The Elf by Drakent Arrow (e book reader free .TXT) 📖

- Author: Drakent Arrow
Book online «The Elf by Drakent Arrow (e book reader free .TXT) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow
- Small ungrateful ... Said.
Ankris stood guard. The two wolves moved in a circle with
slowly, watching each another. Novan growled again. Growled Ankris
And were launched against each other with murderous rage.
Ankris had fought against other wolves, but not usually serious and
moreover, as was much larger than any normal wolf, never
had encountered a rival to its height.
Novan was different. It was a mature wolf, yes, and did not have the force of
Ankris, but it was more clever and more experienced. And on the other hand, if
Ankris had thought at some point that this was a game, Novan
I immediately took out his mistake.
The werewolf fighting seriously, was trying to kill him. When
Ankris understood this, and had no time to ask again if
worth risking your life for a human child. He bit and tore,
jumped, moved to and fro, but always seemed to know Novan
advance what to do next, after a while, Ankris had
managed to throw a few bites, but it seemed clear that it was Novan
who had won the fight.
She jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. Ankris, wounded, gave a
yelp. Novan placed his front paws on it, preventing
- You lost puppy he growled. Never should have challenged your
- You're not my father gasped Ankris.
Novan smiled, showing all his teeth.
- I'm over that elf father of yours that you gave that stretched dagger
someday kill you, boy. Do not believe me? I'll tell you a secret:
almost one hundred and twenty years ago I tried to enter the Kingdom of the Elves, yes,
puppy in the land from which you came from. A couple of elves very
prevented me flippant step and I dug a silver knife
whose brand still in my back, but before I could bite the
female ... Who knew they were expecting a child. I did not know until
fate brought you to my door.
Chapter XI Death and RevivalNOVAN BE LAUGHED while Ankris listened aghast.
- Do you see, boy? All that you are you owe it to me. They I
marked forever, but I snatched them his son.
- Ankris lie stammered. The wolf bit my mother had a
starting ear.
Novan's eyes twinkled again.
- That? Yeah, I bit off a wolf that I played the
leadership of a herd and I killed that day. But it does much
I managed to make it grow long again.
- Ankris repeated lying, but knew it was true, and he read Novan
in his eyes.
With a smirk, the magician leaned over to
tell the ear:
- You're one of us. Long before birth and were like me.
Ankris closed his eyes as the truth penetrated his whole being,
painfully revealing. His friend had told the warlock years ago
what happened the night that a werewolf bite to his mother's own Eilai
had given more details later: black wolf, the fight, the dagger
Silver ... He cursed himself for not having connected the dots before. Always
had thought that werewolf must have died long
time ago, but the same Novan had revealed that he, as a magician,
had lived longer than any normal human being.
Novan, the magician, the werewolf who saved her life and to
had taught to enjoy their wild side.
Novan, the werewolf who had turned him into a murderer.
As in a flash, his life came to him in a series of
Chained images. He remembered the face of his father's horror at seeing him
under the full moon, the words of Shi-Mae at trial, the cave where the
beast had hidden the bodies of their victims, that escape
nightmare in the rain, with his heels Hunter ...
Now, trembling with anger Ankris.
- Do you take pride in what you did? He hissed. You wrecked my life,
son of a bitch.
He tried to rise, but Novan stopped him.
- Do not mess with my mother warned.
Blind with rage, Ankris shifted to shake it off. Maybe
Novan not expect that reaction or perhaps underestimated, but the
Anyway Ankris managed to get up and turn against him. The two
again embroiled in a fight. But this time, driven by the
hate Ankris had no doubts: he wanted to finish him once and for all. And
finally managed to close his teeth on Novan furry neck, which roared and
struggled, trying to escape. After a brief struggle, the man-wolf
managed to free herself and stepped back, panting.
The two exchanged glances. Novan eyes showed the brightness ice
- You go too far, 'said the elf mage, seriously. I do not
like you. Keep that in mind because I will soon kill you.
He stepped back. Ankris growled and took a couple of steps toward him.
- Not now Novan said. See you at dawn.
He turned and jumped up, disappeared into the bushes.
Ankris wanted to follow, but stopped short when something strange
began to happen inside. A kind of murderous rage filled his
be, devouring his rational consciousness as the beast again take the
control. Horrified, Ankris recognized that feeling: it was that
experiencing the change into a wolf, when his hand began elf
to fall into a bottomless pit to sink into the darkness. It had been
Novan forever until that spell had applied awakening
your rational mind full moon nights, equaling that of the beast. The
fact that he felt fall back into that abyss of darkness
meant only one thing: that Novan had withdrawn the spell.
- No Ankris gasped, trying desperately to stay
But fell and fell, and with his last thoughts looked around
in search of the girl. Fortunately, she had long fled, taking advantage
the fight between the two big wolves who had kidnapped her. His last
conscious moment he dedicated himself to pray for him to run it
sufficiently fast for the beast did not achieve reach.
When he awoke, he discovered that he had no blood between the nails and
sighed with relief. Surely dawn had caught before
that would achieve kill again.
Limping, he went to the cabin. The fight had left him exhausted,
but deep down knew that what he had done more than
Novan showdown was postponed until the next day to
have advantage. He knew that he could fight like a wolf almost
invulnerable while Ankris should wait for the next full moon
to transform. And then not even retain control of
their actions, as Novan was not going to help him with his magic.
However, Ankris not think giving up. He had not forgotten
what the magician had told him the night before, and still seething with anger. By
once in his life, really wanted to kill someone.
A Novan.
No one was in the cabin, so decided to wait Ankris
there. He said all the windows with boards, leaving only the door
as an entry. Prepared arrows, but knew that if Novan is
presented under her wolf form, it could hurt. But
kept in his quiver hunter's arrow, the tip of silver, and
lit his own dagger at his belt.
Then he sat at the door to wait. Donovan could not
surprise from behind, will have no choice to go by the
front, and the elf's keen eyes would discover when he was still away.
Fortunately, at the door of the hut lay a small
meadow and the forest began behind.
Ankris not move from there all day, but Novan not appear. To the
dusk, Ankris realized that attack at night. The Lycans
saw in the dark like elves, so this did not mean
no advantage to Ankris. He redoubled his attention, tense, searching the
Novan came when the moon shone high in the sky.
And despite all your precautions, the magician surprised Ankris
attacking from behind. Luckily, the fine elf ear caught the
movement after him and managed to turn in time to see how the huge wolf
jumped on him from inside the dark cabin.
Ankris shot an arrow hastily, but she was right in the
heart. Novan fell on him, and both fell on the floor. While
patted his belt frantically in search of silver dagger, Ankris is
cursed himself for not having come to realize that Novan, as
mage could teleport perfectly into the cabin and
transformed there. That mistake had nearly cost him his life.
The elf finally took the knife and plunged it mercilessly in the back of
Wolf, whose body spasmed in pain. However, closed Novan
his teeth around Ankris arm. The elf moaned, but did not release the
dagger. Nor the wolf released his grip on the contrary: even teeth sank
more Ankris meat, which gasped in pain. He turned his head to look
to Novan and saw in his eyes that the money lodged in his body was
causing terrible damage, but also discovered a savage brightness
challenge in his eyes, and knew that however much pain it felt, their
teeth would still clutching the arm wrest Ankris up.
They could be so until both die, but that was not enough Ankris.
With a roar of rage, tore the knife from the back of Novan and him away
a push-the wolf released his grip, and felt it would Ankris
fainting with pain, he managed to leave his belly exposed. No thought:
plunged the dagger into the side of the werewolf.
Novan howled in pain and released Ankris arm. The two separated
and looked, panting and hateful.
Novan growled. Growled Ankris also teaching clients and
leaning forward in aggressive attitude. Still gasping in pain,
Novan walked cautiously to the side while staring at
its opposite. Ankris followed him with his eyes.
Novan jumped him. Ankris raised the knife high. The two collided
The elf did hurt him several more times, but the werewolf was not
certainly stronger, and soon the fight in his favor. Severely wounded,
knowing that only had a chance, grabbed the dagger Ankris hard.
Novan him to the ground and lowered his head to bite into his neck.
And then Ankris drove the knife into his neck. And there he stopped.
Mortally wounded, Novan howled. Ankris advantage for
shake it off, cursing under his breath. That blow should
having produced instant death, but he had done, which
meant that the knife was not nailed exactly one point
vital. However, it was apparent that silver body housed in the Novan
was killing him quickly. The elf's sharp eyes could tell that
the wound was smoking in the dark, as if the shaggy wolf back
had been burned with acid.
Deprived of his dagger, Ankris quickly charge your bow with arrow
silver tip.
Then, smiling, Novan again became a magician and
took the silver dagger back as if nothing had happened.
- You missed only said.
Ankris the bowstring taut, suppressing a wince. The
bite wound on his left arm Novan burned like
- At this distance I can not fail.
- Then why do not you shoot?
Ankris hesitated. Just had a silver-tipped arrow, and now Novan
it was not a wolf. Also, just discovered that the body of Novan
gave off the faintest red glow. I recognized it as a spell of
protection up a magical shield around the body
sorcerer, a shield that protected him from physical attacks. While
Ankris desperately wondering how to deal with an enemy
formidable, Novan spoke the words of a spell.
Ankris saw it coming. He jumped aside and the fireball
launched by the wizard crashed into the nearest tree line,
carbonizándola completely. Ankris fell on his wounded arm and moaned
pain. Novan's shadow loomed over him, menacing and triumphant.
- You see, puppy? You can not nothing against me.
- If you are as powerful as him gasped magician, why hast thou
attacked as a wolf?
Novan smiled again.
- Because, unlike you, he said as he transformed back-,
I like to be a wolf.
Metamorphosed into a beast again, Novan was on him. Ankris
waited. When the powerful legs Novan threw him to the ground, the elf
pulled his hand from behind his back and swung the arrow with the tip of
And Novan stabbed in the chest.
The werewolf howled and backed, eyes full of hatred and pain.
- But as a wolf have a soft spot Ankris said, with a grim
smile. Now do not you dare to transform
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