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Book online «The Golden Wolf by Rizonne Alexander (books to read fiction TXT) 📖». Author Rizonne Alexander

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down to the forest with your mate as the wolfs welcome you. Once we reach the forest you and Flynn will be the first wolfs to undress and turn. Things will work out from there.” She said in a hurry and walking out the room. “Mom wait.” I shouted. “Lyra, I need to get dressed. Some of the elders have gathered already in the road my child. You get done.” She said hurrying away. After I got into my dress, Nula dried my hair and combed it down neatly. My hair has grown a bit but I do miss my long black locks. Both my brother’s wives popped their head in the bedroom. “Lyra!” they both squealed. “You look amazing!” said Jay. “Thank you Jay, have you seen Flynn yet?” I’m very bothered that is so scarce today.” I said frowning. “Oh, don’t worry about him. His dressed already, all the men were at the Fountain wing.” She explained. “Are you ready?” she asked. “I guess.” I said sighing. Nula and the girls left the room and house. My mother has gathered outside with the rest of the village. My bedroom gave a small view to the road and forest and I could see many people on both sides of the road, looks like I will be walking between them. The bills started ringing, very loudly which signalled the start of the ceremony and welcoming the presence of our ancestors. It was time for me to leave the house now and to lead the Luna pack into the forest. My stomach twisted and turned for I was so nervous. I took one more look into the mirror, as what Nula said; natural beauty. I walked out the bedroom, downstairs and entered the kitchen. The door was still closed and the bells were ringing. I took one more breath and I opened the door. The bell immediately silenced and beating of drums started. I walked forward, leaving the house as my trail followed me. I can’t believe I’m barefoot as well! I was astonished when Nula told me that I cannot wear shoes. Everyone was silent and all you could hear was the beating of drums at a low tempo. There was a few elders crying, my mother included when I looked up. Everyone’s head was bowed as I left the front yard into the road. A trail of yellow petals was laid down which I’m sure leads into the forest. Once I was at the starting point in the road to walk down, Flynn came out of nowhere. He was in a black pants, white shirt and barefoot as well. He stood in front of me and took a bow. I was in awe of what exactly is happening. I didn’t expect that. He came to my side and asked my hand. My palm and his palm gracefully touched. Huna then came forth and took his place in front of us. “Luna, Luna, Luna. Embrace your new Alpha as she walks.” He shouted and the rhythm of the drums started to increase. He was chanting with the beat of the drums and started to walk. Huna was throwing some powdery dust on the petals as well which made it turn into gold glitter. Flynn looked so proud, he was looking straight ahead, very serious too but I could see that he was taking his place by my side officially. Me and Flynn followed Huna and so did the rest of the pack. Row by row, they came behind us and followed. The walk was long and intense. It felt like I was walking down the aisle for my wedding or leading a funeral. Nobody spoke. It was only Huna chanting with the drums. If I’m not mistaken he was speaking to the ancestors. I could hear another person burst into tears, wailing. “Don’t worry, she will be okay. Her husband that past on just came forth from the spirit world, Huna welcomed him now.” Flynn whispered still looking ahead. Flynn sensed that I was a bit shaken. “So, you saying that every dead wolf from the pack is speaking to Huna now?” I whispered back to him. All he did was nod. I felt very much enchanted about what is happening, my followers have full of faith in me. We finally reached the end of the road and into the forest. Huna stopped in front of the pedestal that was a few feet away from this massive fire holder that burned bright. “Lyra and Flynn, everyone is behind you. They have accepted you, now it’s time to lift your wolf to the ancestors to accept fully. Take off your clothes, stand on the pedestal and be bare.” He said walking away. Flynn let go of my hand and we started to undress. For a moment it felt as if I was back on stage at the casino, stripping bare. We both got on and I avoided all kind of eye connection. Flynn took my hand. “Are you ready?” he asked. I nodded and smiled. Huna then started to chant again and suddenly the fire burnt higher, the drums beating faster. He continued to chant as sparks flew from the fire and everything became so bright. I felt electricity once again going through my body, I looked at my body and every vein was alight. So was Flynn’s body too. Suddenly my body felt like it was on fire and at the same time every bone started breaking. I screamed out in pain and Flynn followed. Our bodies started the change, my spine broke as well as my legs and forming itself again adjusting to a wolfs body. Finally the transition was done. Huna started chanting again and I got up from my fall. I have fully transitioned into a wolf through the ancestors and not by my request. Every person in the Luna pack turned to a wolf to celebrate my full authority now. I was theirs and they were mine. My eyes gleamed silver as I howled out to them. we howled together to make the other packs aware that an Alpha has now been accepted. I felt something wasn’t right, I looked to my left. Flynn was still laying down in human form. I connected to Huna’s mind. *** Huna, what is going on with Flynn? *** I asked. *** The ancestors have not accepted him as the second Alpha of the pack. *** he explained. *** Why not? He is my mate. *** I stated. *** He is but there is a hidden secret and the ancestors do not tolerate anything but honesty. Leave him and lets run. The pack is waiting, you have a responsibility now. *** I nodded and jumped off the pedestal making the ground shake. Immediately I bolted past the tree’s and deeper into the forest as a gold trail was left behind and the wind passing through my golden fur. The pack was behind me and we all ran at a speed. The animals around us trembled beneath us, the ground shook beneath us. We are the Luna pack born directly from the moon. After the run was done, everyone turned back and went back to the fire to enjoy drinks and food to celebrate. When I got there, Flynn was not there anymore. I walked back home to where my mother was too. I entered the house and got my mother busy in the kitchen. “Mom, when are you going to stop cooking?” I asked. “When the festivities is done Alpha Lyra.” She said smiling and I rolled my eyes. “Where is Flynn?” I asked. “His upstairs getting dressed.” She said frowning and also confused to what is happening. I climbed up stairs and as I wanted to enter the room Flynn bumped into me. “Hey, where are you going? We need to talk.” I said to him upset. “Lyra, I have to go. I have to find Emily.” He said not even looking at me. “I’m sure that can wait five minutes.” I said. “No it cant.” He replied trying to leave the room. “As your Alpha I say you wait.” I stated clearly. He then looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. Maybe I should have not done that but I was expecting to marry this man in a wolf ceremony and he got rejected. Somewhere there Is something hidden. He sat down sighing onto the bed. “Flynn what is going on? You were rejected for a secret?” I stated. “I don’t know Lyra.” He said lowering his head. “How can you not know Flynn? We are mates! What are you hiding from me?” I said raising my voice. “This is supposed to be my fairy-tale life now and look what has happened.” I said upset. “Look at me Flynn!” and this time I shouted. “Banish me for all I care but I am leaving know to find out what the fuck is happening.” He said, got up and left. He left me there. I could feel my heart breaking, I sat on the bed and started to cry. My mother came into the room and sat next to me. “My child, Alpha Lyra. I know it hurts but he needs to find his path now. He needs to seek what is unknown to him. The same like you have done.” She said and hugged me. I put my head onto the pillow and she covered me with a blanket. She left the room and closed the door.



Chapter 10


Emily’s POV

It’s been eight days since the attack from Syber. Me and Safar is still a bit jittery and in hiding. Well we still not sure if the hiding part is even working. My baby bump has grown even more and none of my jeans are fitting me anymore, I just hope this little baby will be safe in this world. Me and Safar still continued to share a room over the past few days, not letting anyone of us out of sight and also sharing a bed. For some strange reason, we just feel safe and our magic together is at least a decent voltage amount. I wonder how things were going with Flynn, I miss him dearly. I’m not too sure if I will undo the spell on Flynn yet, I really don’t want to spoil things for him. “Emarie, breakfast is ready!” Safar shouted from below. I slowly got up from the bed, I can’t do things too fast anymore these days. I put on my robe and morning slippers. I really felt like an old pregnant person, swollen feet and all. I slowly walked down stairs and embraced in the bacon smells that filled the kitchen. “Morning Safar.” I greeted. “Hey Emarie, have a seat and here is your plate.” She said. I took the plate and digged in. she too took a seat and we ate in silence until the doorbell rang. I think I almost choked as it broke the silence. We both looked at in other afraid. We quietly put down our forks, I wiped my mouth with the napkin. I gave a deep sigh looking at Safar, we have been so paranoid about everything. To a dog barking or a car passing by. We both got up slowly and made our way to the door and opened. It was a little girl. “Hi mam, im selling cookies to raise funds for a school trip.” She said smiling. “Later okay?” Safar said and closed the door. “I really cannot live like this Emarie, its heart wrenching.” She said, “Me too Safar, me too and for me it’s even worse because I’m carrying a Hybrid child.” We were almost in the kitchen when the bell rang again. “Oh c’mon!” I pleaded and we made our way to the door again. Safar opened the door and the chanting started “meurs, meurs viens avec moi et laisse-moi emmener ton corps” they kept

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