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Book online «Vitrian Secrets by Dele Andersen (color ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Dele Andersen

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the boy who caught her attention. It was the girl next to him; she stood looking perfect, with her hair and makeup properly done.

“We can deal with them easily. We need to set things right and make everyone know that the rebels cannot continue this evil. We don't have to bring Wanda in," the boy continued.

“Charles—" Alexis began.

“No,” Wanda uttered, cutting Alexis off. She turned away from Charles and back to Alexis. “How much more do I have to suffer? My father? My brother? Should it be my mum next?” The animosity in Wanda's voice was unwavering. She was ready to spend the night there if it took that long to convince them.

“I knew your father well,” Alexis said with compassion in his voice. Although Wanda could not see his expressions, she believed Alexis was juggling the option of allowing her or not. “Marcus was a hero, a man of courage. We all knew him, and we can't deny that his death caused a lot of pain. But I can't throw you into the battle. That would be sheer wickedness.”

“Yes, but you know that the rebels want me, not anyone else.” She voiced her most significant point in the argument.

“The more reason!” the girl next to Charles said with an English accent as polished as Nathaniel's. She wore a Versace pair of tight blue jeans. Her pronounced hips were well accentuated in the jeans even as she stood behind Nathaniel. It was obvious she was well-toned, with no ounce of fat on her slim waistline. Her long fingers gripped the back of Nathaniel's chair, revealing she was close to the man. Her deep black hair, which was long and styled, fell freely from her face. Her body-hugging peplum top opened at the end of the sleeves by her wrist. Like beautiful flowers, her hands protruded out of the sleeves, revealing slim and lovely fingers with vibrant red nail polish.

“Have you fought demons before? I know you can see them. I heard you started seeing them . . .” she rolled her eyes, “yesterday. And today you think they will bow to you.”

“Becky!” Alexis said.

Wanda heard the caution in Alexis’ voice as he spoke to Becky. She looked at Becky briefly and sensed jealously, perhaps because Wanda was The Chosen. She ignored Becky’s words. She was tired of being pushed around, and she was ready to go to the battlefield. She needed to fight the rebels and hurt them, send pain back to them, and nothing was going to distract her.

“You know it is me they want. First it was my father's death, and now you'll let my brother die for me. I would rather die and let him live.”

Bathe shut his eyes, and Wanda sensed from his weakened grip on her shoulder that he knew she was right; Jason would die in her place.

“I can't let that happen,” she said, raising her voice. “I can't let my brother die when it's supposed to be me.”

“And we can't take the blame for your death,” Alexis said. “The moment Bathe and I suggested you be involved in this attack, your mother objected.”

“You won't have to take the blame,” Wanda cut in quickly. “I take full responsibility for this. I won’t die. And I will bring the Healing Méndez home for Jason.”

“I admire your courage, Wanda.” Bathe shook his head as he turned to face her. “But this is not a game. This is life and death. What about your mum?”

“Don't tell her until I'm gone.”

Alexis raised his head to look at Wanda. “She doesn't know you’re here?”

“No,” Petter answered. “She's already gone to bed.”

“You have guts.” Becky smiled from behind Nathaniel. She rolled her eyes again, revealing that she had been expecting a cowardly Wanda.

“She'll be a liability,” Charles complained.

“I know,” Alexis answered in a low tone, and everyone could see he was deep in thoughts. “But this is a difficult battle. The rebels' sorcery is strong, and we can barely track them.” Charles was about to object to Alexis when Alexis continued. “We'll find them through the last locations where we know they camped.”

“She has never fought a demon,” Nathaniel whined.

“She neither has a Praying Méndez nor knows how to use one,” Becky added.

“I can use the Praying Méndez. I saw Bathe use it,” Wanda said quickly.

“The Méndez is not what you train with, my brave little girl.” Alexis was on his feet now, looking extremely tall, standing on the elevated stage of the conference hall. He stepped down from the stage. “The Praying Méndez requires a dedicated time of praying to empower it.”

“Please,” Wanda pleaded. “I will train for any number of hours you want, but I'll not forgive myself if my brother dies because of me.”

“Then you will go,” Alexis said.

“Alexis!” Nathaniel burst out. “Sending untrained people into battle is not our way. She will be taken out easily by the demons.”

“The rebels will release the Healing Méndez to her only,” Alexis replied, as if he knew for sure it would happen. “Bathe will be by your side all the time.” He looked around. “No one mention anything to Sofia. I will handle that myself.” He looked back at Wanda. “We are still expecting a few Vitrians from outside in the city. We leave tomorrow late afternoon. You and Petter will move with Bathe's team because they are the closest to you, but before then, spend the entire morning and afternoon training. Becky will oversee that; she is the best-trained young lady in the fortress.”

Becky mumbled beside Charles, but Wanda didn't mind, as she'd achieved her goal.

“Tomorrow might be tough and rough. Let us get some rest and get ready for demon extermination,” Alexis finished. His voice revealed battling demons was something he derived pleasure from.

Wanda looked at Alexis, and their eyes met. They gazed at each other for a few seconds, but she wasn't sure if he was happy or sad. She had a feeling deep in her heart that he wore a big smile, unnoticeable behind the scar disfiguring his face.

“Thank you,” she said, letting out a deep breath and knowing she might be giving herself up for dead, but she didn't mind. She wanted Jason saved, and she was ready to sacrifice whatever it took, even if it meant trading herself to the rebels.




Chapter 10


Chapter 10


The night seemed too short for Wanda. She had thought falling asleep would be a problem, but it happened swiftly, taking her away like she was in fairytale land.

Unfortunately, her sleep was cut short because of her decision to go after the insurgents. Also, the training she was to undergo was on her mind. She repeatedly dreamed about Eric and the incident at school, waking up and calling out his name. It happened several times, and her bed was wet with sweat every time she woke from these dreams.

Sometimes the dream changed, and she found herself in the position of being pinned down by the talons of the demon sent to fetch her. But most times, it was about Eric and the guilt of leaving him for dead.

Wanda was up and out early. She stood by a set of steps leading to the entrance of the Praying Hall, waiting for her trainer. While she waited, she wondered why she had dreamed again and again about Eric. The only person she had dreamed about like that was her dad, and now he was dead. She was beginning to accept her fears that Eric had not made it, but she hoped that wasn't the case. She hated thinking people were dying because of her.

People came into the hall early. She hid her face, not wanting any unusual stares. They were mostly young adults, teenagers, and people in their early twenties, with a few older adults. She wasn't surprised. Petter had told her the night before that the fortress got packed in the summer when all the Vitrian children were on break, and those that didn’t live in the fortress returned to spend their summer holiday training and spending time with other Vitrians.

Wanda watched them walk in one after the other, dressed in black, fitted clothing that reminded her of the spandex people wore when jogging around the city. The material used for making the clothes was thicker and stronger than regular exercise clothes; the Greek symbol was designed on the clothes and used to create patterns over the fabric. As she stood, Wanda saw another group of people, both adults and young adults, jogging past the Praying Hall.

The entrance to the Praying Hall had the same design as the Medical Hall; it was identical from the outside. The only difference was the writing above the big door, which was in a language Wanda couldn’t read but guessed was Greek. Next to the written words was a large sign of the Vitrian symbol. Wanda had noticed the symbol at the Medical Hall the day before.

“I see you're trying to make a good impression,” Becky said, breaking Wanda's concentration as she studied the symbol. Her disdainful look was still visible on her face. “Becky thought Becky would have to wake you up.” She looked away like she was referring to a totally different person. “You know that symbol means everything to the Vitrians; it brings healing to Vitrians but is deadly to demons.”

Seeing Becky made Wanda's stomach churn like she'd caught a stomach bug while waiting in the early morning. Becky brought the memories of Wanda's last two traumatic days flashing back in her mind.

“Well, thanks to Petter,” Wanda stared at Becky irritably, “I learned Vitrians are supposed to rise early. And I'm not going to let you have fun while you ruin the day for me.”

“Oh, but I am! Watch me. I am going to have all the fun and laughter today, not you. You already ruined the day for everyone.” Becky turned to her, and again they gazed in annoyance at each other. Becky blew her chewing gum into a big bubble and burst it.

Wanda couldn’t believe Becky could be so uncouth as well as sassy when her own family was in distress.

“By the way, Petter told me . . .” Becky broke off, waiting until she had Wanda's attention. “He told me he mentioned to you that you should get here early. And I made sure you waited a good thirty minutes before I arrived. Petter and I are very close.” Becky raised her eyebrows as animosity boiled within Wanda. “If you know what I mean.” She rubbed her lips together tightly.

“So you made me wait thirty minutes in the early morning?” But it wasn't the waiting that got to her; it was the way Becky had said she and Petter were close. “I've been here since half past six.”

“Oh, sorry!” Becky placed her right fingers on her mouth and patted her lips gently, signaling Wanda was boring.

The red color of her nail polish matched her lipstick, and her long black hair was properly rolled up and tucked in behind her head, accentuating her facial features, but Wanda believed behind all the makeup was an unattractive person. She hoped she was right. Up close now, Wanda could see they were probably the same age. Becky just wore a lot of makeup, so she

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