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that would allow for his evil to be undone. To maintain his immortality he must consume the mortality of others, unfortunately that did not cause him as much pause as I had hoped. Another was that he could turn others, but they had the choice to maintain their humanity. I didn’t tell him of this though. Another was that I added a path that one could take that would lead to his destruction. He wanted invincibility, but I made it so only one of his own blood could deliver the killing blow. That left two options. His brother or his mother. To this day I do not know which one delivered the blow, but it was delivered none the less. He wanted unmatched power, so I made it to where if the person that was changed held an unmatched bond to the one that changed them, they would hold the same level of power. Whether it be mother, brother, or wife. Radu and his mother held the same amount of power as Vlad, as did Radu’s wife, Emma Rose. Emotion and affection were the keys to his destruction. Qualities that he worked to squash. His mother loved him, and his brother was close to him for a short time as children. Radu loved his wife, even if he didn‘t know it at the time. But if there were no feelings of fondness between the two then the one that was changed would not have as much power as the others.”

“It’s why I was never as strong as my sister. My father changed me and neither of us held any emotion for the other. Although I still held a strong bond with her and even through the distance I managed to be one of the most powerful. Much more powerful than my father. Something that irked him until his dying day. He held no emotion but I did. I had a sort of psychic bond with her and we were changed within seconds of each other. So even though I was not changed by the same person we were not far apart in power.” Edmund said from behind me. I turned to look at him.

“Who was your sister?” He smiled down at me.

“Emma Rose. Your long ago grandmother.”

“But…that means…” Lexi said staring up at him. We were distant cousins descended from the legendary twins. I came down directly from Emma Rose, and Lexi was a direct descendant of…Edmund, her twin brother.

“Yes, you are one of my direct descendants. It’s nice to finally get to meet you.”

“I thought you had died with your wife, hundreds of years ago.” He gave a sad smile.

“Unfortunately no. We had finally aged together, but she was murdered by hunters. It caused so much unrest with me that I stopped aging. So instead I found Claire and decided that I would rather spend my immortality in her company.”

“And what a marvelous several centuries it has been.” Claire answered giving him a fond smile that he returned. Then he turned back to me.

“I loved my sister dearly. I think we saved each other, our bond saved our humanity. And I have watched her descendants grow since her passing. You have the most likeness to her that I have ever seen. You even rival her daughter.”

“So where do we go from here?” Matt asked. In truth I had no idea. Zeke was building an army to take over all vampires, the humans were helping him. I had Edward out there building a resistance that were planning on following me. When I had no idea what I was doing. I felt like running from the room screaming. Instead I just dropped my head in my hands.

“Hey, it’s okay.” I looked up to see Devon kneeling right in front of me. “We’re here for you, you’re not in this alone. We’ll help you…all of us.” The last bit combined with the look in his eyes spoke volumes. He wasn’t just saying that they were there for me, he was saying that he was there for me. So not what I wanted to deal with right now. I took a deep breath and turned to Claire.

“What do you think. There’s really nothing to do until I know exactly what’s going on.” She looked thoughtful for a few moments.

“Well, this Zeke will not be sitting by idly. It takes a lot of work to overthrow an entire race. We don’t even know his motivation besides greed. Edward is doing his part, but until they’re here there’s nothing to do on that front. I will alert the coven as to what’s going on. Those who wish to fight will. I have a feeling that Zeke does not know of us so that gives us an advantage. We can fight him on our terms and in our own time. Now what is the situation on the werewolf front?” She asked turning to Sam.

“I have my entire pack with me they are camped out in your woods right now, on this side of the perimeter spells. They are willing to fight at Jaide’s side, several of them have been keeping a protective eye on her since she was sixteen anyway. Those that haven’t figure that once he gets control of the vampires it won’t be long till he turns to the wolves.” He came to stand at the desk and I stood to give him room. “But I suggest sending a scout out to the other packs. We are only one and there are maybe twenty something of us. It’s not enough to truly make a difference.”

“Agreed, I suppose a wolf would not be available to take the task.” Claire stated but Sam answered anyway.

“No, they will see nothing more than a rogue wolf on their territory. It’ll have to be a vampire, witch, or human. But if we act fast my guess is that you could get twenty or thirty packs here within the month.”

“How will we feed all of them? Even one pack will do a number on the surrounding forest if they only hunt in their wolf form. Let alone what they can eat just in their human form.” I said. Wolves ate a lot. No matter their form. It burns a lot of energy to change your shape.

“Oh sweet heart, we are not the only coven, even if we are the largest. We do not use magic on our crops simply because we do not have too. We can bring in a hundred times what we do now in a fraction of the time. Especially if we have more witches here to help. I will send a message to all that I know. Isn’t texting just wonderful?” I smiled at her enthusiasm of modern technology.

“Still there’s no guarantee that Edward will bring in enough vampires. Zeke had the advantage in that he does not need to hide to recruit. And fear will bring in more than kindness. And even if he does bring in a large number, how will we have enough blood?”

“The entire coven donates blood regularly. Just in case we get an injured vampire or two. And our blood will go a lot farther than a human’s.” Belle said joining our circle.

“Why?” Devon asked and I turned to explain.

“Witch blood has more power. One feeding is like ten feedings of human blood. A vampire will only need to feed a tenth of the number that they usually do. Plus, the magic in their blood makes the vampire much more powerful. It’s like an energy drink on steroids.” He nodded in understanding and I turned to the rest.

“This may be a bad idea, but what about the fey?”

“The what?” The question came from several directions at once. Only Claire, Sam, and Edmund knew what I was talking about. I ignored them for the time being focusing on the bigger situation at hand.

“Do you think they would be willing to help?” All three of them took deep breaths.

“Getting a message to them will be difficult. But I think it’s a good idea to contact them. They have as much claim on this world as we do.” Claire said and both Sam and Edmund groaned.

“Do we have too? They are so annoying.” Sam grumbled and Claire leveled a gaze at him.

“We are attempting to save the world as we know it. As it is even with all of our outside help it is likely that we will be outnumbered. We must pool our resources where we can get them.” He huffed a ’fine’. Then she turned to me. “I’m going to go set up a meeting with the coven and discuss who will be departing. Then I will get a few of the strongest to get a message to the fey. Amabel will you join me? I could use your power.” Belle nodded and followed both Claire, Edmund, and Sam out the door. Sam intended to give whoever will be going to the wolves a crash course in how to approach them. I turned to my friends only to see questioning looks in all directions. I sighed and dropped back into my chair.

“So I guess you want to know who the fey are huh?” I received several nods. “Okay, the wolves were created due to a separate line of evolution. Witches discovered the powers of the earth and universe. Vampires were created through that magic. But the fey were created by imagination. So many people believed in them that they actually came into existence. They started in Ireland and for the most part stay there. They are fairy, elves, pixies, banshees, and gnomes. They are the most widely believed in.

Now all of us make up the paranormal world, but we each have our own niche. Werewolves change their shape, vampires have the extra strength and senses, witches manipulate the magic in the world. The fey got precognition. Some of them have a hold on nature, but the majority of them can tell the future. But the future is fluid. So a lot of times one person will get one version while three other people may get three other versions.”

“Why didn’t Edmund and Sam like that you were going to get in contact with them?” Devon asked. It was a good question.

“Well, the fey can be very trying. It’s hard to have the patience to deal with them. First is their optimism. I’m all for being an optimist but they take it to a much higher level. Another thing is that with their ability to know something before it happens they tend to come across as a bit pompous.”

“So in other words we’re going to have to put up with chipper know-it-alls.” Jess said and I nodded.

“Yeah, but they’re powerful. Very powerful. The thing with all of our kinds coming together is that we are all almost equal in power. We just have different specialties. The ones you’re most likely to see on a battlefield are vampires and wolves. We have the strength, speed, and extra senses to cause some serious blood shed. You’ll find witches where you’d find archers. They do a hell of a lot of damage from a distance. The fey are the ones you want in the very back. They can tell you where to be and when. At the same time the ones that can’t tell the future, you definitely want on your side. They completely manipulate nature. You know how in some medieval movies you see trees and vines play a part in a battle? Well, the fey are the ones that can make trees stretch their roots and grab an enemy. Or vines reach out to do the same. Some of them can even send animals out to fight for them.” Matt let out a low whistle.

“This should be easy then.” Scotty said. I shook my head at him.

“It’s likely that we’ll only get a fraction of each group. And if Zeke scares half as many vampires into joining him as I expect he will, we’ll still

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