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Book online «Master of Plagues by D. B. Reynolds (color ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author D. B. Reynolds

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top Texas rodeo was thrown over one of the hangar’s beams. The four racists had abducted him from a non-descript construction site long after usual working hours. He was tied to another beam inside the old hangar.
The first racist in the dirty and shredded overalls was Richard Duncan. He was a devout white supremacist who’d served multiple prison sentences for drug possession, rape, child molestation, and burglary. Richard wore a dirty matted beard, had a nasty scar on his left cheek after being gang-raped in the penitentiary, and did his best to keep a set of dentures up in his badly-stained tobacco mouth. Richard tied part of the bull rope into a noose. He belted down a mouthful of whiskey and spit out some of the smelly black tobacco.
The second racist in the dirty faded jeans and dingy T-shirt was Michael Connelly. Like Richard, he was a devout white supremacist who’d also served prison time for robbery, burglary, and domestic violence. Michael kept a skinny body frame from hardly eating. His long and stringy hair was matted from dirt and oil. Corn whiskey and Camel cigarettes were his favorites. Sometimes, he did a little meth here and there. Michael took an old rusty wrench and struck the helpless black man on the side of his face. A bleeding gash was the result of the severe blow.
The third racist, also in a set of dirty and ripped apart overalls, was Dan Swinney. He was a veteran retard who’d gone back to prison numerous times for parole violations. The inside of Dan’s mouth looked like a checker board game. Every other tooth along his upper and lower rows were missing. He grew his beard down to the middle of his chest to show his stature as a true redneck. Using a solid aluminum bat, he struck their tied-up hostage across the back.
The fourth and final racist, Keith Roth, the youngest of the group, wore a stained T-shirt with an old pair of Levi’s deeply-embedded with dirt. With reddish brown hair and a thick mustache, he sported every racially-hateful tattoo symbol across his body. Occasionally, he also smoked meth and drank himself into bewilderment. Keith exchanged hateful eye contact with their victim while landing a solid steel pole into his chest.
The abducted victim to the four racists was George Pulliam. He was a thirty-three year old black man who’d lived in the greater Dallas area all of his life. George was a married man and the father of four lovely and healthy children. He didn’t bother anyone. He went to work like any man while supporting his family with love. Though he stood over six feet, carrying around a solid muscular frame, the four rednecks had no problem abducting him and bringing him to the abandoned airfield. Foreign objects were used to puff up his eyes. The men of hatred cracked a rib, busted his top lip, and slit the side of his neck.
Each of them did their part to brutalize him.
Stuart crept closer to the hangar. He peeked through one of the small windows to witness a hate crime in progress. The banner of a swastika hung on one of the walls inside. Another banner of a Confederate Flag hung next to it. Hanging next to the swastika and Confederate Flag was the cartoon drawing of white and black male homosexuals being hung by their necks and private parts.
Stuart got the picture quite clear. “So, those four racist men hate Jews, blacks, and gays. Looks like they wanted to beat and hang the first black man they found. We’re in the Twenty-First Century and people still can’t let go of their sickening racist ways.”
Richard Duncan ripped open his sweaty button down plaid shirt from under the overalls. He flashed the large tattoo of a black man hanging from a tree. George’s eyes rolled back and forth with fear. Michael Connelly stepped next to him and rolled up his T-shirt. He displayed a tattoo which said “Aryan Pride”. Dan squeezed between the two and unloosened the straps to his overalls. Proudly, he showed off the giant tattoo of a swastika and a patch for the racist group “Confederate Knights of America”. Keith walked up and hatefully peeled off his T-shirt. Many Nazi and Aryan symbols were sketched across his torso.
The climate of hate inside the old airport hangar escalated to an extreme level.
“Before we hang you, nigger!” Richard snarled with racist overtones. “There’s something that I want you to know. When I was in prison, a buncha niggers kidnapped me and drug me off into another cell block. Those nigger coons took turns gang raping me, one right after another. They left my mouth and my rear bleeding real bad. Now, guess what, nigger? You’re going to pay for what they did to me.”
Richard was handed the rusty old wrench. He struck another severe blow to the opposite side of George’s face. High doses of anger led him to discharge big globs of black spit into his face. Blood and saliva oozed down his battered face.
“Well, look’a here,” said Michael, pointing to the same tattoo etched across the wide chest of Richard. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do you, nigger. You niggers ain’t got no place here in the white man’s country. Hell, you ain’t got no place nowhere in this world. My kinfolks shoulda never let cha get ya freedom in the first place.”
Michael was handed over the wrench. Like Richard, he landed a more powerful blow across the already puffy face of George. A black man in their presence had sickened them to their stomachs.
“Look over there, nigger,” Dan hissed, pointing to all three banners. “Can’t you understand where we’re coming from? We hate all niggers, kykes, and faggots. Give me the tools I need, and I’ll exterminate every nigger, kyke, and faggot from this damn planet. We hate ya now, we’ve always hated you, and we’ll always hate your damn guts.”
Dan snatched the aluminum bat from the ground. Lifting the bat far over his shoulders, he swung forward with the hardest blow. The metal crashed deep into George’s delicate ribcage.
“Check this out, nigger,” Keith said, pressing his fingers into the different sizes of the swastika tattoos across his limbs and torso. “We are the sons of the great one himself, Adolph Hitler. Yes, he wanted you niggers, you kykes, and you faggots wiped off the face of this Earth. Nigger, we are here to finish up his work.”
Richard, Michael, Dan, and Keith stood side-by-side. The four faithful racists lifted their arms in the erect formation of the Hitler Nazi salute.
“Heil Hitler!” shouted Richard, great pride scribbled onto his face.
“Heil Hitler!” yelled Michael, elated to be a sinister racist.
“Heil Hitler!” howled Dan, the breath of pure hatred shooting from his nostrils.
“Heil Hitler!” screamed Keith, every bone in his body plastered with racism.
Stuart had seen just about enough. The four racist dirtbags mocked his Jewish heritage.
How dare the redneck lowlifes shout out, “Heil Hitler!”
Adolph Hitler was the same man responsible for the brutal murder of six million innocent Jewish people.
The fierce foursome were ready to proceed. Dan and Keith untied George from around the beam. Richard checked to make sure the rope’s noose would be effective. While they prepared for the execution of an innocent black man, Stuart had some plans of his own. The magical talisman arose from under his khaki shirt. He closed his eyes and concentrated harder than ever. He rubbed the middle near the magical Hebrew lettering. Seconds later, an Earth-shattering rumble took place only inside the hangar. The ground outside remained calm.
Stuart sent telepathic messages out to Queen Amina and the rest of her colony. George was in desperate need of their help. Flying across the sky and towards the old hangar were the queen and her entire colony. Her wings flapped hard enough to create atmospheric vibrations. The glowing antennaes zeroed in on the subjects inside. Bursting through the single doors of the airport hangar were Queen Amina and her helpers. The four racists couldn’t believe their eyes.
“Have I loss the better half of my freaking mind?” Richard weased, fear tying a knot in his chest. “Ants don’t get that damn big.”
“Where’d all those giant red critters come from?” asked Michael, ducking and running all around the hangar.
“That one ant is bigger than one of the Dallas Cowboys,” Dan commented, pointing up in the sky at Queen Amina.
“What’s that red crap glowing all around that one big ant?” Keith inquired, picking up the bat and swinging it every which direction. “That red junk looks like a bloody red pork chop or something.”
Queen Amina and her colony took over the hangar. Their cosmic powers would give them a field day with the vicious, murderous rednecks. Her antennaes were packed with supernatural powers. She released a liquid red substance as part of her artillery. A toxic alkaloid venom from her antennaes was sprayed down on the furious foursome. The venom burned through their clothing and caused a painful sting along their arms and chests. The sensation they experienced felt like torches of fire running along their skin. They paraded recklessly around the hangar fanning their burning red skin.
Queen Amina flew low above Richard. She zoomed down on him at a remarkable speed. She used two segmented clubs near her head to clamp onto Richard’s dentures and then snatched them right out of his tobacco-crusted mouth. The dentures went flying on the floor and onto the side of the hangar wall. Having unlimited powers, she also used her antennaes to sting him along his toothless gums. This caused swelling and bleeding to erupt around his mouth. The fun hadn’t even begun.
Michael tried to run out of the hangar. Colony members barricaded the front entrance. Swinging the old rusty wrench while they flew around his head only agitated them into further action. Four colony members closed in on him. They stung him all along his arms and chest. Their attack on Michael caused an immediate, excruciating pain. Like Richard, they left their signature behind by sinking their stingers into him. Painful red blisters bubbled out of their skin.
Two more rednecks had to be taught a lesson. Smaller and larger colony members obeyed the command of their superior, Queen Amina. Their skills were now concentrated on Dan. Smaller members used the dominance of their antennaes to snatch the remaning rotted teeth out of Dan’s mouth. Chunks of old smelly tobacco came flying from the surface of his gums. Having access to the aluminum bat, he snatched it off the ground and swung it through the air. Now, why would he
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