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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (motivational novels TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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what to think. All I know is this. As soon as my eyes met yours in that office, I knew I had to have you.” Mary Ellen blushed away. He reached across the table to touch her cheek. “Your eyes had me hooked the moment I saw you.”
“Oh stop.” Mary Ellen replied.
“Your sister’s right, you know.” Michael went on. “Something in my heart told me to be here. How did she know what I was thinking?”
“Ariana just used telepathy.” Mary Ellen remarked. “All the Ancient Mystics have it, and the Earthly Protectors only have it with their loves.”
He moved to sit next to her. “Here, we haven’t known each other a day and I feel ...”
“You’ve known me forever?” Mary Ellen supplied. “Yeah, it’s like that.”
They stared into each other’s eyes, with her making the first move. She reached to take his hand in her own.
Something in her silver-blue eyes was irresistible. Her lips so full, her black hair so soft to his touch. He had to do it, and did.
Michael kissed her on the lips, his heart jumping at the amount of passion he put into it. It doubly pounded when she kissed him back.
I’ve found you, Earthly Protector, came Mary Ellen’s voice to his mind.
When the kiss ended, they stared at each other.
“Did you?” He asked.
Mary Ellen smiled, kissing him again. You’ll learn soon enough, my love.
“Is this all an illusion?” Mary Ellen asked, searching his dark green eyes.
“I sure hope not.” Michael announced softly, kissing her again.
They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, holding each other in a romantic embrace as they thought the same thought.
This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Beginning of the End

Sabrina and Damian managed to make it through the mirror without passing through the Abyss. They didn’t have to surrender what little powers they’d had in the Dream Realm to the Abyss’ own Keeper of Souls. Instead, the siblings fell though the portal to the Unknown, landing in the murky waters just west of the newly-built Dark Tower. Sabrina managed to land without hitting the water while Damian landed face-down in the mud.
“What’s wrong, brother?” Sabrina quipped. “Forgotten how to land?”
Damian wiped the mud off his face, spitting it out of his mouth before responding with a sneer. “Very funny. Can we get home already?”
“Certainly, but first, to check up on things.” Sabrina stood, shouting into the air. “D’Kora! Appear in front of your Maiden!”
In seconds, D’Kora was there. When she saw who it was, she bowed. “Maiden, you have returned!” Standing, she caught the eye of Damian, who noticed something odd about D’Kora right away. “My Lord Merchant!”
“Enough, D’Kora.” Damian commanded. “What news have you to tell us?”
Sabrina was silently fuming. D’Kora was her maid-servant after all, not his.
“There are newcomers to Dark Tower.” D’Kora responded. “You will be pleased to know them.”
“Who are they?” Sabrina asked.
“Old Dominionites, come back to Lord Master’s side.” D’Kora replied. “Come, I will take you through the Haunted Forest to Dark Tower.”
D’Kora led them though the forest, past the gates of Dark Tower, and finally to Master Orthos’ own lab, where Sabrina and Damian met the eyes of three Old Dominionites.
“Lord Master, your children have returned.” D’Kora announced, head bowed.
That’s when he looked up. “Wonderful!” He cried, arms around his new queen. “Now leave us.”
“Yes, my Lord Master.” D’Kora bowed, then disappeared.
Sabrina stared at the familiar woman her father now held in his arms. Damian’s eyes went to the red-headed beauty beside her. The siblings looked at each other.
“Lord Merchant!” Shenara squealed, racing to meet his open arms. “I have missed you!”
“And I, you, my sweet Shenara.” Damian kissed her.
As he whisked her away from Sabrina’s dangerous glare, Sabrina turned to the girl with the short, spiked white hair that stood beside her father.
“What are you doing here, Dominionite Albrath?” Sabrina commanded.
“I have come to be your humble servant, my Lady Maiden.” Albrath’s eyes were mischievous, and it was as if she wanted to spill all she knew.
Of course, it wouldn’t work out that way.
“I will speak to you later.” Albrath continued, watching Sabrina’s face turn expressions. With a final bow, she, too was gone.
Exasperated, Sabrina stalked closer to Orthos. “Father? What is the meaning of this?”
Orthos only smiled at his daughter. The woman beside him smiled, too. “I believe you already know Gloriana?”
“Of course.” Sabrina said. “What is a mere Dominionite doing here?”
Orthos ignored her. “Call her Mother, or Queen Mistress Gloriana.”
The statement was a new one on Sabrina, the Dominionite Maiden. She had once been in charge of Gloriana and her daughters. Now, it would seem Gloriana would be in charge of her.
“Wonderful to see you again, Sabrina.” Gloriana grinned.
Sabrina was furious. “How dare you show such disrespect to your Maiden!”
Gloriana faced her new step-daughter. “Now, now Sabrina dear. Is that any way to treat your new mother?”
“You have wanted my father since the Wars.” Sabrina whispered. Gloriana smiled, listening to her. “Now that my own mother is gone, you wish to take her place.”
Gloriana shrugged. “Of course. I always get what I want in the end.”
Sabrina was fuming at her new “mother.”
Orthos decided to break them up. “Ladies, ladies. There will be time later to reminisce.”
Sabrina nodded in agreement. “For once, I agree.” She cleared her throat before stating. “I have come home for your help.”
“My help?” Orthos asked. “In what? Your personal struggle with the Woods’ sisters?”
“The Black-as-Night Crystal, Father.” Sabrina said, showing it to him.
“Yes, the famed and acclaimed Black-as-Night Crystal.” Orthos said. “My girl, how did you get it?”
Sabrina shook her head. “That does not matter. What does matter is getting its power back, quickly. When I was in the Old Dominion, it was getting weaker by the moment.”
“In a hurry?” Gloriana quipped.
Sabrina glared at her, then continued, turning back to her father. “It has been nearly two Outer Realm weeks since I was last able to use its power against the Sisters.”
“So what?” Orthos replied.
“So what?” Sabrina echoed. “I need to recharge the Crystals power, that’s what!”
Orthos put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Relax, my Maiden daughter.” He said with a smile. Sabrina saw Gloriana had her arms folded in front of her as she watched the scene. “Use the power sphere in your room. It holds power for you.”
Sabrina was impressed. “Thank you, Father.”
“How did you manage to get home, Sabrina darling?” Gloriana snipped. “Were you Exiled by Young Guardian again?”
“No!” Sabrina responded. “We used the Ancient Mystic Mirror in the Palace.”
“How?” Orthos was intrigued. “Only Ancient Mystics are allowed in the Palace. How did you get through the door? It was laced with Magic spells!”
Sabrina laughed. “Simple, Father. The door was open.”
“Neither of the Sisters saw you, did they?” Gloriana was getting into her story now.
Sabrina shook her head, finally happy being the center of attention. “Nay.”
“How did you get in the Mirror Room?” Orthos asked.
How did she get in? She didn’t remember a thing.
“I touched the knob and called the spell.” Sabrina supplied. “After that, the door opened. Damian and I got the idea to use the Mirror to return after Mother told me something.”
“Only Ancient Mystics can use that Mirror.” Gloriana cried.
“Never mind, Gloriana.” Orthos waved a hand at his new bride. “What did Jezebel tell you?”
Sabrina didn’t want to tell him, but by the look in his eyes, he was dying to know. “Damian and I are Ancient Mystics.”
Orthos turned away. “That cannot be true.”
“How were we able to use the Ancient Mystic Mirror than, Father?” Sabrina cornered. “Tell me that!”
Orthos paced to his Dark Cauldron, silent in thought. Gloriana took the hint and turned to her.
“Go to your room, Sabrina.” She commanded softly.
“I refuse to listen to you!” Sabrina yelled.
“Do it!” Orthos yelled in his dragon’s voice. That made Sabrina jump.
Without another word, Sabrina the Dominionite Maiden turned on her heel and huffed to her room.
“How dare he do that to me!” Sabrina screamed, slamming the door and going to the glowing sphere of power that stood in the middle of the room.
She took the Black-as-Night Crystal from around her neck and chanted something under her breath. It started to glow, brighter this time. In her mind was a devious plan that not even a mere Dominionite like Gloriana could destroy.
Sabrina smiled. “Just wait until the Crystal is at full power!” She whispered under her breath. “I will show them who is boss around here!”
At that, she cackled, her laughter echoing the building.


Meanwhile, Damian took Shenara to his quarters in the south wing of Dark Tower after leaving Orthos and Gloriana. Now, Damian paced the room in thought while Shenara stood watching him. In an effort at grasping his attention, Shenara wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss.
“It has been too long, my Lord Merchant lover.” She purred seductively.
It seemed to work, for Damian wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. “Aye, but it is good to be back in your arms, darling.”
Though she knew he meant it, she could tell her lover was distracted.
Shenara stroked his cheek, forcing him to turn his hollow eyes on her. “What is on your mind? Why is your face so distant to me?”
Damian kissed her lips again. “Think nothing of it, Shenara my love.” He said. “I was merely thinking of something my sister told me.”
The very mention of the Maiden made Shenara excited. She took his hands. “Oh! Do tell!”
“It would seem we are Ancient Mystics.” He said simply, as if it were an everyday statement.
She was silenced in awe for a moment before finding her words. “Surely, she jests!”
Damian shook his head, smiling.
“I do not believe it!” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“Nor did I until we entered the Ancient Mystic Palace.” He told her. She was intrigued, waiting.
“What happened?”
Damian held his grin, loving to tease his former Warrior lover. The look on his face was mysterious and cunning. He loved holding her in suspense. He had been in love with the Dominionite girl since they were children, fighting with their parents in the Wars for Power. Now, all grown up, his feelings for her had grown as well.
Shenara stomped her foot, impatient. “Tell me – What happened!”
“I felt something I had never felt before.” He told her, taking her hands. She waited for him to continue, searching his eyes. “Pure power. It was so peaceful and full of the goody-goody energy the Ancient Mystics carry with them.”
“Really?” She asked, a scowl on her lips. “Go on...”
He took her into his arms. “I have been thinking, my love. Since we are Ancient Mystics, able to keep our power coming home this time, I had an idea.”
“A devious idea?”
“None other.” He said. “Sabrina wants her revenge on those who Exiled us.”
Shenara shrugged. “So? Let her have it.”
“You do not understand, my sweet.” Damian replied, pausing her words with his finger on her lips. “Not only will I let her, I will help her. For it was Young Guardian and the Crusaders who Exiled us here in the first place.”
Shenara gasped, stepping out of his embrace. “Young Guardian, your former lover?”
“That affair was long ago, and you know my sister was to blame for it.” Damian took her in his arms and teased her cheek with kisses.
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