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Book online «The Red Fairy Book by Andrew Lang (e novels for free .txt) 📖». Author Andrew Lang

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>streams in the forest.


Presently the children found a little brook dancing and glittering

over the stones, and brother was eager to drink of it, but as it

rushed past sister heard it murmmuring:


`Who drinks of me will be a tiger! who drinks of me will be a



So she cried out, `Oh! dear brother, pray don’t drink, or you’ll

be turned into a wild beast and tear me to pieces.’


Brother was dreadfully thirsty, but he did not drink.


`Very well,’ said he, `I’ll wait till we come to the next spring.’


When they came to the second brook, sister heard it repeating



`Who drinks of me will be a wolf I who drinks of me will be a



And she cried, `Oh! brother, pray don’t drink here either, or

you’ll be turned into a wolf and eat me up.’


Again brother did not drink, but he said:


`Well, I’ll wait a little longer till we reach the next stream, but

then, whatever you may say, I really must drink, for I can bear

this thirst no longer.’


And when they got to the third brook, sister heard it say as it

rushed past:


`Who drinks of me will be a roe! who drinks of me will be a



And she begged, `Ah! brother, don’t drink yet, or you’ll

become a roe and run away from me.’


But her brother was already kneeling by the brook and bending

over it to drink, and, sure enough, no sooner had his lips touched

the water than he fell on the grass transformed into a little Roebuck.


Sister cried bitterly over her poor bewitched brother, and the little

Roe wept too, and sat sadly by her side. At last the girl said:


`Never mind, dear little fawn, I will never forsake you,’ and she

took off her golden garter and tied it round the Roe’s neck.


Then she plucked rushes and plaited a soft cord of them, which

she fastened to the collar. When she had done this she led the

Roe farther and farther, right into the depths of the forest.


After they had gone a long, long way they came to a little house,

and when the girl looked into it she found it was quite empty, and

she thought `perhaps we might stay and live here.’


So she hunted up leaves and moss to make a soft bed for the

little Roe, and every morning and evening she went out and gathered

roots, nuts, and berries for herself, and tender young grass for the

fawn. And he fed from her hand, and played round her and seemed

quite happy. In the evening, when sister was tired, she said her

prayers and then laid her head on the fawn’s back and fell sound

asleep with it as a pillow. And if brother had but kept his natural

form, really it would have been a most delightful kind of life.


They had been living for some time in the forest in this way,

when it came to pass that the King of that country had a great

hunt through the woods. Then the whole forest rang with such a

blowing of horns, baying of dogs, and joyful cries of huntsmen, that

the little Roe heard it and longed to join in too.


`Ah!’ said he to sister, `do let me go off to the hunt! I can’t

keep still any longer.’


And he begged and prayed till at last she consented.


`But,’ said she, `mind you come back in the evening. I shall

lock my door fast for fear of those wild huntsmen; so, to make

sure of my knowing you, knock at the door and say, “My sister

dear, open; I’m here.” If you don’t speak I shan’t open the door.’


So off sprang the little Roe, and he felt quite well and happy in

the free open air.


The King and his huntsmen soon saw the beautiful creature and

started in pursuit, but they could not come up with it, and whenever

they thought they were sure to catch it, it bounded off to one side

into the bushes and disappeared. When night came on it ran home,

and knocking at the door of the little house cried:


`My sister dear, open; I’m here.’ The door opened, and he ran

in and rested all night on his soft mossy bed.


Next morning the hunt began again, and as soon as the little

Roe heard the horns and the `Ho! ho! `of the huntsmen, he could

not rest another moment, and said:


`Sister, open the door, I must get out.’


So sister opened the door and said, `Now mind and get back by

nightfall, and say your little rhyme.’


As soon as the King and his huntsmen saw the Roe with the

golden collar they all rode off after it, but it was far too quick and

nimble for them. This went on all day, but as evening came on

the huntsmen had gradually encircled the Roe, and one of them

wounded it slightly in the foot, so that it limped and ran off slowly.


Then the huntsman stole after it as far as the little house, and

heard it call out, `My sister dear, open; I’m here,’ and he saw the

door open and close immediately the fawn had run in.


The huntsman remembered all this carefully, and went off

straight to the King and told him all he had seen and heard.


`To-morrow we will hunt again,’ said the King.


Poor sister was terribly frightened when she saw how her little

Fawn had been wounded. She washed off the blood, bound up the

injured foot with herbs, and said: `Now, dear, go and lie down and

rest, so that your wound may heal.’


The wound was really so slight that it was quite well next day,

and the little Roe did not feel it at all. No sooner did it hear the

sounds of hunting in the forest than it cried:


`I can’t stand this, I must be there too; I’ll take care they

shan’t catch me.’


Sister began to cry, and said, `They are certain to kill you, and

then I shall be left all alone in the forest and forsaken by everyone.

I can’t and won’t let you out.’


`Then I shall die of grief,’ replied the Roe, `for when I hear that

horn I feel as if I must jump right out of my skin.’


So at last, when sister found there was nothing else to be done,

she opened the door with a heavy heart, and the Roe darted forth

full of glee and health into the forest.


As soon as the King saw the Roe, he said to his huntsman, `Now

then, give chase to it all day till evening, but mind and be careful

not to hurt it.’


When the sun had set the King said to his huntsman, `Now come

and show me the little house in the wood.’


And when he got to the house he knocked at the door and said,

`My sister dear, open; I’m here.’ Then the door opened and the

King walked in, and there stood the loveliest maiden he had ever seen.


The girl was much startled when instead of the little Roe she

expected she saw a man with a gold crown on his head walk in.

But the King looked kindly at her, held out his hand, and said, `Will

you come with me to my castle and be my dear wife?’


`Oh yes!’ replied the maiden, `but you must let my Roe come

too. I could not possibly forsake it.’


`It shall stay with you as long as you live, and shall want for

nothing,’ the King promised.


In the meantime the Roe came bounding in, and sister tied the

rush cord once more to its collar, took the end in her hand, and so

they left the little house in the forest together.


The King lifted the lonely maiden on to his horse, and led her to

his castle, where the wedding was celebrated with the greatest

splendour. The Roe was petted and caressed, and ran about at will

in the palace gardens.


Now all this time the wicked stepmother, who had been the

cause of these poor children’s misfortunes and trying adventures,

was feeling fully persuaded that sister had been torn to pieces by

wild beasts, and brother shot to death in the shape of a Roe. When

she heard how happy and prosperous they were, her heart was filled

with envy and hatred, and she could think of nothing but how to

bring some fresh misfortune on them. Her own daughter, who was

as hideous as night and had only one eye, reproached her by saying,

`It is I who ought to have had this good luck and been Queen.’


`Be quiet, will you,’ said the old woman; `when the time comes

I shall be at hand.’


Now after some time it happened one day when the King was

out hunting that the Queen gave birth to a beautiful little boy.

The old witch thought here was a good chance for her; so she took

the form of the lady in waiting, and, hurrying into the room where

the Queen lay in her bed, called out, `The bath is quite ready; it will

help to make you strong again. Come, let us be quick, for fear the

water should get cold.’ Her daughter was at hand, too, and between

them they carried the Queen, who was still very weak, into the

bath-room and laid her in the bath; then they locked the door and

ran away.


They took care beforehand to make a blazing hot fire under the

bath, so that the lovely young Queen might be suffocated.


As soon as they were sure this was the case, the old witch tied a

cap on her daughter’s head and laid her in the Queen’s bed. She

managed, too, to make her figure and general appearance look like

the Queen’s, but even her power could not restore the eye she had

lost; so she made her lie on the side of the missing eye, in order to

prevent the King’s noticing anything.


In the evening, when the King came home and heard the news

of his son’s birth, he was full of delight, and insisted on going at

once to his dear wife’s bedside to see how she was getting on. But

the old witch cried out, `Take care and keep the curtains drawn;

don’t let the light get into the Queen’s eyes; she must be kept

perfectly quiet.’ So the King went away and never knew that it was

a false Queen who lay in the bed.


When midnight came and everyone in the palace was sound

asleep, the nurse who alone watched by the baby’s cradle in the

nursery saw the door open gently, and who should come in but the

real Queen. She lifted the child from its cradle, laid it on her arm,

and nursed it for some time. Then she carefully shook up the pillows

of the little bed, laid the baby down and tucked the coverlet in all

round him. She did not forget the little Roe either, but went to the

corner where it lay, and gently stroked its back. Then she silently

left the room, and next morning when the nurse asked the sentries

if they had seen any one go into the castle that night, they all said,

`No, we saw no one at all.’


For many nights the Queen came

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