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Book online «The Slayarians - Book One by JM Barnes (pdf to ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author JM Barnes

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before I slay you, how it is you survived the purging?” It demanded in a harsh growl.
Then he felt the hot knife of the demon lord’s attempts to break through his mental barriers but Dardiax was not skilled enough now that Darkon was made stronger in mind and body. In one swift push he swept the demon’s intrusions away, a move that had seemed impossible when the devil general used the same method.
Dardiax the Darkbringer became enraged. Darkon wielded the mindflow with great force, especially in the presence of a demon.. Though he exhuded confidence and intelligence, the demon lord knew he had his weaknesses. Obvious ones that even now were sprawled in shock on the chamber floor. Dardiax knew what he must do to contain this dangerous mortal and with a gesture made to appear a dark denizen of grotesque appearance.
It had legs like a vulture’s, torso like that of an obese human male and arms that ended in bony hooks. Its face bore a hairy muzzle full of razor keen teeth and its skin was hard like a beetle’s carapace. It bowed to its master and quickly received mentally transferred commands.
Darkon raised his bladed forearm and said, “Demon, summon no more minions, for the time to do battle is here!”
Knowing the demon lord could summon more minions with a mere gesture Darkon knew he must occupy it before it could do so. He first lunged toward the summoned creature but it leapt over his head with incredible strength and raked its hooks across his sword arm as it passed. He accepted the blow and bone chips flew, he then continued his forward motion to attack the massive demon lord. Fully expecting the attack Dardiax tried to move out of reach as the Demonslayer’s sword came down in a mighty swing but the hulking demon lord underestimated the speed of the young warrior.
Strengthened beyond any steel crafted by mortal man Darkon’s sword cut the demon lord from mid-torso down to where its snake half met the floor. Immediately thick gore spilled from its body and Dardiax knew pain like never before. He screamed in agony and rage for no mortal should ever have been able to harm his great person without a great weapon of magic. This was not turning out the way he’d envisioned. The Demonslayer should have been hung before his followers as an example but now Dardiax was about to embarrass himself by allowing the slayer to defeat him, almost.
Holding a hand out before Darkon, Dardiax bellowed, “Stop your attack or the woman dies, Demonslayer!”
Looking to Sevele, Darkon saw that the servant demon indeed had its hooks poised over her prone form. Having little choice he stepped out of reach of the demon lord and halted his attack.
Holding his remaining innards inside his body while he slowly regenerated, Dardiax chuckled through the pain and said, “Now, Demonslayer, sacrifice yourself for your friends and kneel before me.”
Darkon looked from Sevele to the Darkbringer, unsure of what to do.
“Relinquish and I will spare your friends.” Dardiax hollowly promised.
Darkon knew it lied of course for its nature was to do so. He then recalled the short time he and Sevele had shared and tears began to fill his eyes. He had loved her since the first time he saw her, Sevele was so caring, so beautiful. He understood though that he had no way of saving her other than slaying their attackers. Knowing he could never reach the freakish demon in time he then decided he might reach the foul demon lord. In a rush Darkon ran forth toward Dardiax but its mind was of a higher perception than that of any mortal and it immediately detected the impending attack. With the unequaled swiftness of thought the demon lord commanded his servant to slay the woman.
Screaming his hatred and denial Darkon swung his elongated blade vertically, attempting to cleave the cursed demon lord in two. Sevele screamed a final call for her heart of hearts but was cut off by the weapon that tore out her throat.
Dardiax should have known the Demonslayer could see through his lies. He should have known he would be viciously attacked. Now, as he lay in a pool of his own gore cleft in twain by the angered Demonslayer, he realized he’d sorely underestimated his foe. Then, using his last vestige of power he promptly disappeared from the chamber, leaving his lower half behind, tail still thrashing.
About to further mutilate the demon’s remains Darkon was even more enraged as it disappeared. He then turned, expecting an attack from the lesser demon who had slain his love but found instead that it had already been killed. Galen stood poised to strike again having just cut the head from its shoulders and Graton held the shaft of his spear still impaled in the thing’s chest. Neither man showed any expression or even looked Darkon directly in the eyes for they felt ashamed for their inaction. Also, having watched helplessly as Sevele was slain they felt an intense guilt. They were not fully aware of Darkon's immunities when it came to demons so felt as if the blame was theirs alone. They had been frozen in fear and thus were forced to watch as the drama unfolded before their eyes.
Now, Sevele’s nearly decapitated body lay prone, eyes still staring as if pleading. The next sound the two grief stricken men heard would be the most painful and heart wrenching of their entire lives. The two warriors wept openly then at the sound of Darkon's screams.


The two brothers of Rena, Pillo and Darn, had been sent by their concerned parents to find her. The girl had not been back since just after dawn and her chores were eventually going to be handed down to someone else, namely her brothers. Neither Che’burr wanted that. Using their considerable tracking skills it wasn’t long before they found her location within the recently built human sized home just outside of town. They knew she was inside but no matter how they called to her she would not reply.
At first it seemed no large matter since it had ever been a favorite game between the siblings to play hide and seek. Yet as the elder brother, Pillo discovered there was no way for he or his smaller brother to sneak into the building they became more concerned. What if Rena was hurt? What if she was not inside but had been taken away by foul humans? These thoughts and worse coursed through their crafty minds and when the sound of a horse approached they became almost desperate. As the black and white speckled steed rode up to the house they did their best to appear nonchalant, as if they belonged at the obviously human built structure. A large warrior, fully armored and wearing a helm that covered his entire face dismounted and approached the diminutive pair.
“Whose dwelling is this, small ones?” The Che’burr exchanged nervous glances as they each gulped in fear. The only name they were aware of was due to their sister’s relationship with the human and it was Galen’s. The two would never speak the enchanting Sevele’s name because of the fearie pact that disallowed the fearie to give information on others of their kind.
“Speak, before I cut out your cursed tongues!” The warrior was an imposing figure, especially to the small folk.
Thinking it would do no harm and that it might save they’re necks the easily intimidated youngest brother answered honestly.
“This is Galen’s home, and that of his friends.”
The man’s face was hidden to them but they keenly sensed he was smiling under that helm. Pillo looked at Darn and the tiny boy shrugged innocently. Pillo, hoping to restore some of his pride puffed out his chest and asked. “Uhm…and who are you to ask us this?”
This brought a mocking laughter that echoed from within the encompassing helm, one that sent chills down the Che’burr backs.
“Very well, I shall tell you this. I am just a soldier in the service of a great king. One who seeks this Galen you speak of. As a kindness to you, since during my childhood one of your folk helped my poor family in a time of need, I will give to you the knowledge that if you don’t get gone from this place before I and my king return this day, you will be slain.” Allowing his gaze to linger for but a moment the warrior then turned and mounted his steed. With a solid kick to the horse’s flank the man was gone from sight as he galloped over and down the rolling fields that surrounded the home.
Again but with frantic purpose the two Che’burr banged relentlessly on the doors and walls of the building. Sadly, there was still no reply.

^ ^ ^

Rena had been contending daily with arguments from her two brothers. Even though she was of half blood they still demanded she not involve herself with human men. It was far too late, for she had fallen for the prince the moment he kissed her delicate hand. Since her prince Galen had left several days ago she had kept the adventurers’ home in order and took the time to add her loving touches to the prince’s bedchamber. Though her brothers promised her the human would never return she would not listen. She had already planned to say yes when he asked for her hand in marriage, which she was sure he would do. Sevele would be so proud of her and Rena already decided to make the half elf her lady of witness when the day came.
Rena sat daydreaming in Galen’s chamber wondering what it would be like to share a bed with a man so glorious. She had not yet shared a bed with any man and her excitement at finding herself so close to the prospect was near overwhelming. She had come here to hide both from her constantly poking brothers and from the chores she knew her mother had for her to complete. She couldn’t concentrate on her duties much anyway so she decided she was well past the age when she could decline her mother’s requests.
Even now, outside the house she heard someone talking. It was her pesky brothers nosing around looking for her! The Che’burr were nimble folk, and that allowed them to sneak about unnoticed as long as they wished. Yet one knew their tricks if one were half Che'burr themselves. Rena had therefore days ago made the home effectively sneak proof. The shutters had been nailed shut and the doors kept locked from within. Her brothers were unable to find a place to creep in so they resorted to calling her name in loud voices. They sounded as if some true purpose brought them here but she would not budge. She knew how tricky those two wee brothers of hers could be and was surprised when they apparently gave up. The small ones were known for their persistence and they almost always continued looking for her regardless of their lack of success. Suspecting a trick of some sort
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