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Book online «The Lost Eight by Duron Crejaro (libby ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Duron Crejaro

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need help escaping the city unmolested though. Also, Amlily must be made ready for invasion; the King must be convinced of the dire circumstances he is to face. This city must not fall to her. If Amlily falls, Thyrinn will not be far behind. I need time to secure the heir, and lead him to his destiny."


"What of the other?" She inquired, giving no specifics. Both of them knew of whom she spoke.


"Only the eldest is needed, the other shall remain hidden, incase I fail. Someone must remain to stand before Belladria." His mind was wracked with uncertainty as he spoke. Should he procure the other heir as well? No, if he failed with the eldest another would be needed. All hope rested on them.


She reached out then, touching Elris' hand gently trying to comfort his mind. She could see the insecurities racing through him. "I've never known you to fail."


"There is a first time for everything Ahrianna. At dawn, we shall be at the gates. Be a dear, do not keep me waiting overly long?" a simple statement as he rose, heading for the door.


She watched him leave with a coy smile, speaking low as not to be overheard. "Of course my Tempest." She reached for the table, grabbing a small bell, which she rang immediately. The young woman from earlier rushed in. Ahrianna quickly barked orders for the morning.

Chapter 9: Reception

Elris slipped out of the city the same way he had entered. He shivered with a cold wetness, and was thrilled when he saw the light of the campfire from a distance. He found Creolis and Desoil still wide-awake. Other then a slight start, neither of them reacted to Elris' sudden appearance. A curious look passed between them at his drenched clothes. Elris said nothing as he grabbed a bit of the wood they had collected and tossed it onto the fire stoking its flames a bit higher to warm himself. "Yes, I made it into the city. At dawn we will be granted entry, the loremaster will see to it."


Desoil seemed to twitch a little at this, but said nothing. Creolis was oblivious, but Elris noticed, "What's wrong Desoil?"


He gave a small shake of his head, silver scales glittering in the firelight, "It's just that I've never been into a city before. I've never even left the swamps. I've seen only a handful of outsiders in my lifetime, unless you count the dwarven caravans traveling the Reastro."


"Eh, this will no doubt be a learning experience for you then my friend." Elris offered consolingly, trying to refrain from letting his teeth chatter from cold.


"It's not me I'm worried about. It's them," He motioned in the direction of the city. "Few have seen a Broslak, we rarely venture beyond the marshes. I'm certain none have seen one such as myself," distress obviously gnawing at his mind.


Elris sat silent a moment, pondering his words, and his remarkable appearance. "That is true, but Amlily is a city of knowledge. The histories of the Silver One, though obscure, are not forgotten. Hold high your head, maybe it is time for them to be remembered, and word of the Silver One to once more be spread?"


Desoil had no response to this, and so said nothing. Elris yawned deeply. "We are close enough to the city that a watch is not necessary. If you two choose to keep one this night, you will do it alone. I'm exhausted." He would say nothing else as he stretched out to enjoy some well-deserved rest. Within the span of what seemed only seconds he was breathing peacefully in a deep slumber.


"It always amazes me how he can just fall asleep like that." came a wistful remark from Creolis. He looked at Desoil who sat brooding still. He gave him a light pat on the shoulder. "Lighten up, it probably won't be as bad as you think. Besides, we'll be right there with you."


Desoil managed a half smile and a nod. He supposed that he would find out one-way or another. He snatched another large branch, positioning it on the fire so that it would burn slowly through the night. Then the two of them retired for the evening.


Elris was the first up in the morning. He wasted no time waking the others. It was shortly before dawn, the light pinkish hue of the first rays of morning were just beginning to overtake the deep midnight blue of night. They broke camp, not bothering with breakfast, Creolis looking forward to a hot meal in one of the local inns, assuming that Elris really could get them into the city. No one had yet gathered outside the city gates as they approached. It was still to early for that. They stood before the gates, still closed. Saying nothing, they stood patiently waiting, as the guards above simply stood watching them. It did not take long for the guards to grow impatient at their silence. "The gates won't open for a bit yet, go on about your business. You may not be granted entry anyway." They yelled down.


A silencing glance leapt from Elris to Creolis, and this time he held his tongue. "We will be granted entry. War is coming, and the Loremaster will want to see us." Elris yelled back at them.


From his vantage below, he could see the guards glance at each other, doubt written upon their faces. "The Loremaster seldom leaves her library, I doubt today will be any different. Especially for a motley group of peasants." One of the guards responded in a superior tone.


"Oh, I have a feeling that she will. We will wait." He said, tapping his foot gently with a small smirk upon his face. They waited some time, which annoyed Elris to no end. He was sure he had asked Ahrianna to be prompt. Already they had been waiting for nearly an hour. Surely, the people of Amlily were already up and about for the day. Still the gates had not opened. Creolis complained mutely about missing breakfast.


Then clear as the morning sky, a loud bell rang out in the distance, coming from somewhere deep within the city. The guards looked up, not in alarm however. From where Elris stood, they looked more surprised then anything else. A few minutes later, a clamor came from inside the gates. They could only hear, not see what was going on within. Elris knew however, his smirk having vanished. It was replaced with what could only be described as a look of apprehensive irritation. She would make a spectacle of the whole thing, he thought to himself.


In short, order, a bald man, wearing non-descript robes appeared in the gatehouse with the guards. They could not hear what was discussed, but knew it must be themselves. They motioned towards them several times, before the lead watchman finally nodded, the robed man disappearing from view. "The loremaster bids your friend remove his hood, and you'll be granted entry."


Elris scowled a bit at this. He understood Ahrianna's reasoning even if he disagreed. Let rumors circulate like wildfire in a dry forest of the Silver One's return. He had suggested as much himself last night, though he was unsure if he had really meant it. There would be no stopping the rumors that would start now however, and with a sigh, Elris shrugged mostly to himself. Maybe this knowledge would give Belladria pause, though he sincerely doubted it. He gave Desoil a reassuring pat and nod. Desoil removed his hood, letting his silver scales glitter in the morning light. A terrified shock passed over the guard’s faces as they glanced at one another. Quickly one of them took off from the gatehouse, no doubt to inform the king. A motion was given and within seconds, they could hear the grinding gears as the portcullis began to begin its slow ascent.


Once within the city, they could see plainly this was going to be an event. Elris informed the others that very rarely is the loremaster seen outside the library. Public audiences where never given. Even the ruler of Amlily had to request an appointment to see her. This being the case, as soon as Ahrianna had left the seclusion of her library, rumors of it spread through the city like a whirlwind. It interrupted morning routine as almost the entire city turned out, vying for a glimpse of the elusive woman. The market, schools, temples, all emptied in light of a once in a lifetime opportunity. As the crowds had begun to gather, the city watch and even palace guards had been called in to keep the throng at bay.


The inhabitants of the city were jostling each other trying to get a view of her, when a small child, no more then seven or eight screamed loudly. An awkward silence descended over those gathered as they turned in the direction the child was pointing, directly at Desoil. A murmur rippled through the crowd, unsure of what exactly they were witnessing. From a large carriage drawn by several white horses, Ahrianna, the Loremaster of Amlily emerged, looking as radiant as the dawn itself. With a raised hand, she silenced the crowd advancing on the three quietly. This morning she was dressed in a pale lavender gown. It trailed low, a small train following behind. The sleeves flared out at the ends, covering dainty hands loosely. Once again, her veil matched, showing nothing but her sparkling yellow eyes.


"Honored guests." She declared loudly to those assembled, giving a low curtsey. "And the Silver One. We have awaited a long time for your return." She smiled at Desoil, whose look spoke of disbelief, much like those gathered. "Let all know that the Silver One is here to help us in these dark times." She motioned them to follow, returning to her carriage with all the poise and grace of a princess. The townsfolk stood milling about. Rumors had been spreading for weeks as the refugees from the city-state had begun arriving, and now the loremaster had appeared speaking of a dark time. They were unsure of what to do, though as the three disappeared within the confines of the carriage, those gathered began to slowly disperse. What else were they to do but continue with their daily lives.


Once within the carriage, the loremaster gave a slight laugh. "Well Elris?" She inquired, knowing that he had no requested such a spectacular entrance be made. Then again, she had always been one to take matters into her own hands, with dramatic flair.


He sighed his displeasure in response, his tone showing it more, "Years in seclusion have addled your mind Ahrianna. Was there really a need for such flamboyancy?"


"But of course, Belladria's agents will return news of this to her. Then when her armies come, it will rally the people and give them hope. Never underestimate hope. I believe it was Renad's Tempest that taught that yes?" A flippant look on her face.


He shook his head, and then gave introductions "Creolis, knight of Kynny, and of course Desoil, son of the Broslak chieftain Dwenoil." The two nodded greetings at her. “This of course is the illustrious Loremaster of Amlily, Ahrianna


She smiled through the veil, "Desoil, is it true?" Her eyes twinkled with

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