bit of water in it but I didn't care. We must've stayed in that bed for at least an hour just making out. I didn't want it to end but then my stupid phone started ringing.

"Urgh," I mumbled into Damien's chest.

"You need to get that?" he asked.

"Nope," I say, then pulled him back down to kiss him. But no, my phone didn't stop ringing.

"Maybe you should get that," Damien finally says. He gets off me. Great, the moment was ruined.

"Excuse me," I say, and then make my way into the hallway. Damien proceeds to go looking for a shirt. Although I would've preferred it if he didn't.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Mariah?" the voice says. It was Chris.

"What?" I whisper. I was hoping Damien wouldn't be able to hear, but that wasn't possible.

"Where did you run off to? How did you leave? Where are you?" he asks.

"You forget, I have many secrets and it's none of your business." I say.

"You're with him, aren't you?" he asks.

"Like I said, it's none of your business," I say, then I hung up. I could protect myself.

I turned around and bumped right into Damien.

"Seems like your friend doesn't like me very much," he said.

"Who cares? All that matters is my opinion, right?" I say.

"It's funny how fast you changed your mind, just a few days ago, it seemed like you hated me," he says.

"Well opinions can change in a matter of seconds, besides there's just something about you..." I start off. Placing a finger to my cheek, pretending to be lost in thought.

"Haha, that's what I said!" Damien laughs and then pulls me over his shoulders.

"HEY! Put me down!" I squeal. "Damien!"

"Not happening!" he yells over my squeals.

Overall, it was a great day minus the incident with Leon and Chris that morning. Damien had cooked me food, pasta-- an Italian special. We talked a lot. I finally got to know a lot about him. I guess certain vampires do have feelings. He had a lot of trouble talking about his family. His mother had died when he had been human, the year before he was turned. He had been turned into a vampire when he was just twenty-three years old.

"Why did you get turned?" I had asked.

Damien had looked out the window overlooking the street from his apartment.

"My family was living in London at the time and my friends and I had been hunting for some deer and so we had all split up, to get more distance. My friend hadn't see me in the bushes, trying to sneak up on a deer when he had shot me, I was heavily bleeding, by the time they had gotten me back home, I was pronounced dead. My father was the one that turned me, but the thing was, all my life I didn't know that my father had been a vampire, I found out my whole life had been a lie...but there was nothing I could do, I mean I was one of them now..."

"I'm so sorry," I had whispered. "What about your mother then?"

He cleared his throat. "Thing was not all humans can withstand the vampire transformation, and so they die midway through the process... my mother was one of them, she had found out my father was a vampire a few years after I was born, and yet she
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