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Book online «The Dark Ages of the Synakoy; The Past Forgotten by Wolfheart (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author Wolfheart

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They’re trying to keep even the swords the same at first, I guess. I wonder how much it matters on which sword you use.
“Same rules apply. Face the opponent.”
The two faced one another. Ivory chose a more aggressive stance, and the boy more passive. He looked older, but not by much. He wouldn’t be much more skilled than the last girl.
This time Ivory charged right at him. He blocked her blow well. She broke contact and spun around, facing him in just enough time to parry his swing. She used her blade to twist his from his grasp. He stumbled and found the tip of her blade in his face.
“End match. The victor is Ivory.”
She released the boy.
He bowed to her. “I’d love to spar sometime.” He winked.
Ivory smiled provokingly. “Anytime, doll.”
Ky laughed a little when she realized Ivory had just won a date with her sword.
The next was a man around two years older than Ivory. The mentor handed him a two-handed sword. He was large and muscular, but as he entered the ring Ky could tell by his stance he was for defense and powerful yet slower strikes. Recalling Ivory’s style, she knew that if her younger sister won, it would be avoiding his blows and using her speed.
They faced each other without being told.
Ivory circled her unmoving enemy, watching him. He stood still, watching her. His stance was rigid. Hers was loose. Quick as a viper, she used the back of her blade to strike the inside of his knee. He gave a howl of surprise. Before he could recover, Ivory used the back of her blade to hit the small of his back, grab him and put the edge to his throat. He froze, his eye watering with pain.
“End match. Victory is Ivory’s.”
She can be vicious…
It was Zenic’s voice. Ky resisted laughing at the surprise in his tone. He was back from hunting a little late.
Ivory released him carefully, making sure not to cut him in the slightest. He looked a little surprised.
“Who taught you to fight like that?” He asked.
She shrugged. “I don’t remember. I’ve had many different trainers.”
She thought a moment. “Your word, I believe, would be teacher or mentor.”
“You’ve had more than one mentor?”
“At least four. They all said to fight differently. Eventually, I learned my own style through what they taught me.”
“You’re a natural.” He told her and left the ring.
The next opponent was a woman that looked older than Ky. Ivory blinked as the woman was given a katana as well. She was lean and tall, with a scar running down her face.
She entered the ring and took the stance of a professional fighter. Ivory looked her up and down and took her own stance. Ky noticed it was a little more rigid than her usual form; she was aiming for defense and endurance, not attack and speed.
Ivory didn’t move. The two swords women watched one another for a second, looking for weakness. Ivory moved first. Their swords locked. Kiyoshi held her breath, waiting for one of them – mainly Ivory – to get hurt. Ivory twisted, dislodging her blade. Ivory staggered, however, and the woman tripped her. By the time Ivory hit the ground, the woman’s blade was in her face.
“End match.” The swords master began. Then he noticed the woman wasn’t backing off.
“You monster…” The woman began. “Blood of the beast and face of man.”
“Enough, Sylva! You have defeated her!”
“She is not dead!” Just before the woman could plunge her blade through Ivory’s bare throat, a huge black wolf leapt at her, ripping into her arm. She dropped the blade, screaming in shocked agony and trying vainly to beat Kai off.
Ky rushed in and touched her. Using the Druid magic, she reached within her mind and showed the girl within the horror she was doing. Suddenly, the animal stopped. Kai’s eyes looked at her, and the beast was the human girl again. Tears were in her eyes; tears of both horror and fury.
“Healer!” Riviera called. The healer raced over as Ky took the girl she still thought of as her little sister from the bleeding, terrified woman. She began to apply bandages to the wounds to stop the bleeding. Worrying about infection would come later.
Ivory grabbed her katana and rushed back over to Ky – right into her arms. The girl was shaking. Kai wrapped around them both, anger as well as fear and horror whirling around them like a twister.
Riviera was over by the healer. “Will she be able to fight?”
“We’re not sure yet.” The healer answered. “And we won’t be for a few days now.”
Riviera nodded, and approached the group.
“I apologize for this. I had no idea the death of her son has shaken her so. He died fighting a girl who suddenly became a tiger and ripped out his throat. Dark magic users and demons plague us, and sometimes the grief of loved ones they kill drives those they leave insane.”
“Just make sure that woman and her family come nowhere near my family! She nearly killed my sister!” Kiyoshi snapped, unforgiving. “And saying rotten things like that!”
She nodded. “I understand. I’m sorry, Ivory. I think after today, nobody will doubt your motives.”
She turned around, eyes shocked and confused. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’d like those remarks to stop!”
Riviera nodded. “I will have her pay her debt. I assure you, this will be mended.”
None of them knew what to say to that.
I’m not the only one lost…
Tenzik approached. “Are you willing to continue on?” He asked Riviera and Kiyoshi at the same time.
“Keep psychos out of the damn ring and I’ll fight. My weapon is the scythe.”
He nodded and went up to scythe master.
The healer gave the woman some leaf to chew. “It will kill the pain and help you sleep. Chew it or feel everything.” The woman took the leaf and shoved it in her mouth. Ky waited for the woman’s wound to be bandaged and moved, then moved to the scythe master. Already knowing which one she wanted, she picked it up and moved into the ring. Tenzik returned to his place.
“Sorry for the delay. Sylva will be forced to pay for her actions. Such behavior is not acceptable.” Riviera was telling the crowd. “These are respected people who don’t fully understand our world, even if they were born here. Remember that they will fight with us. They will help stop this war against the Synakoy, and purge their evil from our lands!”
The crowd became a mixture between approving claps and concerned muttering.
“Any who make a threat or an attempt to harm them will be punished. It will not be a pleasant punishment. I would advise avoiding them if you do not think you can manage being near them. And I suggest you report any hate you hear of our new allies.”
Then she fell quiet. As soon as it was calm enough for him to speak, the staff master signaled a boy. Kiyoshi was surprised at how young he was; he could be no more than sixteen.
Then again, they started Kai and Ivory with younger kids, too.
He came into the ring and took a staff tied to his back – most likely to free his hands during riding and everyday activity without being separated from his weapon. His hair was long and tied in a ponytail. He looked at her closely, nervously.
What’s wrong with him? Is it because I’m older?
Recalling what she’d been taught by her mother and trainers, she took a more balanced stance that would allow quick movements – swift attack and ready defense. She hadn’t practiced in a long time, but her body knew it mechanically from several years of daily training.
It’s been at least four years since I even picked up a stick to fight. And that was to defend myself from a robber trying to steal Tempest.
“Staves are the weapon of the leaders of tribes. They are the weapons of the ancient Synakoy Druid, and for us the weapon chosen by beast tamers, masters and even lovers. They are a weapon to hinder the harm of those we love, and used for defense. Only the Synakoy have used them to kill, and even then it was rare and usually by mistake or pure necessity.” The master was explaining, his voice deep and wise. Ky noticed he was the eldest master in the area. “Because staves are weapons of protection, they are often ignored by outlaws and more dangerous people. A calm, more peaceful person is the wielder of the staff. You must be careful to aim properly so that you do not hit a pressure point in the skull, chest or spine – and if you do, not to hit hard enough to paralyze one physically or mentally, or possibly kill them. For a duel, any hits in the said places will disqualify you and you will be put through vigorous retraining and other punishments. The last person standing with a weapon will win a match. Drop your weapon and you lose the duel. Bruises are routine in staff fighting; they will not be reprimanded.”
Kiyoshi listened carefully. She wasn’t surprised the staff implied leadership and the love and guidance of animals in their culture; it did in most.
The boy charged her. She waited for the perfect moment, then twisted aside and struck his knee. He yelped in surprise and fell. But the boy used his fall to roll back onto his feet. His staff was in his hand. Ky saw his already-swelling injury and knew he wouldn’t be able to continue.
I hit too hard for such a small boy. I should have guessed he was a bit easier to hurt by his small bones.
“Hold.” The master came into the ring and looked at the knee. The boy hissed as he tested it. “The knee isn’t broken. It will heal overnight with ice. Therefore, victory goes to Kiyoshi without penalty.”
The master helped his pupil out of the ring and onto a log to sit. He signaled a woman around eighteen to come up. She pulled out a folded staff from her waist.
That’s handy. Did she make that herself?
Ky turned and test hit, and received a strong block. Just before the woman hit her shoulder she twisted away, turned to face the woman and strike in an arch. Again, she was blocked. This time Ky slid her staff up, pulled it away and smacked it against the opponent’s hard. The woman flinched and backed off, but didn’t drop her weapon as Ky had hoped.
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