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Book online «Star Crossed by Sammisawr (ebook offline TXT) 📖». Author Sammisawr

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Helen to finish in the bathroom. â€¨ 
Helen walked to her room and took her clothes out. She noticed the small cut lines around her body and scowled, running a finger on one of them. 
Dr. Watson was halfway down the stairs when he stopped and turned around. Moving back up, he slowly made his way to Williams’s room. Gently knocking he waited for the door to open.  â€¨ â€¨William made his way to the door to find Helen's father. "Yes?" he asked, none too kindly but not harshly.  â€¨ â€¨"I know I haven't been that nice to you...but...I think it would be best if you would join us to breakfast. I mean...that is if you can...I don’t mean to sound rude, i mean," he rambled.  â€¨ â€¨William cut in, "I get it. And yes, I'll be there." 
Drying her hair, Helen gave a slight cough, looking deep into the mirror as she examined her eyes for a few minutes. With a smile, she left her room and descended the stairs, seeing her father at the bottom.  â€¨ â€¨â€śAre you feeling better?" He asked, taking her hand as he pulled her into a small hug. Dr. Watson placed a hand on her forehead, smiling. "A very slight fever, but you're doing well."  â€¨ â€¨"I feel well." Helen answered. 
William sat on his bed, listening to Helen and her father talk. Looking down at his hands he noticed he had faded slightly since yesterday. "It's probably nothing..." he muttered.  â€¨ â€¨Getting up he vanished through the floor, landing in his chair before Dr. Watson or Helen. 
"William will be there for breakfast." Dr. Watson said quietly. "Helen, I'd like to apologies to you again for everything..."  â€¨ â€¨"I know, father, it's alright." Helen smiled. "Come, let's forget it and just move on."  â€¨ â€¨"I couldn't say it better myself." Her father kissed her forehead, leading her to the dining room. 
William stood up as they entered. "Good morning every one," he said bowing slightly.  â€¨ â€¨"Good morning, William," Dr. Watson said softly taking a seat at the head of the table.  â€¨ â€¨Helen smiled at him, sitting across from him. Looking at him she noticed something she hadn't noticed before. Something was different; she just couldn't put her finger on it. â€¨ 
Noticing her slightly awkward gaze, William raised an eyebrow. "Helen? Something wrong?"  â€¨ â€¨She opened and closed her mouth, pressing her lips together as she shook her head. "No, I don't think so." Helen replied, furrowing her brows.  â€¨ â€¨"Are you alright?" Dr. Watson asked.  â€¨ â€¨"Yes, I told you, I'm fine." She answered. 
"Alright then," he said as the maid brought in the breakfast.  â€¨ â€¨William waved her past as she offered him some with wide eyes, smiling slightly. 
He looked at her with interest, noticing the peculiar darted glances she gave from time to time. Nobody spoke, but the silence was comfortable enough - at least for both Helen and William.  â€¨ â€¨Half-way through her meal, Helen glanced at him again. 
"Helen is there something on your mind?" he asked staring at her intently.  â€¨ â€¨"No," she said shaking her head, "Of course not."  â€¨ â€¨"Are you sure? You keep glancing at me..." he said softly, concerned. 
Before she could answer, a coughing fit took over her and Helen found her father standing beside her seconds later. "Helen... it might not be best for you to get up just yet. Go and take a small walk outside and go back to your room afterwards, alright?" He turned to William. "Will you go with her?"  â€¨ â€¨"Yes, of course." He answered, standing up. William crossed over towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Helen?"  â€¨ â€¨She looked at his hand for a few seconds and then to him, nodding slowly. "Yes... yes, alright." 
William helped her up and led her out the door. "Helen, are you sure you'll alright?" he asked once they were outside.  â€¨ â€¨She nodded, "Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I?" 
Stopping in his tracks, William faced her and took her face into his hands. "Helen.. look at me. You kept on glancing at me and you were quiet for some time. Do not deny it."  â€¨ â€¨"William..." Helen smiled gently. "..I'm alright." 
William sighed, kissing her lightly. Letting go of her face he took hold of her hand and intertwined their fingers, "Fine. If you say so..." he muttered unbelieving.  â€¨ â€¨"Well I do say so."  â€¨ â€¨As they walked along William squeezed her hand, "Come with me, I have a perfect place for you to rest." 
She allowed him to lead her across the gardens, heading straight. Helen looked at him with a small smile, appreciating the slow pace as they walked. She felt slightly weak and squeezed William's hand slightly.  â€¨ â€¨"Surprise me." She smiled, her eyes twinkling. â€¨ 
"Alright...close your eyes…" he whispered, knowing that if he kept his hands over her eyes she would still be able to see.  â€¨ â€¨Helen closed her eyes, trusting William.  â€¨ â€¨William led her down a small hill and around a rock. "Okay…open..." he said letting go of her hand.  â€¨ â€¨Helen opened her eyes and gasped. Before her was a beautiful pond, surrounded by trees and rocks, over in the corner she could see a small, natural made water fall. Getting closer she saw giant carp in the pool, their scales glinting in the water. 
"William...” She breathed. "It's...”  â€¨ â€¨"Beautiful." William answered for her with a smile, sitting down on the grass and pulling her with him. He stroked her hair tenderly, kissing her lightly. "Just like you."  â€¨ â€¨Helen smiled and laid down in the grass, looking deep into his eyes. 
He smiled slightly, "This is where me and Shannon would come to escape the outside world. We found it when we were ten...we used to get teased for being friends. But, I'd rather spend it here with you..." he whispered, lying down next to her. 
Helen took his hand and placed it at her cheek, noticing the chill from the touch. "Thank you..." She whispered softly.  â€¨ â€¨"Helen?" William asked after a pause.  â€¨ â€¨"Yes?"  â€¨ â€¨He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "..I love you." 
As if on cue it popped into her head. All he needed was love to pass on.. She could feel tears straining against her eyes, "...I love you too..." she whispered. A tear fell into the grass beside her.  â€¨ â€¨William looked onto her with a concerned face. "Helen..?" he whispered. 
Helen sat up and gazed at the area in front of her, pressing her lips together to keep her emotions in.  â€¨ â€¨"Helen?" William asked again, hugging her from behind. "Helen, are you alright? Tell me the truth."  â€¨ â€¨She wiped her tears gently. "Yes, William... of course." She took his hands and kissed them lightly. "I have you..." She whispered softly, another tear falling from her cheek. 
"Yes, you do. Don't worry, I won't ever leave you," he whispered, kissing her neck.  â€¨ â€¨"I won't ever leave me..." she said her voice wavering.  â€¨ â€¨"Helen...I know there is something wrong. Tell me, what it is?" he said sitting up and facing her completely. 
Without a word, Helen threw her arms around him, holding him tight as the tears fell from her face. She couldn't deny that she felt happy for him, yet, at the same time, it pained her to know that he would be leaving her very soon.  â€¨ â€¨Surprised, William stroked her hair gently as he held her tight, catching sight of his own hand. 
His hand was faded a lot more then it had been at diner. " you know something that I don't? I mean..." he pulled away from her slightly showing her his hand. "Do you know anything about this?" ʉ۬ʉ۬Helen looked at his hand and with out responding she just wrapped her arms around him, her tears falling.
"Helen..." William stroked her gently. "Helen... please..."  â€¨ â€¨"Just know that whatever shall happen, I'll always be with you." She cried into his shoulder. "Can't you see it, William?" She wiped her tears. â€¨ 
"See what? Helen what are you talking about?" he asked starting to get worried. "Helen, talk to me. What is going on?" He held her tight, running his hand up and down her back. 
Pulling herself away, Helen took his hand and laid it against hers. "See this, William. Looking into his icy-blue eyes, Helen gave him a small smile, tears running down her cheeks. "William... you're leaving." 
William looked at her, confused. "No...No I'm not. I told you I'd never leave and I won't. I can't..." he whispered. "Who cares if I'm fading? I've been around for a long time...who knows! Maybe ghosts fade if they've been on earth for a long time." He kissed her lightly, "I'm not going anywhere." 
"...If I can see it, so can you." Helen brushed her tears away, still smiling. "William… you did it..." She pressed her lips together, almost unable to continue as she ran her finger on his face. 
It finally clicked in his head and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. " can't leave you. I don’t want to leave you…please help me." He gently kissed her shoulder, "Helen...I don’t want to leave you." 
"You won't... trust me, you won't..." Helen answered. "You'll always be with me, no matter what... just like what mother used to say." She pulled away, gazing deep into his eyes. "William... I love you." 
"I love you too..." he whispered. Leaning in he kissed her gently. "I love you so much..." Putting a hand on her cheek he could feel all the emotions inside of him but he kept them covered. "I don't want to leave..." 
"Your way to pass on was to love..." Helen whispered back. "It's something you have to face." She smiled, realizing that it became harder for her to touch him. "William..." She kissed him gently. "If you don't want to leave... I promise that you won't leave my heart at the very least.. Not until I die... not until I pass on...”
William tried to kiss her but only passed though her. "Helen..." he whispered his fear and sadness showing. Suddenly his head poked up. "Do you hear that?" he asked  â€¨ â€¨"Hear what?"  â€¨ â€¨"That. It’s my mother...” he whispered. Looking out onto the pond he could see a bright light out at the end of it. 
Helen followed his gaze, but she could see nothing. Turning her eyes back to him, she gave him a warm smile. "She must be really beautiful...”  â€¨ â€¨William turned back to her, his eyes clearly showing his sadness.” Helen...”  â€¨ â€¨"Hush...” Helen placed his arms around him, not really hugging yet not going through him either. "I have always had someone in my life, caring for me. It might be the time for me to take care of myself now...” 
"I love you, Helen. Always will. But now... it's time for me to go." He said, running the ghostly hand down her cheek in which she could feel the coldness and nothing more. "You're young... and you're free. And it's time for me to leave... off you go, Helen. Make me proud. Live your life for us both... alright?" he said sadly. Walking across the pond he moved towards the light which was radiating from his mother. Taking her hand they smiled at each other.  â€¨ â€¨"She's beautiful," his mom said nodding towards Helen on the other bank.  â€¨ â€¨"I know. And I love her," he said looking over his shoulder.  â€¨ â€¨Leading her son off to the Other Existence, Mrs. Schwenk whispered to Helen, "We will wait for you...” 
Helen wiped a final tear from her eye and smiled as he watched him leave. "I love you too, William. Goodbye for now...” She whispered gently.  â€¨ â€¨Ten years later, Helen tucked her son in bed, kissing him gently on the cheek. "Goodnight, William. I love you." 
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