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Book online «A Witches Heart by Lisa Marie McDonagh (the best novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Lisa Marie McDonagh

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I thought that this would be more fun," she sighed dramatically again, "but no, I guess being pusillanimous runs in the family. Oh well, I guess I will have to end this without having any run, I mean, I do have to look god for when I am comforting Daren after they find your body, you what's left of it." 
She raised her hand and there was a ball of fire in it. "Now I am going to what they did in Salem: burn you alive witch," she said then threw the fireball at the wood that surrounded me.
Chapter 24 
When I woke up, I heard the faint sound of a shutting door. I rolled over and reached out to take Kates in my arms only to feel warm sheets. My eyes snapped open and I saw something pale in her pillow. I flicked on the bedside light and saw Daren written in an elegant script on the front, Katheren's writing.  
I ripped open the envelope and my eyes flew frantically across the page. 
Dearest Daren, 
I notice that this is sudden. More than anything, I want you to know that I love you with all that I have. 
I have found the warlock. It was Sara. Please forgive me. I have to protect the ones I love. Please don't try to find me; I have to do this alone. 
With all of my love, 
My hand was shaking so much that it was more difficult than it should have been to read the tear-streaked letter. I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't lose her. I jumped out of bed and almost ran out of the house in only my pajamas, but I quickly threw on some shoes and a jacket and ran out the door. 
Shit! I had no clue where I was going. But I felt something, a tugging in my chest, and I followed that, praying that I wasn't too late. 
I heard a faint scream and I started to sprint. A minute later, I heard a scream of pure agony that was only yards away. I sprinted faster than I ever had in my life, I couldn't be too late, I just couldn't. 
Then I saw it, Katheren was sitting in the middle of flames as they began to consume the bindings around her. I saw a tall, dark brown haired girl laughing hysterically like this was the funniest thing that she had ever seen. She turned slightly and I could see her face, Sara, that bitch! No! "Vent!" I shouted. Wind. I sent the strongest blast of air I was able along with my silent denial. 
The fire was put out immediately and Sara was flung into a tree with a loud, sickening crack. "Version," I yelled. Release. The trees fell from Katheren and she clasped into the dirt. "No," I whimpered, Please, please, don't be dead. 
I ran over to her and held her warm body in my arms. The fire hadn't reached her yet so, thankfully, she wasn't that badly burned. 
"Shhh, I am here now, you are safe." 
"Daren?" she said, fully aware now. "Y-you can't be here, you should be safe at my house. I have to be either unconscious from all of the pain or I fell asleep and never came here or-" She broke off suddenly and tackled me to the ground. The bush behind us exploded. 
"Well I just hate to ruin this lovely conversation, but I do believe that me and little Katheren over here has something to finish with me," Sara sneered, already recovered from the concussion that I must have given her. 
"No," I shouted and stood up placing myself firmly between the two girls.  
She suddenly scowled at Katheren who was attempting to get to her feet. "You've altered him too much witch, he is useless to me now. I will have to find myself a new play toy. But on the bright side, you have someone to accompany you in hell." Then she flicked her fingers and we were both paralyzed, defenseless. Sara walked slowly around our frozen forms. "Since you have ruined him bitch, so I will kill him first and me you watch until you are just begging my to end it, then I will but you in about three times as much pain as your little hero here, until you are just begging me to kill you, then I plan on dragging it out a bit..." 
She raised her hand then went flying before she could finish her spell; she flew across the woods until her smacked into a tree again. Katheren stepped in front of me; her aura was whipping around her in wild inferno. Her sky blue aura making her look like an avenging angle. She raised her hand and Sara was lifted at the same time, Katheren flung her back down to the ground again harder this time. 
Sara yelled something in warlock tongue and a bolt of mud colored lighting flew at us, I tried to get Katheren out of the way, but I was still paralyzed by Sara's black magic. 
She didn't need saving though, she held out her hand causally and the lightning fluttered around it harmlessly. "Come on, can't a warlock put up more of a fight then that?" Katheren said but her voice was off, it sounded too ancient, and like many people were saying the same thing with her. "You can try all you want with me, but the second that you put someone I love in danger, I won't hold back, I will kill you." 
"I can't what?" Katheren laughed humorlessly, "Stop you? I will do more than that, I will make you suffer, beg for me to just end." It sounded wrong hearing her rephrase a warlock's earlier words. "Je vous d'en souffrir dans l'ensemble de la douleur qui vous avez infligé banner," she yelled. I banish you to suffer in all the pain that you have inflicted.  
Katheren threw her hands out towards Sara and her aura started to flow off of her arms and surround the warlock. Sara screamed and started to writher in pain then there was a bright flash and she was gone.  
My paralysis wore off and I fell to the ground. Katheren's aura faded and she fell backwards towards me. I caught her before she hit the ground. 
"I love you so much you crazy witch, I can't ever live without you, never scare me like that again, never leave my side again," I told her crushing her shaking body to mine. 
"I love too Daren, so much, I will never leave you again, I promise. You will have me as long as you want me." Her voice was normal now when she spoke.  
"Forever won't even be long enough for me to stop wanting you." 
"Good," she said, then fainted from overusing her aura.

Chapter 25 
I gasped and sat up. My eyes searched around frantically for Sara. The last thing I remember is the warlock saying that she was going to make me watch her kill Daren then she was going to torture me until I begged for her to kill me... 
"Oh thank god," I heard someone gasp in relief beside me. I looked over to see Daren.  
How did I get into his living room? When did his parents get here? What time is it? What happened? I couldn't remember how the fight ended or how I got on his couch.  
He pulled me into a hug. "Don't ever scare me like that ever again, under any circumstances."  
"I-I won't. What happened? How did I get here? I remember Sara saying she was going to kill us in some horrible way and that we couldn't move and I was getting so mad and then... nothing." 
Daren's mother laughed. "You don't have to remember the rest dear. You are the Wiccan Chosen One." 
Both Daren and I's heads whipped around to look at her. "What is that?" Daren asked, echoing my thoughts. 
"The Chosen One is a witch who the ancestors can posses, to give their power to when they need it the most. There had only been a handful of chosen ones for witches since witches first discovered their powers. The Chosen Ones have imaginable strength, their powers are unmatched by others, when trained that is. But the one downfall is when the ancestor's assist them, they either lose their memory of it or the details of it become muddled in their heads." 
"You are very special Katheren," Daren's father added, "You are a very powerful witch and you must be very careful, with great power comes great responsibility." 
"Copy that from a cereal box dad?" Daren teased and his father smiled. "But can she learn to control if the ancients control her or not?" 
"She could, but the ancients, our ancestors, are very strong, she would have to have a wide range of training to truly learn to control it," his mother explained. 
I took a shaky breath. "So what did I do?" I asked, afraid that I might have killed her. 
Daren's arms tightened around me. "Well I have never seen an aura quite as powerful as yours but I believe that that makes sense now, you also stopped one of the most powerful warlock attacks by just raising your hand and you also banished her to an astro-plane to suffer in all the pain that she has ever gave to others. I almost had a heart attack when that lightning came at us, especially when you just stood there and treated it like it was an annoying fly."  
"I am sorry," I told him. "But I had to go, I had to do what I did, she was going to hurt the ones I love, I couldn't let her do that." 
"I know," Daren said, then pulled a folded up piece of paper gingerly out of his pocket, "You told me that."  
I noticed that it was my letter that he was holding. Then I noticed something else, he wasn't wearing the pajamas that he was wearing when we went to bed Wednesday night or the coat he had on in the woods, he was wearing jeans and a white shirt. I felt my brow furrow in confusion. "How long was I... unconscious?" 
"Well after the fight, you passed out and I carried you back here, you were out all of Thursday, and its Friday morning, so..." 
"A whole day?! Aunt Lyn-" 
"Thinks that you are sick and that we are taking care of you since Daren wouldn't let us do anything else. Don't worry, us witches stick up for each other, you always have excuses for the mundane. And plus, it is out duty to protect you, we were told by the high priestess herself." 
"The high priestess is the leader of a coven. Your grandmother is the leader of the moonlight coven, when she found out about this, don't ask us how, that woman knows everything, she assigned us as your guardians until you could make it to the safety for the coven's hallow grounds." 
"Does that mean I have to leave right away that I have to leave Daren?" I panicked and Daren's hugged me closer to his chest and whispered in my ear. 
"No one could ever be strong enough to keep us apart, where ever you go, I follow." He said it so passionately that I almost started to cry at how happy this made me. "You don't have to leave today; you can have as long wish." 
"Thank you," I said to all of them, mostly Daren, "I could never repay you for everything that you have done for me." 
Daren's mother smirked, "Oh, I believe you can dear, that you will repay us all very soon." For some reason that I
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